News and articles

The Balatoni Kör wants a culinary revolution

The Balatoni Kör would llike to achieve a “gastronomic revolution” by promoting local products and initiatives and with greater collaboration on the shores of the Lake Balaton. Váli Péter winemaker,...

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The “Szövi” store was renewed in Csömör

The Gödöllő COOP Zrt. has re-opened its renewed store in Csömör. The store nicknamed “Szövi” was opened its doors to the public on 14 March, again. After 1.5 months of...

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Charity will take place at this year's Macaron Day

The Macaron Day, which is developed around the cult dessert will be organized for the third time on Thursday in Budapest. In the scope of the event this year a...

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The tax authority would like to see the datas of accountants online

The tax and customs authority (NAV) would like to see the system of the accountants as well – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. The tax authority wants similar controls, that they...

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FM Logistic wins prestigious prize

FM Logistic was voted the best logistics service provider in the retail supply chain category on 13 November in Amsterdam at the 11th 3PL summit. Eye for Transport organises the...

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The food retail sales exceeded 1,400 billion HUF

The food retail revenues reached 1,404 billion HUF in the ninety food categories measured by Nielsen, between February 2013 and January 2014 as a year earlier. In terms of volume,...

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GfK: the conquer of the flavored mineral waters

While the demand for natural mineral waters decreased last year, the demand increases from year to year towards the flavored mineral waters. According to the datas of the GfK’s Household...

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Marketing Forum: Monster marketing group spirit

TCC International Marketing Forum 2014 – Forum Update...

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Many villages do not have tobacco shops

In the fourth round of the competition, 865 tobacco shop concessions were not filled, so certainly there will be a fifth round – wrote. A total of 127 concessions...

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Durex: throw everything and grab your pair’s hands during the Earth Hour!

The Earth Hour is an international initative, brought to life by WWF. The Earth Hour is held on the last Saturday of March each year. On this day, the organizers...

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The Food Panda/Hellofood online food ordering interface is Rocket Internet's fastest growing business

The Food Panda online food ordering interface in 22 months expanded its activities into 40 countries, reaching a 100 percent increase, compared to last year. With its more than 22,000...

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Milka Bubbly: stars in funny bubbles

Hien, Szekeres Nóra and Váczi Gergő tried the funniest sport; the football bubble. A huge demonstration was held on the Corvin promenade, where the stars chased the ball dressed in...

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Danube-friendly adventurers and knowledge-thirsty detectives

The team of Mindspace invites those who interested to an investigation in the scope of the Danube Flow – The Danube is Calling! on the World Water Day. The participants...

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KÉSZ-group also made a bid for the Hungarian stores of Praktiker

The KÉSZ-group made a non-binding indicative price offer for the Hungarian stores of Praktiker. The final offer will be submitted by the MI-BE Alfa Kft. – the company informed MTI...

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The NAV helps when the code does not work

Those who cannot install their online cash registers properly, can ask for assistance in email, by giving their codes – can be read on the NAV’s website. According to the...

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147 billion HUF in sales from medicinal products and pharmaceutical preparations without a prescription

The retail sales of nonprescription drugs from medicinal preparations (OTC), increased by 11 percent to approximately 147 billion HUF last year, compared to 2012 – the Nielsen consumer information and...

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Six sectors share the two-third of the online retail sales

The bulk of the turnover is made by web stores that also have traditional shops. Among other things, this came into light at the joint press breakfast of GKI Digital...

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NAK: a guide to futures contracts

Last year, all the participants of the grain market were adversely affected, that futures contracts fell short, due to deficiencies of the legislation. According to the new Civil Code, came...

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The poppy industry may bring twenty billion HUF revenue

Hungary has the conditions to become a great power in the industrial poppy cultivation again; with a processing plant the sector could reach an annual 20 billion HUF in revenue,...

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The Glatz Hungary Ltd. would Strengthen its food trading business brand further

The Austrian company Glatz Co. Ltd, is dealing with the wholesale of agricultural and food products. The company has a long tradition; At the moment, the fourth generation of the...

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Dm’s sun protection tender for the Hungarian kindergartens

The dm drogerie markt announces a tender, called “Children of the Sun” to drew the attention of the parents and teachers especially to the importance of the protection from the...

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A glass of care: protect the environment with SodaStream soda machine

Water plays an important role in our lives. More than half of the body is consist of water, 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water, we die...

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Marketing Forum in Berlin

TCC’s International Marketing Forum will be held in Berlin on 19th and 20th March and the theme of this year’s showcase is: ‘Building shopper engagement – The path to advocacy’....

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She is the Face of Joya

A lady from Siklós won Real Nature Kft.’s ‘We are looking for the Face of Joya’ competition. Entries were accepted between 24 September and 23 November 2013 and the goal...

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Whitening economy, due to the online cash registers

175 billion HUF more turnover was admitted from sectors, that were previously infected with VAT frauds, compared to a year ago – the compilation of the Magyar Nemzet states. According...

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Fazekas: the VM wants to help to the spice paprika sector

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) is willing to help to the spice paprika sector, which is in a difficult situation with 170 million HUF seed support – Fazekas Sándor...

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The dm store in MOM Park was re-opened with a new design

On 13 March, the dm store in MOM Park shopping center, re-opened its doors after one month, with embellished shop space and special promotions. As the new stage of dm’s...

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Kásás Tamás advertises a Hungarian coffee brand

The charming, three-time Olympic champion water polo player was asked by the popular Hungarian coffee brand, the Bravos to be the face of the brand’s new campaign. “I rarely undertake...

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Full house and applause welcomed the Red Bull Pilvaker show

The Revolution of Words play was debuted in front of 1848 spectators on Saturday night in the Erkel Theatre. The groundbreaking 1848 memorial was broadcasted by the M2 TV channel,...

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Procter&Gamble: Hungary is an attractive investment location

Hungary is an attractive investment location: its good skilled labor force, the infrastructure and logistical capabilities, and the positive investment and business climate also played a role that Procter&Gamble (P&G)...

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