
Customers of Tesco collected more than 33 tons of food for those in need

In less than two days, Tesco customers have collected more than 33 tons of perishable food to families in need. The event was organized by Hungarian Red Cross and Hungarian...

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Health Ambassador Program was launched

Réka Rubint was the hostess of the Health Ambassador Program campaign which aims to call attention to the importance of prevention when it comes to cardiovascular diseases. The event was...

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Silver Sunday: Hungarian Producers Fair in Törökbálint

To close the year, Agrármarketing Centrum launches a special product exhibition in order to introduce Hungarian goods. Local and typically Hungarian are in the major focus of the eventwhich will...

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Nearly half a thousand outstanding Hungarian products chosen

One of the main goals of Agrármarketing Centrum is to call customers' sttention to outstanding goods. This is precisely why they came out with the award “outstanding Hungarian product”. This...

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The Irsai Olivér became the pálinka of the year

This year’s best pálinka became the 2009 year vintage Irsai Olivér grape pálinka of the Brill Pálinkaház. The distillate was placed in the Agricultural Museum of Budapest, to preserve for...

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Limited sets of watches worth millions – in Budapest now

The travelling exhibition of IWC arrives to Budapest this month, in Kristóf tér at Watch De Luxe you get to see watches that cost more than a medium-range apartment. IWC...

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Magazine: The results of the POPAI Awards display competition

Works competing in the first Hungarian POPAI Awards were exhibited at the Business Days conference, where 82 conference participants undertook the difficult task of jurying. About 300 participants looked around...

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Entrepreneurs' Day: We must regain the appreciation of working

“We have had free dinner made of credit, which now should be repaid from the lunch. However, we hope that we do not lose our lunch “- executive chairman of...

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The most dynamic SMEs have won a Pegasus prize

The Pegasus Prize, that is the prestigious recognition of Hungary’s fastest growing small-and medium-sized enterprises was handed over for the third time, on the 2nd of  December 2010, on the...

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Last meeting of the year

On 11 November POPAI Hungary Association held its last meeting of the year. Petra Korda gave a presentation about loyalty cards and programmes in retail, and participants also compiled the...

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The new Wine Marketing Committee has been formed

Yesterday, the Wine Marketing Committee held its inaugural meeting at the Agricultural Marketing Center. The Committee on its first working day proposed the Ministry of Rural Development to continue the...

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A cooperative yesterday and today

The first cooperatives were established during the industrial revolution. Their main principles were solidarity, joint work and democratic management; besides, they also helped members with opening shops and joint procurement....

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COOP has been a good neighbour for 15 years

Co-op Hungary celebrated its 15th birthday in Budapest’s Palace of Arts in November. Nearly 1,000 business partners, colleagues and friends showed up and in the following you can read excerpts...

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Celebration and concerns at Europe’s Day in Commerce

Europe’s Day in Commerce was celebrated for the sixth time in Budapest on 3 November. The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) and the Hungarian member organisation of EuroCommerce...

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National competition to restore the reputation of pálinka

One can apply for the organization of next year’s national pálinka and törköly distilling competition, between the 1st and 31st of December 2010 – informs the press office of the...

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The Budapest Christmas Fair has grown into a European event

The Budapest Christmas Fair and the related more than 150 cultural programs have grown into an international attraction and into one of the most popular event of the winter season....

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Bio-products of the year

Since its launch in 1987, XXIII.Bio-culture Scientific Day has issued the awards for the best bio-products of the year for the 23rd time. The jury consisting of 9 experts on...

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Grüne Woche FMCG tradeshow in Berlin, with more than 30 Hungarian exhibitors

The International Green Week (=Grüne Woche) Berlin takes place since 1926 in Berlin. The trade show is the only international event of this type specialized in agriculture, food and horticulture.The...

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Advertising tools which can change their clothes

SignExpo and DIGITALEXPO were held at the same time and place as GINNT EXPO, in the SYMA Sport and Event Centre on 15-17 September. SignExpo was first organised in 2004...

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Slimexpo: a new event focused on healthy diet and beauty

Nearly half of Hungary's adult population is obese or overweight. This problem leads to several illnesses, for example diabetics, muscle pains and hypertony. This is why a brand new event...

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Hungarian companies participate at business forum in China

Representatives from more than a twelve Hungarian companies and organizations met with Chinese counterparts at a business forum in Chongqing on Monday, deputy state secretary at the National Economy Ministry...

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Wonderful Cofee tradeshow will happen next year, too

The first Wonderful Coffee tradeshow proved to be a great success last year, with its more than fifty exhibitors. The event will open its gates in 2011, again. There are...

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Interview with Lászkó Kovács, president of MVI – video

As we have pointed out before, the board members of the MVI (Association of Hungarian Caterers) have been elected on Monday, 15th November. President Tamás Háber, who has been in...

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The 11th Hungarian Wine Marketing Conference will be held in Sopron

On the first Thursday and Friday of December, the 11th Hungarian Wine Marketing Conference will be held in the Hotel Sopron. A special wine competition will be linked again to...

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Charity week launched by McDonald's

McDonald's has launched its traditional charity action for children, starting from 15th Nvember to 21st November. This week, 40 HUF every single package of french fries goes to the Ronald...

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Direct communication within the FMCG-sector

Direkt Marketing Association is convinced that it is highly important to inform experts about the latest forms of direct marketing – both offline and online. Right now, within the compass...

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Honey Festival in Zalaegerszeg

On the three-day event, the beekeepers of Sárrét, North Bácska, Somogy and Zala will present their products, but beekeepers will come from Muravidék, from the Uplands (felvidék), from Székelyföld and...

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Cappy taking part at the Children's World Exhibition with an adventure park

12th, 13th and 14th November will see the opening of a rather special exhibition for children, where the brand Cappy is going to launch a special adventure park, too. The...

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BNI about to launch another great event

Similarly to the previous years, BNI is about to organize an event with 450-550 participants, on 7th December at Lurdy House, Budapest. Started in January of 1985 by Ivan R....

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Five favorites for the Winemaker of the Year title

The first round of “Winemaker of the Year” competition completed on the 8th of November, and it was found out that who are the five winemakers, who received the most...

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