News and articles

Germans are saving on sustainable products

According to a Deloitte survey of 19,000 consumers in 19 countries, including 1,000 in Germany, less than half of Germans keep buying organic and sustainable products. The main reason for...

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Mercadona Ends 2023 With 49 Stores In Portugal

Spanish supermarket chain Mercadona has expanded its presence in neighbouring Portugal by opening 10 new stores in 2023, reaching a total of 49 by year-end. Despite being newcomer, Mercadona has...

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The producer price of edible wheat is 53 percent lower than last year

In its December forecast, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) revised upwards the 2023/2024. expected global wheat harvest in the economic year, the output of 783 million tons may be 6.6...

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Viewpoint: four out of five Hungarians prepare gifts for Christmas

79 percent of Hungarians are preparing for Christmas with gifts this year as well – according to a telephone poll conducted by the Nézőpint Institute, the results of which were...

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Starbucks opens a drive thru in Hungary

In Hungary, Starbucks, operated by Amrest, will open its first drive-thru cafe on the domestic market in Vecsés in mid-December, which combines convenient, fast and at the same time high-quality...

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For a stress-free holiday: simple and budget-friendly Christmas recipes

The holiday season can be a headache for many, but there is no need to worry for those who can only deal with preparations at the last minute, but still...

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The changes related to waste management were explained in János Áder’s new podcast

He talked about the most important changes related to waste management with Oszkár Világi, deputy CEO of the Mol group, and former head of state János Áder in the latest...

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’Tis the season for Chocolate. Christmas sales on the up: Euromonitor International expert

Seasonal chocolate sales are on the rise again helped by European consumers who buy and eat more chocolate than anywhere else in the world, according to a Euromonitor International industry...

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In Romania, the distribution of products containing insect meal was restricted by law

From now on, products containing insect meal that are recognized and authorized as food by the European Union may only be distributed in Romania on the separate shelves of stores,...

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No one wants to purchase Balfi

The Balfi mineral water bottling plant closed and the brand ceased to exist. The plant was shut down almost two years ago, and in the summer of 2022 the last...

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MOHU: door-to-door collection of kitchen green and food waste will start in the country from January

Door-to-door collection of kitchen green and food waste will be gradually introduced in Hungary from January, the service, which can be used on a voluntary basis, will initially affect 14...

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In one year, the number of travel insurances taken out for winter sports increased by nearly 60 percent in January

Winter and the holiday season provide an excellent opportunity to travel with the family and indulge in our favorite winter sports, either at home or abroad, or just to escape...

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Magosz and the Hungarian Development Support Office concluded a cooperation agreement

On Monday, the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) and the Hungarian Development Promotion Office (MFOI) signed a cooperation agreement in order to increase the competitiveness of...

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AB InBev signs Lionel Messi into Michelob Ultra football contract

Lionel Messi has become a brand ambassador for AB InBev’s new Michelob Ultra contract with CONMEBOL (Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol). The agreement, which sees CONMEBOL, the governing body for South...

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Carrefour To Enhance Store Experience For Customers With Disabilities

Carrefour has pledged to upgrade disability access services to 50 convenience stores in Paris, along with ten hypermarkets around France, by summer 2024, as it seeks to offer customers a...

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The new Agricultural Statistics Pocket Book has been published

The publication provides information on the results of agriculture, forestry and the food industry in 2022. It also ensures the comparability of time series by being connected to the data range...

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A criminal group selling drinks cheated more than one and a half billion forints in VAT

Charges were brought against the members of a criminal group selling alcoholic beverages in Kecskemét, the perpetrators avoided paying VAT with fictitious invoices for several years and thus caused HUF...

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In December, the GKI economic index rose to a nine-month high

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in December, the expectations of the public improved significantly and the prospects of...

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(HU) SWEET VALLEY Fügekoszorú

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The latest issue of Trade magazine is out now!

The digital version is available with more content once again, and can be read by clicking on the front page below. Trade magazin December-January is always the longest running issue,...

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We can say goodbye to cheap meat and milk

The food industry is undergoing a global transformation, and its effects will already be felt in our everyday meals in 20-30 years. According to food policy analyst Réka Szöllősi, the...

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HELL helps 5,000 families with durable food packages

HUF 50 + HUF 15 million donation – the HELL company group is helping the residents of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county this Christmas: needy families in eighteen Borsod settlements will receive...

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Big layoffs are coming at Túró Rudi

The Dutch dairy cooperative FrieslandCampina has announced that it will cut 1,800 jobs worldwide over the next two years in order to achieve savings of 200 million euros. The move...

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International Health Weeks – dm initiative for the health of employees in 14 countries

The dm concern organized international Health Weeks between October 9 and November 10 for more than 71,600 of its employees across Europe. In each of the 14 countries where dm...

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Pizza Hut would continue to expand in Hungary

Although the catering industry was battered by the pandemic, Pizza Hut still managed to get through this period stronger. This year, the first Hungarian franchise restaurant of the chain was...

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Application helps deliver food to those in need

he cooperation between Munch, Tesco and the Food Bank helps to reduce food waste and provide direct support to the needy. As a result of the digitized solution, more than...

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Face-to-face with Miklós Szabó, the founder-owner of Tranzit Group in Debrecen

Social responsibility is gratifyingly present not only in foreign multinational companies that have settled in Hungary, but also in many large domestic companies. First of all, please define what exactly...

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KFC and TEDi opening in Korzó Shopping Center in Nyíregyháza!

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Another Miyawaki forest will make IX. district courtesy of Zwack Unicum

This Christmas, it’s not just the pine that takes center stage: Zwack Unicum is continuing its last year’s project by planting a Miyawaki mini-forest with 240 indigenous and resistant species...

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Kevesebb szőlő, kevesebb lágy kenyér

A szőlő- és borágazatnak az elmúlt években számos kihívással kellett megküzdenie – hangsúlyozta dr. Brazsil Dávid, a Hegyközségek Nemzeti Tanácsa (HNT) főtitkára a szőlő- és borágazat jelenlegi helyzetét taglalva, aki...

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