Magazine: Pearls in wine
The majority of consumers do not know the difference between champagne, sparkling wines and semi-sparkling wines. Domestic winemakers make sparkling wine from different grape varieties every year and as consumer demand is growing for these, there are more and more types available in shops. Andrea Gere, co-owner of Gere Attila Winery told our magazine that the 2010 vintage was perfect for making sparkling wines. She thinks that they could be especially popular among young people. Anita Frittmann, co-owner of Frittmann Winery opined that they try to preserve as much natural carbon dioxide in their sparkling wines as they can but after fermentation they add some more. All of their sparkling wines are made from top quality grapes and wines. László Sipos, marketing and sales manager of Polgár winery informed Trade magazin that he does not see a price war emerging because most wineries do not have the necessary technological background yet. Zalán Mucsi, winemaker of Pántlika winery thinks that sparkling wines’ popularity is growing not only because they are trendy but also because they are really refreshing. He reckons that their popularity will have positive influence on wine consumption in general.
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