News and articles

The Hungarians pile up the gifts

Fewer and fewer people are leaving the purchase of gifts to the last minute, and in addition to classic gifts, pets are still one of the most popular surprises, according...

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KPMG: Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is at risk

KPMG published the Net Zero Readiness Index in 2021,1 a few weeks before the COP26 UN climate change conference in Glasgow. The event resulted in 153 countries putting forward new emissions...

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Carlsberg and Liverpool FC have extended their sponsorship partnership until 2034

The Carlsberg beer brand and the Liverpool football team have extended their 30-year-old and now iconic sponsorship agreement for another 10 years. With the renewal of the partnership signed in...

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Hellmann’s, Globus, Rexona, Dove Men+Care and Ax are among the sponsors of the football European Championship

Unilever and the European Football Association (UEFA) have announced that Unilever’s food and beauty brands will also be official sponsors of next year’s European football championship, UEFA EURO 2024TM. Among...

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Nationwide return system for drinks packaging is ready to launch

Soon a nationwide return scheme for single-use beverage containers will be launched, and is expected to result in the return of approximately 3 billion cans, PET and glass bottles per...

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Tetra Pak: 54% of consumers consider the future of the planet when choosing food

According to the 2023 Tetra Pak Index, when purchasing food, consumers actively consider their impact on the environment in addition to their individual health. Consumers who are truly environmentally and...

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ICCO World PR report: first in ESG and MI

The most investments are expected in the field of ESG in 2024, and the acquisition of artificial intelligence skills is considered the most important thing for the future by the...

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Bence Tuzson: consumer protection can be one of the priority areas of the Hungarian EU presidency

Consumer protection is one of the most significant challenges for Europe, so it can be one of the priority areas during the Hungarian EU presidency as well – the Minister...

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The SPAR supermarket in Újpest, modernized with one and a half billion forints, greets its old customers in a new guise

he capital IV. in the heart of the district, thanks to a HUF 1.5 billion investment, the SPAR supermarket on the corner of Szent Imre and Görgey Artúr út got...

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A volume covering the 100-year history of chocolate production in Szerencs was presented

There is no middle-aged person in Hungary who has not heard of Szerencs chocolate, the history of the factory is important not only to the locals, but to the whole...

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The—Bar Giftshop Pop Up Store opens on December 6

The—Bar Giftshop awaits those interested in premium drinks with a unique and unrepeatable experience. In the wonderland available for only two weeks, those who visit the pop-up shop opened at...

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We look more and more closely at the price of bacon sugar and chocolate candy

According to Auchan experts, price is increasingly important when buying sweets for the holidays. There are typically fewer products in the consumer basket compared to last year, and instead of...

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First “Flexi Forum” organised

According to a national survey by Danone and market research agency NMS, Generation Z is the most open to substituting dairy and meat products with plant-based alternatives and to considering...

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The horticulture sector received almost HUF 200 billion in support

The government has supported nearly seven thousand horticultural investments with around HUF 185 billion in recent years, which, in addition to helping farmers, has created a huge opportunity to reduce...

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Frequent colds can even be a sign of burnout

In the rush at the end of the year, it can easily escape our attention if colleagues show symptoms of burnout. Losing the motivation of the workforce can pose a...

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The charity campaign of MBH Bank and Mastercard invites bank card customers to make a joint donation

MBH Bank and Mastercard launched a joint donation program involving customers to support the Ecumenical Aid Organization. During the charity campaign, the amount donated to the aid organization by MBH...

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A várakozások fölött a Magyar Termék védjegyet használók éves árbevétele

Az utóbbi időszak gazdasági fejleményei hatására a korábbiaknál is magasabb szintet ért el a hazai fogyasztók árérzékenysége. Ennek következtében a vásárlók egyre megfontoltabban és tudatosabban választanak, aminek köszönhetően keresettebbé váltak...

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KSH: Agricultural output value increased by 6.5 percent

In 2023, the total output value of agriculture exceeded HUF 4.3 thousand billion, which is 6.5 percent more than a year earlier. A 25 percent increase in total production volume...

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Here is the list of what makes a workplace family-friendly

In order to acquire and retain a quality workforce, employers today need to be able to respond to dynamically changing labor market trends. In addition to maintaining core values, flexibility...

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Europe’s Day in Commerce – for the nineteenth time

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) has organised the 19th edition of Europe’s Day in Commerce. The participants of the event were welcomed by László Krisán, CEO of KAVOSZ...

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F&B innovations in the Hungarian reality

Siemens Zrt. and Trade magazin organised their first joint conference on food innovations on 8 November. Zsuzsanna Hermann, CEO and editor-in-chief of Trade magazine was the moderator. This article is...

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Jim Beam Family

Jim Beam products have been redesigned. The new, standardised product design pays homage to the brand’s heritage, and at the same time retains its traditional symbols and addresses whisky drinkers...

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Verbena Herbal Candies with Vitamin C and D

The latest flavour from the well-known Verbena herbal candies, which contains natural echinacea extract, honey, lemon and added vitamins C and D. Echinacea is an herb that strengthens the immune...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index stagnated in October

In October consumer expectations improved markedly, while business prospects deteriorated a little, according to a survey conducted by GKI Economic Research, with the support of the EU. This article is...

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More questions than answers in the packaging sector

On 30 November 2022, the European Commission published a draft regulation on packaging and packaging waste, the so-called PPWR Regulation. The legislative process is ongoing and expected to enter into...

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Hogyan változtatta meg a lakosság vásárlási szokásait az infláció?

Alig van olyan háztartás Magyarországon, amely az elmúlt években ne kényszerült volna változtatni élelmiszer-vásárlási szokásain. Az NMS Hungary idén május és augusztus között több olyan online kutatást is végzett, melyben...

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Bio-waste: A massive change of attitude is required!

From January 2024, in accordance with European Union directives, the selective collection of organic waste generated in households will be mandatory in Hungary, although there is still little information available...

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On the occasion of World Soil Day, the ecological research institute draws attention to the alarming rate of reduction of topsoil

The Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) draws attention to the importance of healthy soils and the alarming rate of reduction of topsoil in its statement published on Tuesday on the...

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Growing consumer interest in new payment technologies

Mastercard’s Digital Payments Index – launched in 2020 – continued to grow in 2022, scoring 61 out of 100. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 This...

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Fogyasztás egy válságos időszakban

A Reacty Digital két évet is felölelő összehasonlító kutatása szerint a 18–79 éves lakosság háromnegyede nagyobb értékű vásárlás előtt mindig alaposan tájékozódik. Különösen igaz ez a diplomásokra és a nyugdíjasokra, míg...

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