The domestic supply of corn is ensured, there is no need to import

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 30. 11:28

Most of the corn produced in our country has yet to be harvested, but some people – presumably in the interest of the market – are already predicting the need for imports. The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the National Association of Grain Growers, and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Cooperatives and Farmers’ Cooperatives ask the market players to refrain from such expressions, because they – especially if they are not substantiated – strongly destroy market cooperation and trust.

The three organizations, in agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, emphasize that there is no place for panic on the market, as the buyers will not achieve the lifting of the Ukrainian import ban. So far, the crop has been harvested from just over half of the nearly 900,000-hectare production area, so far-reaching conclusions cannot be drawn from the experience so far, and no accurate data is available yet.

However, based on the amount harvested so far and the crop estimates, it can be stated that the domestic supply of corn in the appropriate quantity and quality is ensured, and there is no need for imports. The three organizations firmly ask the market participants to refrain from such and similar expressions that are particularly harmful from a market point of view, because they undermine the trust between producers, buyers and processors and further aggravate the situation of farmers struggling with drought and unfavorable market conditions.

As in every year, this year too there may be items contaminated with toxins. In such a case, both the producer and the processor must be aware of the procedures that can be used to reduce the contamination of the raw material, as well as the processing purpose of the raw materials contaminated to varying degrees. Processed products placed on the market must in all circumstances comply with the applicable feeding and food chain safety regulations. Preserving mutual trust is in the interest of both parties.

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