Company and Personal News

On the wings of melodies

According to Mood Media Group, a leading provider of background music, the positive effects of melodies are beginning to be used in Hungary as well to enhance customer satisfaction. MMG...

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Trends of recent years show a constantly developing market. Total turnover has grown from HUF 1445 billion in the year 2000 to nearly 2400 billion in 2006. Hyper markets produced...

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Healthier baby food

Following a long process of development which had cost HUF 30 million, the baby food product line of Univer Product Zrt. has become the first in the Hungarian market to...

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Variations for Bomba! back lit signs

Six companies have entered the competition organised by the magazine Sign and Büki Üdítő Kft. for designing special back lit signs for the Bomba! image....

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Gramex expanding

Gramex 2000 Kft, one of the biggest domestic manufacturers of private label soft drinks is practically doubling the size of its Veresegyháza facility. Both a new warehouse and a new...

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Without milk

Montice yoghurt drink is a premium quality product of Mona Hungary, available in strawberry and multi frutti flavours. Sales of fresh products among milk substitutes are growing rapidly as well....

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Twice as much Pöttyös for Children’s day

This year over 40 thousand units of Pöttyös Túró Rudi have been delivered to hospitals all over the country as gifts for Pöttyös Children’s Day. This is double the quantity...

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C&C premier – millions and billions

Metro established its first Chinese subsidiary with the JinJiang group, under the name Metro JinJiang Cash & Carry Ltd in Shanghai twelve years ago. Metro has 3 million registered customers,...

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Borsodi sailing

Borsodi Sörgyár Zrt. has an unusual promotion for the summer. A sailing boat named Borsodi to be used by winners of the Borsodi prize game was launched on 28. June....

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Feel the energy of Burn heating up your senses – let your instincts drive you, party and dance till dawn! Agency: Starcom médiaügynökség/Ogilvy & Mather kreatívügynökség Customer: Coca-Cola Magyarország Product:...

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Wellness with Gyulai

Gyulai Húskombinát Zrt. begins a three month campaign on 1. July under the title “Favourite of generations”. The main prize to be won is a wellness weekend in Gyula....

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Borsodi Sör

Borsodi and friends can rescue us from difficult and embarrassing situations in life. Agency: McCann Erickson Customer: Borsodi Sörgyár Zrt. Product: Borsodi Sör Apperance: RTL Klub, Film+, Sport1, Sport2, Cool...

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New refrigerated warehouse for Mórakert

A 4550 square meter refrigerated warehouse was opened in Mórahalom, during the shareholders’ meeting of Mórakert, held in May. The Post Harvest Centrum allows processing of vegetables and fruits using...

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We could have made concessions in brewing our beer, but we have not. Beck’s. Loyal to the recipe of Heinrich Beck for over 125 years. Agency: Akció-Nxs Reklámügynökség Customer: Borsodi...

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President from Szolnok

The recent shareholders’ meeting of Co-op Hungary Zrt. held on 24. May brought major changes. Pál Bartus president and CEO retired and 51 year old Lajos Csepeli, CEO of Coop...

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LLP growing

Revenues of LLP group increased by 12 per cent to EUR 7,7 million last year. Infor FMS SunSystems remained the largest division within the group, accounting for 56 per cent...

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First cock a doodle-doo by the Master Good cock

The usefulness of hostess promotions is often questioned by experts. There are arguments pro and contra, but hostess promotions are undoubtedly one of the most effective tools for the introduction...

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Representing continuity

Following the retirement of Pál Bartus, László Murányi former general deputy of the CEO has become the new CEO of Co-op Hungary Zrt. He has been working in co-operative trade...

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Farmers may become shareholders in Sio-Eckes

Sió-Eckes Kft. has sold over 40 million litres of fruit juice, nectar and fruit drink in the first six months of the year, which is 4 per cent more than...

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From micro wave back to the oven again

Convenience products made without preservatives and exported by Master Good which allow housewives to prepare a delicious lunch or dinner in minutes, practically without any effort, are not too well...

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Austrian pro to lead Wewalka

Christian Koban has become the new managing director of a Wewalka Kft. He has experience of 17 years in the food business of which 3 years have been accumulated in...

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Henkel for design

This year’s Henkel Art Award is to be given in recognition for excellence in industrial design. 31 competitors had entered works, of which 5 have qualified for the international final...

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Message in a bottle

Coty has always been characterised by market-focused thinking and they still haven’t forgotten to think the way consumers think. It is no wonder that the story of Coty began in...

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Sticking to beauty care

Attila Ireghy has become the new sales director of Helia-D Kft. He had worked for L’Oréal Magyrország Kft for 13 years where he had participated in the complete restructuring of...

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With buffaloes into the Hungarian market

Bols Hungary Kft. began selling one of the best known Polish vodka brands, Zubrowka in June. This is a premium brand sold in over 30 countries, achieving growth of over...

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World-wide leader

Pepsi has always been receptive to consumer needs, which allowed it detect changes in these needs, namely the increase in the popularity of functional and carbon-free soft drinks in time....

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Stores opening

Spar, Kiskunfélegyháza Open: 28 June 2007 Chain: Spar Store space: 1211 m2 SKU: – Spar, Szántód Open: 2 August 2007 Chain: Spar Store space: 902 m2 SKU: – Tesco, Karcag...

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Whisky brand for soberness

Mika Hakkinen, two time world chamion Formula One pilot opened an event called „Never drink, when you drive” on 31. July, in Budapest. This event is part of a world-wide...

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„Philosopher pasta maker” on innovation

– Dramatic changes are needed in marketing – declared i Guido Barilla, president of Barilla holding at the ECR Europe conference held in Milan, where over 150 lectures had been...

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For patriotic poultry buying

An agreement about co-operation has been signed by The Poultry Product Council (BTT) and SPAR Magyarország Kft.. This will allow the retail chain to publicise its decision to buy poultry...

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