News and articles

Pokorny Lia, Rákóczi Feri and Szilágyi Áron were searching for the secret of the good bread

Pokorny Lia, Rákóczi Feri and Szilágyi Áron, who are the ambassadors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) became a baker for a day. The ambassadors of NÉBIH get...

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KSH: export surplus increased further in November

The value of export in November 2013 was 7.424 billion euros (2,205 billion HUF), while the value of import was 6.599 billion euros (1,959 billion HUF), while the foreign trade...

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EC: the Russian ban on pork imports is an excessive measure

Russia has stopped imports of pork from EU countries following an outbreak of African swine fever virus in Lithuania, Prime business news agency reported Thursday. On Saturday Russia restricted pork...

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The Bravos hot chocolate is in the forefront

Real chocolate flavor, nice dark color, right character and consistency – the hot chocolate powder of the “Bravos Chocolate” became a silver medalist at a blind test, where the Hungarian...

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The Winemaker of the Year award was handed over in the scope of an awards ceremony

The Winemaker of the Year became Gálné Dignisz Éva, who is also the first women, who has received this prestigous recognition. The award was presented by Kállay Miklós, president of...

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Two and a half billion HUF was seized at a meat company, due to VAT fraud

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) has seized two and a half billion HUF at a hypermarket chain’s meat supplier, because despite its significant turnover the company filed VAT...

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A drop in retail sales in Germany

German retail sales dropped in December, according to the data of the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). In December 2013, on an annual basis retail sales decreased by 1.4 percent...

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Declining German beer consumption

Less beer is consumed in Germany. According to the report of the Federal Statistics Office, quoted by the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the German brewers sold 94.6 million hectoliters of beer in...

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Magyar Cukor builds silo using brand new method

On 19 November the new sugar silo of Magyar Cukor Zrt.’s Kaposvár factory was ceremonially inaugurated. The state-of-the-art new sugar silo has a 60,000-ton storage capacity and was realised from...

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SIRHA Budapest – international exhibition, with domestic flavours

Food and beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, bakery and confectionery, cheese and dairy, frozen food, general provisions, organic and fresh produce, seafood, specialty food, meat, food technology, packaging, hotel equipment,...

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Increase in the number of credit card holders

The proportion of credit card holders between age 15-69 increased steadily by the end of last year, reaching 7 percent – the GfK Hungária described the datas of its surveys...

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Two new partners joined to the MobileWallet

In February 2014, two new partners will join to the ongoing MobileWallet test. The two new partners are the Interticket and the Klub Rekreációs Kft., the issuer of the All...

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Cé almost 32 thousand companies were founded last year

According to Cé’s preliminary datas, a total of 31,811 firms started operations in Hungary in 2013, 6 percent less than in 2012. The Cé is operated by the Wolters Kluwer...

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The government would direct 100 billion HUF to the development of the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region

The government's aim is to direct about 100 billion HUF between 2014 and 2020 to the development of the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region. The local governments and the local farmers can...

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Breakfast giants from Tesco

Based on customer feedbacks, Tesco has decided to increase the size of its cacao snails, cottage bags, and the size of its cheese, potato, and crackling cake by 20 percent....

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The welfare support for poultry breeders to be doubled

The welfare support for poultry breeders will be doubled to 8 billion HUF – Czerván György, Minister of State of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM), told during the meeting...

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Procter&Gamble: a gift for the special mother of an Olympian

This year's Winter Olympic Games will start in Sochi in less than a week. Szabó Milán Gábor cross-country skier’s preparation was supported by the Procter&Gamble, while his parents, thanks to...

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New director at the pet food factory in Bük

Kai Herzke, the manager of the Euskirchen-based German Nestlé Purina factory replaces Andrew Ethell in the front of the Nestlé Purina PetCare factory in Bük. Kai Herzke (39) graduated from...

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The Russian veterinary authorities would visit the Hungarian companies in February and March

The Russian veterinary authorities wish to audit the Hungarian companies producing animal products, that transports to the Customs Union member countries. The exact dates and the list of the companies...

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KSH: accelerated growth in retail sales in November

The volume of retail sales was 4.3 percent higher in November 2013, than in November 2012. The calendar- adjusted datas show a 4.8 percent increase. These datas indicate a significant...

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Nielsen’s consumer confidence index is on its three-year peak

Nielsen’s consumer confidence index has reached a three-year record high level in Hungary. During the last, fourth quarter survey, Nielsen’s consumer confidence index increased by another 6 points compared to...

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Another four food industrial companies do not advertise for children

The representatives of the four companies signed their intention on Wednesday in Budapest. in the presence of Karas Monika, President of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH). The four...

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Azerbaijan would buy tens of thousands of Hungarian cattle

Still agriculture can be the flagship of the Hungarian-Azerbaijani economic relations. The Azerbaijani government approved the budget resources needed to purchase ten thousand Hungarian cattle – Szijjártó Péter, Minister of...

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Cash registers: OKSZ proposes to wait for a few days

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) recommends to the traders, who ordered revoked permission online cash registers to wait for a few days to resolution of the Ministry of National Economy...

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Mexican flavors in the heart of Budapest

The great burrito scrolling championship evoked the sunny Mexico into the heart of Budapest with tequila, burritos, viva la Mexico! Margarita-based ice cream, special tequila cocktails and authentic foods. While...

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Nébih withdrew fifteen tons of kiwifruit from circulation

Fifteen tons of kiwifruit, worth more than four million HUF were withdrawn from circulation, after test were initated at the metropolitan wholesale market – the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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FRUIT LOGISTICA about to open soon

FRUIT LOGISTICA once again underlines its status as the launch-pad for innovation in the international fresh produce business. “Future Lab”, a new series of informal workshops, will present products, projects...

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The Wine-Blues-Sticker Days will be orghanized again in Veszprém

The Wine-Blues-Sticker Days will be oganized again this year in Veszprém, where in addition to the culinary and musical programs a charity event will await the guests. Last year’s Wine-Blues-Sticker...

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Magazine: Bulgaria – Many retailers, several store types

Thirty-seven Bulgarian FMCG companies sent more than 100 representatives to Nielsen’s Shopper Trends workshop, held in Novotel Sofia. Jacques Vandenheede, retail insights director of Nielsen in Europe, told participants that...

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Tricking with the state support

The Secretary-General of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) considers it a common scam, that there are companies selling online cash registers, that when the traders are paying the sum for...

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