News and articles

Agrometeorology: the precipitation significantly alleviated the drought only in the northern part of the country

In the past week, there have been several showers in several places, but the precipitation that fell from them only in the northern part of the country significantly alleviated the...

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Nestlé remains the world’s most valuable food brand, according to Brand Finance

Nestlé has led the global ranking of food brands for the seventh year in a row, despite the fact that its value decreased by 7 percent over the past year,...

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Márton Nagy: slower growth, rescheduled investments and cautious residential consumption are expected

In an interview with Index, Minister of National Economy Márton Nagy spoke about the future of the Hungarian economy, the rescheduling of state investments, and the development of household consumption...

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Bank360: Instead of consumption, the population started saving really mercilessly

Instead of consumption, Hungarians really chose to save: they saved a record amount in the second quarter. Government securities and investment funds are the favourites, but cash holdings are also...

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This could be the antidote to the declining Hungarian beer consumption

Beer consumption has shown a decreasing trend in Hungary in recent years, but at the same time, quality has come to the fore and consumers can choose from a never-before-seen...

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The share of EU retail spending continues to fall: report from GfK

According to the latest study by GfK, the proportion of retail spending in the European Union has decreased for two consecutive years, despite the fact that purchasing power and retail...

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Rossmann goes green: customers are encouraged to buy digital loyalty cards

Rossmann is launching a new environmentally conscious initiative in which it encourages its customers to replace their traditional plastic cards with a digital solution. With this step, the drugstore chain...

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Together with Spar, the Hungarian Charity Service of Malta supports the start of school by collecting school supplies

The Hungarian Maltese Charity Service helps the start of school by collecting school supplies. The volunteers of the charity organization Adi Öröm! from Wednesday to Saturday, school supplies bought by...

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This is how entry-level wages develop in different sectors

At the end of July, the admission point limits were made public, and since then the supplementary admissions have also taken place: with this, it will slowly be decided how...

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A new era in the baby food market: the Lambini BIO product line of is introduced is revolutionizing the baby food market with its latest own brand product, Lambini BIO, which combines excellent quality and discount prices. The new product line offers nearly 20 types...

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Even to a small extent, processed meats can cause diabetes

A recent study, presented by the British The Guardian, draws attention to the fact that eating two slices of ham a day can increase the risk of developing type 2...

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A new type of fraud has been noticed at self-service cash registers

In the city of Spring, Texas, a new type of fraud has come to light at Walmart’s self-service checkouts, which was brought to the attention of an observant customer. An...

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This may be the real danger of the increased transaction fee

It is not expected that domestic wealthy people will take the majority of their money abroad due to the increased transaction costs – but it is possible that they will...

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Nébih: the documentation of antibiotic treatments of food-producing animals is still inaccurate

The willingness to report has improved, but there is still a lot of inaccurately recorded data on antibiotic treatments for food-producing animals, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told...

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Three years in the spirit of business development and ecosystem building promoting carbon absorption and carbon neutrality

Among today’s global problems, the expected effects of climate change pose a serious challenge to both socio-economic systems and the natural environment. Warming caused by human activities is estimated at...

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German discounters boost animal welfare credentials

Aldi in Germany is introducing a German-origin label for fresh produce. Like rival Lidl, the discounter is introducing higher animal welfare standards for its own-brand meat and sausage products. The move...

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Coca-Cola Collaborates With Oreo To Launch Limited-Edition Drink

Coca‑Cola has joined forces with Oreo to launch a limited-edition beverage that combines the taste of Coca-Cola with ‘flavourful hints’ inspired by Oreo cookies. Coca‑Cola Oreo Zero Sugar Limited Edition...

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NAV: seasonal work and casual work must also be reported

Simplified employment is popular, 350,000 people worked this way in July; the taxation of this form of employment is also simple and favorable, but the one who forgets to declare...

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Balaton tourism faces great challenges

The future of the Lake Balaton area is facing increasing challenges caused by climate change, the spread of invasive species and the growing pressure of tourism. According to HelloVidék’s report,...

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Euromoney: K&H is not only the best bank, but also the best digital bank in this country

K&H collects international awards one after another. This year, it also won Euromoney’s “Hungary’s Best Digital Bank 2024” award after the same magazine awarded K&H the award for the best...

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LG presents its new Therma V™ R290 Monobloc heat pumps at IFA in Berlin

LG Electornics at IFA in Berlin, September 6-10, 2024. presents the new members of the Therma V™ R290 Monobloc air-to-water heat pump product family with 7 and 9 kW power....

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Declining prices on the meat and egg market: significant changes in July

According to the latest report of the Agricultural Economics Institute (AKI), at the end of July 2024, a significant price drop was experienced on the market for slaughter pigs and...

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The price of flour suddenly jumped: what does this mean for bread and bakery products?

The August data of the Pénzcentrum’s monthly updated “bun index” brought a significant surprise: after a long period of stagnation, the price of flour rose by nearly 50% in a...

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The growing popularity of convenience foods: how is food consumption changing?

The increasingly fast pace of life in modern society is accompanied by the relegation of traditional home cooking and an increase in the demand for convenience foods. For people, simplicity...

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It will be more expensive, but starting school means less of a burden

Despite rising costs, this year overall, families feel the start of the school year to be somewhat less of a burden, according to Erste’s representative research. However, the majority still...

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The DRS system and changes in consumer habits

On July 1st, the beverage packaging collection system was launched in Hungary, the aim of which is to encourage the population to recycle. From this date on, producers can only...

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In July, the rate of increase in consumer prices accelerated in the euro area and the EU

In July, the rate of increase in the consumer price index accelerated in the euro area and in the European Union, according to the final data of the EU’s statistical...

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GVH clarifies the difference between a tip and a service fee

Catering establishments are increasingly applying the service fee, which they can freely set, but which must be displayed on the menu and other information surfaces. Bálint Horváth, head of communications...

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Collection of school supplies at Auchan: help for large families to start school

As the start of school approaches, it is a serious financial challenge for many families to acquire the necessary school supplies, especially where several children start school. Auchan wants to...

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The decline of the Mako onion: what will be the fate of the traditional onion?

Red onion is an essential ingredient of Hungarian cuisine, without which a domestic dish is almost unimaginable. The Makó onion, which is known worldwide for its quality and taste, was...

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