Company and Personal News

METRO launched a charity program for kids

METRO Commercial Ltd. has launched a special charity show for young inhabitants of Velence-based Children's Home and Hűvösvölgyi hildren1s Home. The children got the chance to take part in creative...

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Frozen meat producer Matusz-Vad launches Romanian subsidiary

Győr-based frozen meat company Matusz-Vad Kft has set up a subsidiary in Romania with a Nagyvárad-based office as part of its new regional expansion program. Matusz-Vad had revenue of HUF...

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Snowfall and icy roads are threatening the retail of the UK

It might be, that the extraordinary snow will make the Christmas shopping in Western Europe impossible. In Britain for example, severe disruptions occurred in the transportation of goods, so the...

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DunaChem and EVM will keep working together

DunaChem and EVM Ltd. decided to continue their co-operation in terms of distribution, and they hope that their company will be able to produce a successful revenue in 2011. Here...

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Kométa supports children in need with special aid

The good old Santa Claus, on behalf of Kométa, personified by Tibor Hollósy, visited the Kaposvár-based education institute of Bárczi Gusztáv School, so that the company could offer a special...

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Two towns received direct support from Heineken Hungária

Heineken Hungária Ltd. has launched its charity program for the third time this year. The company running a brewery in Sopron and Martfű supported the inhabitants of the two towns:...

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Distributor-restructuring at the entire product-portfolio of Perfetti Van Melle

As a part of the optimatisation strategy of Perfetti Van Melle distribution, the entire PVM portfolio (Mentos, Mentos chewing gums, Chupa Chups, Center Shock) are going to be distributed by...

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McDonald's and Ikea is expanding in China

McDonald's and the Ikea Swedish furniture chain announced that in the next few years they will increase the number of their stores in the Asian country. McDonald's plans the opening...

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The Mars Hungary is “Really a Responsible Company”

MARS Magyarország was the only major company that received the Hungarian Public Relations Association’s “Really Responsible Company” prize. The diploma was handed over on the 16th of December 2010 at...

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Porsche Hungária expects sales of new cars to rise in Hungary 2011

Porsche Hungária expects the number of new cars sold in Hungary to rise from 53,000 in 2010 to 55-60,000 in 2011, PH managing director János Eppel informed MTI. Eppel said...

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Tisza, Senior and Méta will co-operate

Ater their relaunch in November, iconic traning-clothing brands of the eighties, Senior® and Méta® and the company behind them SeMe Original Ltd. decided to co-operate with Clash Ltd, the company...

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Goodman wins tender to develop a 500.000 sqm industrial and logistics centre

Goodman Group (Goodman) has been awarded the tender for the exclusive investment in, and development of, the 500.000 sqm Pomeranian Logistics Centre adjacent to the newly built Deepwater Container Terminal...

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New world brand in Hungary: Hard Rock Cafe arrives next autumn

The first Hard Rock Café in Hungary will be opened in the VÁCI1 business center next autumn, at the Ferenciek square – was announced on Thursday. The American restaurant chain...

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Tesco helps with the Christmas preparations

The Christmas preparations soon to be started in the kitchens. In recent weeks, more than twenty tons of poppy, nearly five tons of nuts and over 350 thousand walnut had...

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A pleasure to give: charity action by SPAR and Maltese Charity Service is on

The charity action “It's a pleasure to give” is on now: it basically means that volunteers of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service are going to gather perishable food for those...

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Food Avalanche: 10 thousand food packages to those in need

Perishable food of more than 25 million HUF has been gathered within the compass of three-year-old Food Avalance charity action. The program was organized by Hungarian Food Bank Association and...

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New leadership for Henkel's Adhesives Business

Thomas Geitner (55), Executive Vice President Adhesive Technologies and member of the Management Board, will resign from office effective December 31, 2010 for personal reasons. Jan-Dirk Auris (42), currently Senior...

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UPS: Christmas peak in delivery

The staff of UPS are ready to deliver 430 million packages in December. The 22nd of December is expected to be the busiest day of UPS. According to the expectations...

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Rézangyal selected a PR-agency

Starting from December 2010, all pr-tasks linked to one of Hungary's greatest premium spiririts distributor Rézangyal will be carried out by Red Lemon Media PR Agency. The two companies have...

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Market-leader domestic mineralwater brands sponsors Hungarian movie

The Hungarian movie Üvegtigris 3 has been supported by Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd.: the movie is going to be in the cinemas in December 2010. Levente Balogh, owner and CEO...

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Corrugated products will see a major price-increase

Due to the higher costs of basic materials, it is likely that the prices of corrugated pruducts will see a major increase in the near future. According to the Association...

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Tesco collects PET bottles

Tesco encourages its customers to collect the PET bottles and aluminum cans-back, between the 24th of September 2010 and the 11th of February 2011 in more than 110 hypermarkets across...

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Declining turnover, but positive results for Pick Szeged

After last year's 64 billion HUF, PICK Szeged Ltd. expects a 58 billion HUF turnover – László Kovács, CEO of PICK Szeged Ltd. pointed out within the compass of a...

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Unilever: award for sustainable attitude

The Ethics in Business Award is an annual prize conferred by the World Forum for Ethics in Business to honor individuals and companies that have demonstrated the importance of human...

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Tetra Pak helps the large families

The Tetra Pak Hungária gave 12 thousand liters of milk as gift for Christmas to the National Association of Large Families (NOE), giving a support for a total of one...

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Tesco would buy the Romanian Real-shops

According to the informations of Ziarul Financiar; Tesco would acquire the Real food stores in Romania. With the acquisition Tesco as a new entrant would be the third largest players...

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Tetra Pak is helping those in need with milk

Tetra Pak Hungária Ltd. has decided to offer a rather significant amount of milk, 12 thousand litres to the Foundation of Big Families. This way, the company can support 1000...

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Strock Hungária launches a high cocoa-content dark chocolate for the holidays

For the first time, Merci appears on the market with a dark chocolate collection with extra high cocoa content. In the Extra Dark selection we even find dark chocolate with...

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Tobacco company rare settlement over chewing tobacco

Tbacco producer Altria Group agreed to pay $5 million in a rare settlement over the death of a chewing tobacco customer. The case was brought by the family of Bobby...

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Béres Foundation's 100 million HUF charity for those in need

Béres Foundation, this year again, offers a charity of 100 thousands bottles of Béres Csepp for those in need. President Klára Béres listed the ten charity organizations the company will...

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