SHELL expanded its LNG filling station network

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 04. 13. 08:24

On April 13, Shell Hungary zRt. opened its first LNG filling station in Hungary. The facility is located in Szigetszentmiklós at the 19 kilometer section of the M0 ring road connecting several trans-European corridors.

Shell is continuously expanding its European liquefied natural gas (LNG) filling station network to support the carbon reduction efforts of its road freight partners.

Shell Hungary zRt. today opened its first LNG station in Hungary. The station is located next to the M0 ring road and is accessible from both directions of the motorway. The station, which has been modernized in accordance with Shell’s high level of quality and safety standards applied throughout Europe, will supply trucks in Hungary with LNG, and in the future with bio-LNG fuel, as well as support to other countries, e.g. also freight traffic to Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Romania, Slovenia or Slovakia.