Almost one hour work for a Big Mac in Budapest

By: trademagazin Date: 2009. 08. 26. 00:00

In the world's boomtowns one has to work for a Big Mac for an average of 38 minutes. In Tokyo only 12 minutes, nearly an hour in Budapest and 158 minutes in Nairobi.

The Big Mac Index of Economist shows in which countries, how long one should work for a  Big Mac. The index showed that people work the least for a Big Mac in Chicago, Tokyo and Toronto, barely 12 minutes to buy a Big Mac. On the fourth place stands London, Miami and Los Angeles where 13 minutes work needs to buy a Big Mac. In New York 14 minutes of work is needed to buy a sandwich. A total of 73 cities were studied. An average of 38 minutes should be worked for a Big Mac. Budapest is located in the back of the list, nearly an hour should be work for a Big Mac – reports Index.

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