News and articles

K&H: Even livestock farmers can learn about their greenhouse gas emissions

Animal husbandry is responsible for nearly one-seventh of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly from gases from digestion, manure treatment, forage production and energy consumption. One of the bases for...

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They drew attention to International Tea Day with a glass of hot tea

The action called “A Cup of Love” was organized in the Santa Claus Factory in the capital and in several settlements of Balaton. In these places passers-by were offered a...

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Trend és rend!

A Baromfi Termék Tanács több fajt, hasznosítási irányt és termékpályaszakaszt képvisel. A szervezet adatai szerint 2022-ben mintegy 620 ezer tonna élőbaromfit vásároltak fel a vágó-feldolgozó üzemek, emellett 1,2 milliárd étkezi...

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Viharos vizeken a magyar halászat

A magyar haltermelőknek több nehézséggel is meg kellett küzdeniük az elmúlt évben. 2022 száraz és aszályos nyara elsősorban a dunántúli völgyzáró gátas tavakban okozott vízhiányt, de a sekély vizekben a „megszokottnál”...

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The ibis & TRIBE Budapest Stadium hotel has opened

The ibis & TRIBE Budapest Stadium hotel has opened in Budapest in Ferencváros, which is the first hotel in Hungary of TRIBE, one of the fastest growing European hotel brands...

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Greencent: With application for less carbon dioxide emissions

We can now witness the lucky meeting of a revolutionary, environmentally friendly startup and an eco-conscious electric bicycle fleet provider. Greencent, similar to sports apps, measures how much carbon dioxide...

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The logistics giant is in a festive mood: children’s drawings decorate the DSV warehouse

DSV’s Hungarian warehouse logistics division, DSV Solutions Hungary Kft., came up with a unique initiative that not only brings joy to children, but also to employees as Christmas approaches. The...

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Pernod Ricard launches first China-made whisky

Pernod Ricard’s whisky distillery in Emeishan was opened in 2021. Pernod Ricard has released The Chuan Pure Malt Whisky, the first from the French giant to be made in China....

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Romania Launches New Deposit Return Scheme To Boost Recycling

A new programme aiming to boost the recycling and collection of seven billion drink containers has kicked off in Romania. This new deposit return system (DRS) seeks to promote separate...

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With a disruptive retail concept, online supermarket Rohlik moves into Europe

With a proposition that clearly differentiates itself from both flash deliverers and traditional online supermarkets, Rohlik aims to be a disruptor in European food retail, says founder and CEO Tomáš...

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With record sales, OPUS doubled its profit

The OPUS group achieved outstanding results in the first three quarters of 2023, the net profit was HUF 30.67 billion, which is more than double the same period a year...

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Emissions of animals and animal products increased by 10.4 percent

According to the results of the MSZR’s first forecast, in 2023, the value of total agriculture at the current price was 6.5 percent higher than 2022. Production costs increased by...

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VYLYAN Villányi Franc

In the seasonally renewed selection of ALDI Vinotéka, from October the large Hungarian wine selection also includes VYLYAN Villányi Franc. The 0.75 litre, dry red wine from the sub-Mediterranean climate...

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GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. 2023/4. forecast for 2023-24

By the fall of 2023, the Hungarian economy has passed the most difficult stage of the crisis caused by the domestic distribution before the 2022 parliamentary elections and the global...

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SIRHA 2024: Ők biztosan ott lesznek

A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/12-01. lapszámában olvasható. Újra fókuszban az innováció A 2024-es SIRHA kiállításon cégünk 60 m²-es standon fog megjelenni. A COVID-járványt követő két évben a gyártók érthető...

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EY: The climate goals have already been broken by high inflation – international research

Companies have dramatically scaled back their climate protection goals as a result of high inflation and geopolitical tensions. Companies are slowing down their sustainability initiatives despite the fact that they...

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The Joy of Giving has begun! the personal collection phase of the fundraising campaign – even the smallest donation is worth a treasure

The Hungarian Charity Service of Malta and SPAR Hungary will launch Christmas Giving Joy in 2023 as well! campaign: between December 14th and 19th, volunteers will accept personally handed donations...

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PENNY opened a new store in Baja

PENNY opened its 231st store in the center of Baja, on Csermák Mihály tér. The new discount store is located next to the long-distance bus stop, making high-quality, budget-friendly products...

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The project “Implementation of MAHOP DCF tasks for the period 2016-2023” was successfully completed

The Nonprofit Limited Liability Company of the AKI Agráközgazdasági Intézet, supported in the framework of the call of the Hungarian Fisheries Operative Program’s support system code number MAHOP-3.1.2-2017, entitled “Support...

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10 million Fa helps responsible domestic companies in giving gifts ​

This year, the national community of 10 Million Trees is once again calling the attention of companies that think responsibly about the environment and the green future to give the...

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On December 24, DEICHMANN employees can also spend Christmas Eve with their families undisturbed

Hungary’s market-leading shoe trading company will also join the chains that will be closed on December 24. About 900 families can be happy with this news. In recent weeks, DEICHMANN...

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Zwack Unicum kicks off the holiday season with a unique musical project

Unicum Akusztik, the special music project of the iconic brand, will make its debut during this year’s Advent season. Unicum’s live session video filmed with the Bagossy Brothers Company presents...

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Novelties and maximum fines in the practice of the GVH

As of September 1, 2023, the maximum amount of the fine that can be imposed by the GVH has increased – it was said, among other things, at the business...

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The rules for closing shops are getting stricter: it can already affect the New Year rush

The rules for closing shops are getting stricter, and next year it will no longer necessarily be possible to get away with a warning for those caught violating the obligation...

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The wines awarded with the title Debrecen City Wine 2024 were selected

In order to develop and support the quality Hungarian wine culture, the City of Debrecen is doing a lot in an exemplary way. This objective is also supported by the...

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Pácban a húsipar

A sertéshúságazat számára 2022-ben egyértelműen a más mezőgazdasági termékenyekhez képest megkésett, de rendkívül jelentős alapanyagár-emelkedés volt a meghatározó. Míg a mezőgazdasági termények egy része esetében már 2021-ben megindult az árnövekedés,...

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Expert: Hungarian SMEs should pay attention to these trends in 2024

The end of the year is not only a time of quieting down, but also of accounting and planning, and this is especially true in business life. In addition to...

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There is still room to hide surprises, but storing seasonal things causes problems for Hungarians

Hungarians can’t find a place for it, or they consider it too complicated to create the storage space they dreamed of, which is why many people have problems storing seasonal...

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Köszönettel az elismerésért!

Lassan, de biztosan közeledünk egy jubileumi számhoz… Múlt héten már 8. alkalommal vehettük át a Business Superbrands díjat a Trade magazin képviseletében. És mivel a díj is kötelez minket, határozottsággal, elszántsággal, kitartással haladunk...

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Diageo’s Eastern European marketing director opened the region’s first luxury pop-up liquor store

Diageo Hungary and Zwack Unicum Nyrt. celebrated the capital’s first luxury pop-up liquor store with an exclusive opening and illustrious guests. Visitors to the high-end showroom can not only choose...

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