Company and Personal News

ALDI opened its first non-stop business in Hungary

The ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. has opened its first 0-24 business unit for the first time in Hungary, thereby contributing to the carefree and relaxing pastime of the festival goers....

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Praktiker organized collection for the children's home in Gencsapáti

The fundraising held for the children of the Kelemen Child Care Home has ended successfully. The donations were collected by the employees of the Praktiker in Szombathely for three months....

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A new service by METRO launched

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Fundraising to cover the funeral expenses for Czubor János

Dear MVI Members, Dear Colleagues! The Hungarian Caterers Guild organizes fundraising to cover the funeral expenses of Czubor János, former Director of the Gundel Károly Vocational School Director. The collected...

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A pint of beer is the best after a tough day

On hot summer evenings, after a tough day it is the best to sit with friends and a pint of beer. Despite the fact that beer is one of the...

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The Zwack Unicum Nyrt. increased its profit and revenue

The Zwack Unicum Nyrt. achieved 532 million HUF after tax profit during the first quarter of the 2016-2017 business year, 49.7 percent more than a year ago – according flash...

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The Sárospatak confectionery company is expanding its capacity

The Sárospatak-Hungária Édesipari Kft. increases its capacity. The company won 262 million HUF non-refundable EU subsidy to the nearly 525 million HUF investment within the “Széchenyi 2020 micro, small and...

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The SPAR is looking for barbecue heroes across the country!

The time of party princes, star celebrities, bad guys and kings in cabrios has expired. This summer, the real cool people will be those will not smoke their neighbor's garden...

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The Baptist Charity Service is distributing mineral water thanks to Theodora

During scorcher days, everyone please remember to consume adequate fluids to prevent dehydration. Theodora would like to help, therefore the company offered nearly three thousand bottles of non-carbonated natural mineral...

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Bread of the Hungarians – 44 tons of wheat was gathered in Transcarpathia

Among a ceremony, the wheat gathered by the Hungarian-inhabited settlements in Transcarpathia was symbolically spilled together on Saturday in Nagydobrony, Ungvár district. In his ceremony opening speech Őrhidi László, president...

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Melon Day to be held in Ópusztaszer

A Melon Day will be held on Saturday in the National Historical Park in Ópusztaszer. The guests can taste the luscious fruit there. Kodácz Csengele, the institution's chief marketing officer...

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ALDI expands in Hungary with two new stores

ALDI also opens a store in Kecskemét, thus the supermarket chain increases the number of its stores in Hungary to 113 – ALDI told MTI on Thursday. According to the...

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The Hungarian Wine Route Rally visits new locations

The Hungarian Wine Route Rally this year visits smaller wineries that were previously not involved in the tour. The 21st Hungarian Wine Route Rally has 250-300 participants and will start...

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Farmers' Days in Bábolna again at the end of August

The 30 years old Farmers' Days in Bábolna opens its gates in the last day of August again. The primary theme of the exhibition will be the presentation of machinery...

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Nearly 300 exhibitors are expected to the 25th Debrecen Farmer Expo

Almost three hundred exhibitors will take part in Hungary's oldest and largest regional agricultural exhibition, the Debrecen Farmer Expo that will open on 18 August – Vaszkó László Fair Director...

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About four hundred exhibitors at the farmer days in Szentlörinc

About four hundred exhibitors will debut at the farmer days in Szentlörinc, which is one of Hungary's largest agricultural trade fair. The fair will take place between 12 and 14...

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Samsung and Nestlé will join forces for health and healthy nutrition

Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center and Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences announced a collaboration to harness the power of IoT technology and nutrition science to provide new insights into healthy...

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Pély Barna sings about beer

Pély Barna’s latest composition has a very special theme, because of the summer's favorite drink, the beer gave him the inspiration. The presentation of the unusual hit is as exciting...

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The Debrecen Wine and Jazz Days will begin on Thursday

The Wine and Jazz Days in Debrecen will be held in the Great Forest of Debrecen. From Thursday 62 wineries of 19 wine regions will await the guests. Komolay Szabolcs...

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Tesco closed a profitable year in Hungary

The Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. closed its last business year with profit in Hungary: the company's after-tax profit increased to 13.2 billion HUF from last year’s significant losses of 68 billion...

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SPAR: the kids were given fabulous class trips

The SPAR, celebrating its 25th anniversary offered a fabulous surprise to the students. The chain gave tours to the most hardworking classes, which they have always been dreamt about. The...

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The Hungaroharvest Kft. won an award at the 2016 Great Taste Awards

The Great Taste is one of the world's most prestigious award of the food industry. The award is given to foods and beverages that actually proves to be the best...

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MasterCard: 61 percent of the Hungarian cardholders use the card abroad

According to the survey of MasterCard, almost three-quarters of the Hungarians traveling abroad bring credit card with them, 61 percent of them use it as well. According to MasterCard’s communication...

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Amazon worth more and more

Amazon on Monday became the world’s fourth-most valuable company by market capitalization, usurping scandal-struck oil giant Exxon Mobil. The internet giant’s stock price rose by just over 1 percent, bringing...

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The Soproni came up with an Ale beer

The Soproni was the first among the brewers in Hungary that appeared with an Ale beer on the domestic market. The beer is available catering establishments and festivals during the...

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The coffee factory helps the preparearations for the Paralympics

The Bravos coffee’s manufacturer, the Mocca Negra Zrt. auctions a water polo ball with the Hungarian water polo team’s signatures. At the auction, the water polo ball was bought for...

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Check can be paid in drugstores as well

The Magyar Posta Zrt. in cooperation with the Rossmann Magyarország Kft. to provide faster and more flexible services installed 25 check machines in Rossmann drugstores from 29 July. The Magyar...

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Gingerbread Festival in Debrecen

The 9th Gingerbread Festival was started on Saturday in Debrecen. The event aims to nurture the tradition of gingerbread making that is dating back to several centuries – Komolay Szabolcs...

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HoReCa category, SILVER MEDAL: HD Group, Nespresso NespressoGourmet Festival 2015 – promotional competition

The agency’s task was to communicate the values of the Nespresso brand and the special culinary experience coffee drinking can offer. Within the framework of the 4-day culinary festival the...

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25 years in partnership, for the trust of Hungarian consumers

Sales director György Sóskuti and communication and marketing director Mónika Szilva from Nestlé Hungária Kft. talked to our magazine about the guidelines which have shaped the company’s work in the...

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