Company and Personal News

The successor of the Johnson & Johnson estate passed away

Barbara Piasecka Johnson the family's former maid passed away after a long and serious illness at the age of 76. Barbara Piasecka Johnson became one of the world's richest woman,...

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KFC revamps its food safety policy in China

KFC has launched a campaign to rebuild its brand in China following a scandal over banned drugs being used to fatten chickens in its supply chain. The company has promised...

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Fornetti opened a store in London

Fornetti recently opened a shop in London. The bakery will soon to target other areas of England. The about 300 thousand Hungarians, living in Great Britain can be a good...

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McReggeli: over fifty million sold breakfasts

Due to the work of the nutritionists, nobody disputes the importance of breakfast nowadays. But in everyday life many people leave breakfast and focus on their daily tasks early in...

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New commercial director at POS Services

Starting from the April of 2013, the new commercial director of POS Services is Zsolt Szépvölgyi. The new director supervises the commercial activities of all the three divisions – Instore,...

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The Bazaltbor Badacsony Kft. exports its wines to China

The Bazaltbor Badacsony Kft. exports its wines to China.. The First shipment was launched to China in January – Gagyi Pálffy András Executive Director of the wine producer company told...

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New Reál Prémium unit in Csepel

The Reál Hungária Élelmiszer Kft. opened its new store in the scope of a ceremony on 29 March, the 21st district of Budapest. “We offer a wide range of products...

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The Óvártej Zrt. was purchased by an Italian company

An Italian family business acquired the Óvártej Zrt., that has an accumulated debt of 850 million HUF and was close to bankruptcy – Tóth László, the company's former chairman told...

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GVH: OBI can operate the three former Bricostore stores

Competition Authority (GVH) gave permission to the OBI to operate the former Budakalász, Fót and Soroksár stores of the Bricostore Ingatlan Kft. These stores of the Bricostore Ingatlan Kft. were...

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A day for others! Helping charges you spiritually

The dm launched its ‘’A day for others!’’ program on 1 February. The movement aims to raise awareness on the importance of volunteering. Since the start of the program, the...

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SPAR – The protector of Easter bunnies

The SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. has launched the “I'm with the rabbits” movement to protect the Easter bunnies. With the “I'm with the rabbits” campaign the SPAR calls attention to...

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The online Tesco is well received by the customers

The online Tesco was launched on 21 March. The informed from the first experiences among its readers, then editors themselves also ordered from the Tesco online shopping system. The...

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High interest towards the supplier program of Lidl

The number of candidates for the “Lidl for the Hungarian suppliers” program has been doubled. Since the announcement of the official program announced three weeks ago, more than twenty potential...

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The Magyar Telekom is building a unified brand structure

The Mtelekom announced newer transformations in order to the serve the customers in a more modern way. Christopher Mattheisen, the company's Chief Executive Officer said that they develop their basic...

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HELL: first aid to party people

The Volunteer Association of Helpers and the HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft. were working together to publish a first aid  brochure, which provides guidance on responsible entertainment, on the basic tasks...

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The OBI strengthens its market leadership in Hungary

OBI has opens three new stores in the spring in Hungary, near Budapest, beside the M0 ring road. The units will open in the shoppng centres in Budakalász, Fót and...

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Easter deserves a quality ham

At Easter, after the Lent we are really spoiled after delicacies, but it is for sure that Easter ham can be found in the focus of the feast – Bonafarm...

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One and a half million chocolate rabbits are waiting for the Tesco customers

Tesco prepares for this year’s Easter with 3.5 million eggs, 100 percent domestically produced smoked ham and a wide range of primeur vegetables. Consumer durables over 50,000 HUF can be...

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Personal and corporate image change at Mood

From 1 March, Németh Kinga left Mood Media Hungary’s sales and marketing director post in favor of the Key Account team of the company’s parent company in Germany. Her successor...

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Chio: Mr. Potato is looking for his pair

Chio’s latest release reports about the most recent Potato Dating news, and about the birth of the new Chio Chips. Mr. Potato – that lovely, man with considerable experience in...

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HELL ENERGY: The company’s new generation, sugar-free drink received an outstanding scientific recognition

The Hungarian Obesitology and Movement Therapy Association (MOMOT) gave awards to individuals and companies who carry out outstanding activities in their own territory and are active in health promotion and...

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The National Public Health Service (ÁNTSZ) draws attention to a dietary supplement with forbidden ingredients

Among the ingerients of the product that is promising quick weight loss, the hoodia gordonii plant component can be found that can be considered as a new food product in...

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COOP continues to support the Hungarian Olympic team

The COOP Hungary Zrt., extended its cooperation with the Hungarian Olympic Committee (MOB) for a further four years. The COOP Hungary Zrt. continues to remain the key supporter of the...

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More than 160 million HUF food control fine

The Food Chain Safety and Animal Health Directorate of the Pest County Government Office imposed more than 160 million HUF food inspection fine on the company, which marketed at least...

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Nestlé’s Diósgyőr-based plant produces products for twenty-one countries

More than 1,500 tons of Easter chocolate products were produced for this year's Easter season in Nestlé’s Diósgyőr plant. 88 percent of the products was exported. This spring the chocolate...

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The Chio also joins to TerraCycle’s recycling program

With the help of the Intersnack Magyarország Kft., the manufacturer of Chio products, the TerraCycle starts to collect the packagings of salty crackers in Hungary, the first in Europe. The...

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SPAR supermarket in the MOM Park

The shopping center in the MOM park, Budapest will operate as a SPAR supermarket from March 2013. The former shop was member of the Match-chain. On the day of opening...

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METRO joins to the Earth Hour initiative for the sixth time

All Hungarian METRO store’s column lighting will be turned off for an hour, and the store sales area lighting will work in safe mode for climate protection purposes. The METRO...

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NIAS: food industrial development in Békéscsaba

The company is currently making a ​​significant infrastructure development, among other things they purchased a new packing machine, computer-controlled metalworking equipment and a powerful compressor. The Békéscsaba-based NIAS Bt. is...

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Rézangyal to conquer Russia

The biggest breakthrough has occurred in the field of Hungarian pálinka exports; More than twenty thousand bottles of Rézangyal pálinka was delivered to the Russian stores. Fifteen kinds of Rézangyal...

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