News and articles

Red Nose Clown Doctors bring healing laughter to even more cities

In the scope of the joint charitable action of teh Red Nose Clown Doctors and Henkel, teh cheerful clowns can conjure a smiles on the faces of sick children in...

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Dúzsi Tamás was chosen as the winemaker of the year

The winner of the “Winemaker of the Year 2014” title was announced on 5 December 2014, at 12 o'clock, in the scope of a press conference kept by the Hungarian...

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The guiness record of apple eating has been broken

Hungarians broke the previous Guinness record for eating apples in Budapest. MTI Photos: Balazs Mohai At the Minden nap! (Every Day!) event more than one thousand people were eating apples...

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The price of buckwheat, eggs and vegetables increased the most in Russia

Consumer prices increased by 0.3 percent in Russia between 25 November and 1 December. The prices rose by 8.5 percent erom the beginning of the year until 1 December. In...

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EXIM representations opening all over Hungary

This autumn nine EXIM offices open in Hungary, in Győr, Nagykanizsa, Miskolc, Debrecen, Kecskemét, Pécs, Szeged, Székesfehérvár and Veszprém. The state-owned financial institution’s goal is provide financing and insurance schemes...

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Where are you going, world economy?

The world is afraid that the Fed will increase interest rates. In the Ukraine everything is the same. Europe is suffering because of the Russian sanctions. Europe’s flagship, the German...

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Vodka sales grew, pálinka sales dropped

Combined retail sales of the nine spirit categories amounted to more than HUF 40 billion in the December 2013-July 2014 period. Compared with the same period a year before, liqueur...

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Break the silence!

Oláh Gergő, the winner of the third season of X-Factor sang in front of 112 children who will eat ho food every day for half a year, thanks to the...

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The Christmas gift packages reached a nearly four billion HUF turnover at the end of 2013

The retail sales of Christmas gift packages containing medicinal products lotions, nonprescription medicines and health care products increased in value and in amount of in November and December last year,...

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The performance of agriculture has steadily expanded this year

The performance of agriculture has expanded this year even in spite of last year's high base. In 2013 the role of agriculture was determining in the economic growth, and this...

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The COOP won the Superbrands award again

The COOP this year received a Superbrands award again, which proves tfat in addition to the daily one and a half million customers, the profession also recognizes the results of...

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The ALDI has opened its 100th store in Hungary

The ALDI’s operation in Hungary has arrived to an another significant milestone: the ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. opened its newest store today, which is the 100th unit of the chain....

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KSH: the foreign trade surplus was 939 million euros in September

In September, the export value increased by 6.0 percent, while the value of imports increased by 5.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The trade surplus...

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The love.hunger campaign had a positive start in the Tesco stores

The customers donated more than one and a half times more for the benefit of the Hungarian Ecumenical Aid Foundation than in the same period of 2013 and the gingerbread...

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GFK: The fifth of the innovations becomes a successful mass-market product

Over the past three years, a total of 41 products and services won the “Product of the Year Award.” Most of the winners came from the fast moving consumer goods...

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eMAG: more than 1.7 billion forints worth shopping on Black Friday

Via the website of the EMAG online webshop the customers purchased goods for more than 1.7 billion HUF on the Black Friday held at the end of November. It is...

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How to be cautious when using the internet to buy for Christmas?

The popularity of online shopping is slowly but surely growing in Hungary. Most of these transactions are taking place during the Christmas shopping, due to the more and more appreciating...

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The average purchase price of corn and wheat decreased in November

In November, the Magro Grain Index (MGX) fell by 14 percent compared to the previous month. The inex that is showing the joint price movement of the Hungarian grains was...

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Better expectations after the summer worsening

In September the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index grew a little. Both consumer and business expectations improved a little. After a 3-month decline the industrial confidence index has been rising a...

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Complex solutions for the industrial sector

What is the most important for you during the production? The quality of the final product, teh maximizing of the amount, the seamless session or the security of the employees?...

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Hungarians consume 25 percent more pork in December

Hungarian people spend more on pork In December; instead of the usual 2 kilogrammes, they consume 25 percent more, approximately 2.5 kilograms per person – the Livestock and Meat Marketing...

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KSH: the detailed data also showed a GDP growth of 3.2 percent

The gross domestic product (GDP) was 3.2 percent higher than a year earlier in this year's third quarter. According to the seasonally and calendar adjusted data the GDP increased by...

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The confectionery market expects the same turnover as in 2013

The turnover of the Hungarian confectionery market last year was a little more than 180 billion HUF. The market players expect a similar amount this year is for the industry...

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The economic committee's proposals for tobacco retail act

In the future, the tobacco retail supplier can be selected by the relevant minister in three ways, the concession fee fows to thestate treasury – the the tobacco retail law’s...

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The consumer protection authority has started the Christmas controls

The consumer protection authority has started the controls associated with the Christmas season – Koszorús László, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Development (NFH), announced on Tuesday...

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An increase in retail sales in the EU

According to the Wednesday statement of Eurostat, the monthly retail sales grew by 0.7 percent in the European Union (EU) in October, after the 1.2 percent decrease of September. The...

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The Auchan introduces unique, special shopping carts in all of its stores in Hungary

The Auchan announced to introduce specifically designed shopping carts on the International Day of Disabled Persons. The shopping carts were developed for the proposal of a father, whose daughter has...

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Chamber of Commerce and Industry: offensive behavior to keep the level of Russian exports

The Hungarian-Russian branch of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – MKIKI – suggests to the Hungarian government that with offensive behavior the level of exports to Russia can...

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Claessens Group-Agrár protects pigs with a lift

With support from the European Union, Claessens Group-Agrár Kft. invested HUF 2.3 billion in expanding its pig farm and stock in Kisbarátipuszta. Somogy County’s biggest livestock farmer spent HUF 1.7...

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The online cash machines have brought fifty billion HUF VAT

Roughly fifty billion HUF more VAT was received from those areas of trade, where black market trade was typical before – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. Pankucsi Zoltán, Deputy Minister of...

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