News and articles

The EP would change the labeling of honey, fruit juice and jam

Tuesday’s plenary session of the European Parliament adopted a resolution in which it would modernize the legislation adopted 20 years ago on the composition, name, labeling and packaging of certain...

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Nébih: none of the tested plant-based protein powders met the labeling requirements

None of the plant-based protein powders among those examined by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in cooperation with the Sports Nutrition Science Center of the Hungarian University of...

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Let’s sweeten the holidays with fewer calories

The holiday season is not a time for abstinence, if we are not careful, we can gain up to three kilos on average at this time, which is not easy...

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Biztosított a minőség

A minőségbiztosítási elvárások egyre szigorúbbá válnak, aminek köszönhetően egyre biztonságosabb élelmiszerek kerülnek a piacra. Ugyanez vonatkozik az élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatba kerülő anyagokra, azaz a csomagolóanyagokra is. Ennek megfelelően a gyártók és...

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STÜHMER Christmas Crackers Selection in 10 flavours

The product has been compiled from this year’s full Christmas candy range, paying attention to the harmony of flavours and colours. As the box contains more candies from each flavour,...

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Gorenje machines received an international design award

Gorenje received serious professional recognition: several built-in devices from the company’s new G800 household appliance collection won the Winner’s award at one of the world’s most prestigious design competitions, the...

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Aldi Spain Plans December Expansion Spree To Cap Off Busy 2023

Discounter Aldi plans to conclude 2023 with a bang, expanding its Spanish network to more than 430 outlets. The discounter plans to open ten new stores across Spain in December,...

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DRS, EPR, GTIN, PPWR meg a szesz

A szeszesital-iparban érintett hazai gyártó és kereskedő vállalkozások aktuális problémáiról Nagy Andrással, a gyártókat, alapanyaggyártókat és importőröket tömörítő Magyar Szeszipari Szövetség és Terméktanács igazgatójával beszélgettünk. A cikk a Trade magazin...

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In December, additional significant sums will help the dairy sector

After the advance payment, in the last month of the year, additional payments from EU and national sources will be received by the actors of the dairy sector, indicating the...

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Consumers on weight-loss drugs buying less in certain grocery aisles, study finds

Buy rates are down as much as 20% in some categories, with bakery and snacks among the hardest hit, Numerator found. Consumers using GLP-1 medication for weight loss are spending...

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Unilever brands named as official UEFA Euro 2024 sponsors

Unilever’s best-known nutrition and personal care brands have been named as official sponsors of the UEFA Euro 2024. Food brands named in the British multinational fast-moving consumer goods company‘s new...

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AGROmashEXPO and Agricultural Machinery Show will be held again in January

The catch-up of our agriculture to the European Union is significant. While our productivity reached 41 percent of the EU value in 2010, this ratio increased to 67 percent by 2021....

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Several grocery chains will be open until noon on December 24

Some of the food chains will be open until noon, but all stores of Penny and Lidl will be closed on December 24, and Spar will also keep most of...

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2024 Outlook: Next year is about a cyclical recession, according to Fidelity’s base case scenario

Most of the surprises for central bank officials and the financial markets in 2023 stemmed from the fact that we do not yet understand the deeper economic effects on households...

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ESQR awarded Lounge Group in the “gold category” at the gala held in Dubai

In the year 2023, the ESQR (European Society for Quality Research) held its usual award gala at the Dusit Thani hotel in the neighborhood of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai....

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Pick: hot dogs are on the podium in the ranking of hot fast foods

Sausages cannot be missing from the New Year’s Eve table, but the Hungarian population ranks third with 59 percent of the list of quick-to-prepare hot foods, after the leading scrambled...

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Kevésbé fontos a magyaroknak a fenntarthatóság idén, mint tavaly karácsonykor volt

Basically, the population pays less attention to environmental awareness this Christmas – it is clear from the comparison of the research results of Rondo Hullámkartongyártó Kft. last year and this...

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This December, Mogyi will help nearly 85,000 needy people

Mogyi donated 5,000 cartons worth more than HUF 40 million to needy families, children and the elderly through the Hungarian Red Cross and the Hungarian Food Bank Association. Nearly 85,000...

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Tripartite cooperation for a fairer distribution of food

More than a thousand packages distributed to the needy through the charity project of Munch, Tesco and the Food Bank. Munch, Tesco and the Magyar Élélmiszerbank Egyesület launched a revolutionary...

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Almost a third of domestic companies will start the next year with an increase in staff

Although there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding the path of the economy next year, in the first quarter of 2024, 31 percent of domestic employers plan to expand...

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Nő a prémium sörök aránya

2023. január és október közötti időszakában az öt legnagyobb magyarországi gyártó 12%-kal kevesebb sört értékesített a hazai piacon, mint egy évvel korábban ebben az időszakban – mondta el november végén...

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Nehéz talpon maradni

A tartósítóipar évi becsült 220 Mrd forintot meghaladó árbevétele körülbelül 8-10%-át jelenti a teljes élelmiszeriparnak. Az elmúlt évtized a nyereségesség lassú, de egyértelmű trendszerű javulását mutatta, olyan törésekkel, mint a...

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Hullámzó eredmények, tornyosuló elvárások

Az ásványvíz-, gyümölcslé- és üdítőital-ágazat évente mintegy 300 milliárd forint termelési értéket állít elő. A három szegmensben az elmúlt időszakban nagy gondot okozott a nyersanyagok, a csomagolóanyagok, az energia, valamint...

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Nearly 250 people imagined what the shopping center of the future would be like

The logo competition in the Westend has ended, for which nearly 250 works were received. According to the call for proposals, this year we had to imagine what the shopping...

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Ukraine’s accession to the EU would endanger the livelihood of European farmers

Ukraine’s possible accession to the European Union would threaten the livelihood of European farmers, as European farmers cannot compete with hundreds of thousands of hectares of Ukrainian farms owned by...

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The producer price of light and heavy lamb also increased

According to KSH data, the volume of Hungary’s live lamb exports decreased by 1 percent (to 8,000 tons), while its value increased by 22 percent (to HUF 14 billion) in...

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Helping organizations and environmental protection: hundreds of millions of forints and thousands of hours of volunteer work to serve the communities

This year, Mars in Central Europe donated more than HUF 490 million and its employees helped to bring about positive changes that not only affected people and pets, but also...

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Everything you need to know about champagne glasses

According to trade data, almost 60 percent of Hungarian champagne consumption falls on the last quarter. Year-end corporate partner meetings, New Year’s Eve parties or New Year’s greetings are truly...

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It will be mandatory to indicate the origin of honey in the EU as a percentage

Hungary’s efforts have reached their goal, at the initiative of our country, the EU agriculture ministers agreed that in the future it will be mandatory to indicate the place of...

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Here are some coffee cocktails for the holidays from Nespresso

In December, we are already in full swing preparing for the holiday season, which would not be complete without the conjuring of Advent fairs and alpine huts. It is these...

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