Company and Personal News

Sensation – departing client contact director

László Farkas, former client contact director of Sensation Event Marketing is leaving his poisition starting from 19th June and starting his new position as the manager of Claybird Group. Fazekas...

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La Festa prize game is over

La Festa cunsomers' prize game came to an end and the big Voga Hunt is over too, in which La Festa took part as a collaborative partner. Within the Compass...

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New Tesco-hipermarket in Hajdúszoboszló

The newest member of the Tesco retail-chain has opened on 19th June. The new, 5 thousand square metre building is open ever day of the week. The new store in...

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Sió Prémium brand communicated by Creative Partners

Sió-Eckes Ltd, producer of Sió fruitjuices, has launched a creative tender to communicate the brand Sió Prémium. The winner of the tender is Creative Partners agency. The brand Sió Prémium...

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Smurf-success by Spar

The SPAR point-collecting game and the smurf-figures have been rather successful in the past few months, they are now even available for auction on various community portals. This shows that...

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Wal-Mart opens high-efficiency store in California

Wal-Mart has opened a new store in Sacramento, California which is said to be one of their most energy efficient stores in the U.S. With the opening of this new...

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Five buyers interested in Borsodi Brewery

There's a great interest towards ABInBev brewing industry group's Eastern European breweries offered for sale, including Borsodi Brewery. ABInBev wants to sell eleven breweries in Bulgaria, in the Czech Republic,...

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Turnover increased by six percent at Auchan

Both Auchan Hungary Hypermarket chain and its French parent company increased its turnover in 2008. The company's own branded products can be purchased from autumn on the domestic market. Auchan...

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SPAR opens a new supermarket in Mosonmagyaróvár

SPAR Hungary Ltd. opens a new supermarket 18 June in Mosonmagyaróvár at AD Flexum department store. Meanwhile the company continues to expand its own branded products. The SPAR supermarket is...

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Meat business branch of Globus bought by Czech buyer

Hamé of the Czech Republic has acquired the French-owned meat-processing department of Globus in Budapest, which had a turnover of 5 billion HUF last year. Because of the economic crisis,...

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Season starts at lake Balaton

The staff of Borsodi Brewery Ltd. have visited the points of consumption, to strengthen personal contacts and consider the deployment of products and mapped the preparedness of the restaurants and...

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Tetra Pak expects growing milk consumption all over the world

One of the world's largest food processing and packaging company expects that by 2012 milk consumption will increase by 2.2 percent all over the world. The company's Tetra Pak Dairy...

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Optimistic German investors: the ZEW index reached 44.8 points

German investor confidence in the economy increased to a three-year peak in June. The analyst did not expect such a good data. The ZEW has been index increased to 44.8...

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The turnover of Tesco increased by ten percent

Tesco's turnover increased during the first quarter, primarily due to the increase in foreign sales. According to the the financial director of the largest UK network it is early to...

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New promotional offense of Házi Piros Paprika Kft.

Using the experiences of the past years Házi Piros Paprika Kft uses integrated promotion campaign during the summer of 2009. A new creative design targeting a more modern target group...

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Amway did not affected by the crisis last year

Amway distributor of household chemical goods and beauty items closed last year with a 15 percent increase with a 8.2 billion USD on international level. In Hungary, the traffic growth...

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Nestlé expands in Southeast Asia

Nestlé plans an investment around 260 million Swiss franc in Southeast Asia. The world's largest food company plans to expand trade and production activities in the high-potential region. According to...

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The Kubu for health competition ended successfully

The competition for primary school classes organized by the Kubu carrots and fruit nectars manufacturer Maspex Olympos Kft had been successfully ended. The aim of the competition held between 13...

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Borsodi Brewery for sale

The Belgian-Brazilian Inbev is selling 11 beer breweries in 7 Central European countries including the Borsodi brewery. The companies are producing 15 million hectoliters of beer per year. Inbev bought...

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Tesco expands in China, in Central Europe, discount actions succeeds

Tesco bulids its first Chinese Shopping Centre as part of its expansion in China in Fushun city which has one million inhabitants. The discount actions in Central Europe succeeded. The...

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Tesco offer: “Are you thirst to win?”

Tesco Global Stores Ltd. will start a summer campaign between 15 June and 23 August. The aim of “Are you thirst to win?” competition is to redempt the most PET...

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Recreation with the shopping list – Interspar's new action

The SPAR Hungary Ltd. started another large-scale action to surprise its customers. Recreation with the shopping list “promotion offers discounted travel options for those who wish to relax inland. Between...

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New package of Royal Vodka gained first prize

The new design of Royal Vodka, won fisrt prize on the first Hungarian packaging design competition called 'Pakk'. The new packaging of the specialty drink distributed by Bols Hungary was...

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The best job in Central-Eastern Europe

The Best Job Survey results of Central-Eastern Europe 2008-2009, was published 9 June by The Wall Street Journal Europe”. 160 000 employees and 4 000 top managers of 700 companies...

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Home-made soft drink

The world's leading manufacturer in home made soda and soda-pop of machinery production the Israeli-based SodaStream appeared in Hungary. The company's products are used in 8 million households in 30...

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Gyöngyösi Meat Ltd. is in trouble

The Executive Director of Gyöngyösi Meat Ltd. has not confirmed, but not refuted, that the dismissal of 40 employees is planned, after the plant stopped production. According to the announcement...

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Concerned dialogue initiated by Nestlé

Nestlé Hungária Ltd. initiated a dialogue based on international methodology between the concerned participants of the food industry. The first concerned dialogue was held 5 June, in “Food safety and...

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The insolvency of Arcandor could be Germany's largest bankruptcy

Arcandor the owner of Karstadt which is one of Germany's oldest chain of stores asked for bankruptcy protection. Fourty-three thousand jobs are at risk. Prior to this, the German Government...

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Penny Market's Birthday Action went wrong

The Economic Competition Authority has received a dozens of complaints in connection with Penny Market's Birthday Action. The discount priced products ran out of stock in a few moments and...

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Heineken and Pick became Superbrand for the fifth time in Hungary

Pick and Heineken won each year the Superbrand title since the start of brand building program in Hungary in 2004. Pick also won the Business Superbrands title. The Hungarian superbrands...

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