Mouth care: the market is going in the direction of problem solving
Still, everyday oral hygiene and oral health are considered vital only by a small proportion of Hungary’s population. Only 1.2 toothbrushes are sold per person a year, instead of the ideal 4. As for toothpaste, the average Hungarian uses less than 3 tubes a year despite all the education campaigns organised by manufacturers.
For instance Colgate has been organising their mouth care month every September since 1999. This year there will be free dental screenings in busy parts of Budapest and in shops hostesses will help in choosing the right mouth care products. The website of Blend-a-Med and Oral-B promotes comprehensive mouth care and also offers many ideas to keep our teeth healthy. They also give advice on how to protect out teeth from dental plaque. Henkel’s Vademecum brand is market leader in the children’s toothpaste segment and Szilvia Baranyi, Henkel Magyarország Kft.’s trade marketing and brand manager told our magazine that this year they supported the publication of a book. ‘The toothbrush of Márton bear’ was written by Andrea Ilona Makai and it teaches children how to wash their teeth properly. All kindergartens and crèches received free copies. Anita Pallós, brand deployment assistant manager with Unilever Magyarország emphasised to us that many parents neglect oral care, which mans that their children also tend to skip brushing their teeth whenever they can. Unilever started cooperating with FDI, an organisation that unites about 200 national dental care associations, and implemented a programme for teaching several thousand 6-7 year old children about why it is very important to brush their teeth regularly. Zsófia Besenyei, Wrigley Hungária Kft.’s junior brand manager informed Trade magazin about their website and publications, which teach children and parents about the role of the right diet in preserving the health of teeth. Saliva is the first line of defence in protecting the mouth and they recommend the consumption of a sugar-free Orbit chewing gum after each meal: it stimulates the secretion of saliva. Unilever’s experience is that special products are pushing forward and ‘complete protection’-type products are becoming less popular. Tooth whitening is still crucial: Signal White Now is the first toothpaste that visibly makes teeth whiter after just one use. Thanks to its special formula, Signal White Now mouthwash not only whitens teeth but also refreshes the mouth for a long time. Unilever’s most successful promotions are 2+1 and 1+1 campaigns – these are most efficient when buyers get both toothbrush and toothpaste, as many people do not like buying 3 tubes of toothpaste at the same time. Henkel’s representative survey, conducted this year, revealed that in most Hungarian households one type of toothpaste is used, usually one that offers complete care. It is good news that consumption grew on an annual level, especially in the medical segment. Vademecum Vademecum takes part in each Henkel & Schwarzkopf multi-brand promotion campaign, but they also use price promotions, double packs and ‘get more for free’ offers.
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