Company and Personal News

Red Bull Music Academy to relocate

With Japan’s capital still readjusting after the country’s troubles, on April 11 the Red Bull Music Academy will announce a new location for 2011 instead of Tokyo, while applications for...

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Danone’s turnover increased by three percent last year

The Hungarian turnover of Danone Dairy Production and Distribution Ltd. last year expanded by 3 percent in value, the net sales together with the exports were 28.9 billion HUF. The...

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Marks & Spencer opens clothing and food stores in France

One of Britain's biggest retailer, the Marks & Spencer announced, that after a 10 year break they are opening stores in France. The first store will open later this year...

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Alföld-Coop invests millions into their Kecskmét-based logistics centre

The Coop Group has begun to develop their logistics centre in Kecskemét. Alföld-Coop Ltd. prefers to focus on the development of the storage capacity of their fresh and frozen goods,...

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The canning factory will be restarted in Koroncó

The Arrabona TÉSZ Értékesítési Szövetkezet restarts a canning factory in Koroncó that was closed for three years. The Arrabona TÉSZ Értékesítési Szövetkezet has leased the site from the liquidatorits of...

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Electro World: uncertainity in further two stores

Within one and a half months, Electro World may close further two stores. Currently, the future of the store in the Arena Plaza and the future of the business in...

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New flourbrand introduced by Pannonmill

Granny's secret – that's the name of the new massproduct of Pannonmill Milling Co., the company has announced within the compass of their pressconference on 30th March. The introductory campaign...

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Danone has been in Hungary for 20 years

Danone has been present in Hungary for 20 years, and has been one of the market-leading companies. Paolo Maria Tafuri, CEO of Danone Ltd. has pointed out that the company...

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The first SPAR supermarket opened in Encs

SPAR Magyarország Ltd. has opened a brand new outlet on 31st March 2011, in Encs. The modern building is the first SPAR unit of the city, giving job to 23...

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Italy resists against the buying up Parmalat

Italy does not resign, that the almost 30 percent of  the Parmalat food company had been bought up by French hands. The Italians plan to repurchase the company, while the...

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Henkel among the most etchical companies of the world again

Henkel is on the list of Ethisphere Institute, that contains the world’ most ethical companies. Henkel is on the list for the fourth consecutive year. The Ethisphere Institute is ranking...

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Turnover and revenue decreased at Praktiker

Wolfgang Werner Praktiker Group’s Chief Executive Officer has reported that last year the turnover was not sufficiently developed either in Germany and abroad. In spite of this fact, the operating...

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Rapeseed oil production at Fűzvölgyi Agrár Zrt.

Rapeseed oil presses were launched into operation at Fűzvölgyi Agrár Zrt.; In the plant the company will be able to produce rapeseed oil for human consumption – reports Zalai Hírlap....

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Another brand builds creative campaign on the artwork of young people

Are you a student at a school of applied arts in Europe, under 30 years old and interested in submitting a piece of your own work or as part of...

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TUTTI Food Ltd. delivers to the Middle East

Since November 2010. the TUTTI Food Ltd. delivers food powder to a Saudi partner. This year, the product range of the delivered products further expands. TUTTI will deliver approximately 300...

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Alföldi Tej: A new packing machine for 250 million

Alföldi Tej Kft. installed a powerful new UHT milk packaging machine in its Székesfehérvár-based factory on Tuesday. The 250 million HUF worth investment was inaugurated by Kardeván Endre, State Secretary...

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The female employees of Wal-Mart are suing due to discrimination

The U.S. Supreme Court begins to discuss the procedure today, that was launched by Wal-Mart’s female employees because of discrimination. The applicants argue that the discount giant is discriminating its...

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Borsodi beers are made of only Hungarian ingredients

Borsodi Brewery's beers are all made of Hungarian ingredients, delivered by Hungarian manufacturers. Borsodi is the best-selling beer in Hungary, mainly because of its traditional flavour and high quality. The...

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The Gyulai Húskombinát increases its sales in Russia

This year, the Gyulai Húskombinát Zrt. increases its sales primarily on foreign markets, including Russia, because the company’s sales on the domestic market declined by 800 tonnes last year –...

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The losses of Kékkúti Ásványvíz have decreased

The deficit of Kékkúti Ásványvíz Zrt. decreased to its half during the last year, while net sales decreased by 9.4 percent to 5.8 million forints – told Szabó Balázs,  the...

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Wal-Mart opens in Japan

The world's largest retail company, the Wal-Mart announced that they will open half of their Japanese businesses tomorrow that were was damaged during the earthquake. Half of the Seiyu stores...

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NIVEA is turning 100 years old this year

Over the past 100 years, NIVEA has become an iconic brand thanks to our loyal consumers. For our centennial, we are partnering with another icon, global music sensation, Rihanna. Her...

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Márton and daughters added a sloe spirit to their wildfruit product family

Manufacturer Márton and daughters launched a new taste. According to Spiritmaster János Márton, the new sloe spirit has a typiocal parfume-smell and charasteristic taste. In spite of the crisis, the...

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Tokaji looking for a market in China

Dacian Cioloş The EU commissioner for agriculture and rural development met with Chinese Minister of Agriculture and the first man of the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing. He jointly announced...

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Colgate Announces Acquisition of Sanex Personal Care Brand in Europe and Divestment of its Laundry Detergent Business in Colombia

Colgate-Palmolive Company (NYSE:CL), as part of its strategy to focus on its higher-margin oral care, personal care and pet nutrition businesses, today announced that it has agreed to purchase the...

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Strategic agreement between the Kékkúti and Rauch

The Kékkúti Mineral Zrt. has signed a strategic commercial cooperation with Rauch Hungária Kft.. Under the agreement, from January this year, the sales representative team of Rauch will carry out...

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Bonbonetti: Lean training and job maintenance

The Bonbonetti Group’s Budapest-based company, the Bonbonetti Choco Kft. trains its employees in a 100 percent EU and Hungarian government co-funding with the tools of Lean management. In the scope...

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The ”Sió Rostos Őszibarack” is a Hungarian product!

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) issued proceedings against misleading ads. The ”Sió Rostos Őszibarack” is indirectly involved in this procedure, because it was included in the published ads of the...

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Rézangyal received eight awards at HunDeszt

It was the first time Rézangyal decided to take place in a pálinka-competition. One of the most important events is Hundeszt, where they managed to obtain a total of 8...

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METRO joined Earth Hour this year for the third time

In 2009 METRO GROUP participated for the first time in the global “Earth Hour”, organized by the international environmental organization WWF, to oppose the biggest threat facing our planet: climate...

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