Shopping tourism on the Slovak border: is it worth skipping?

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 16. 12:07

In the northern counties, an increasingly common question is whether it is worth going shopping in Slovakia. Favorable prices, lower VAT and sales attract many Hungarian customers to Nagymegyer, Révkomárom or even Rozsnyo. In settlements close to the border, such as Győr, this trend has become almost everyday, and shopping tourism has created new habits among people. Many people download the applications of the stores there, purchase discount cards, and travel specifically for the discount products. A recent article by Telex examines this phenomenon.

More and more Hungarian customers are passing through Slovakia to take advantage of the favorable prices. VAT is lower in Slovakia, which is also reflected in the prices. A customer from Győr at Kaufland in Nagymegyer said: “I come here every week, mainly because of the sales. Cola, beer and meats are particularly well priced.” For sale products, it is worth preparing in advance, even arriving with a list, because shopping can be a challenge at first due to the signs in Slovak. Converting prices into forints is not always easy either, but for regular customers it has become a routine.

Among the various goods, many highlight the beers: the eight-pack of Kozel is available for 4.75 euros (approx. HUF 1,900), which is a significantly better price than in Hungary. Among the food items, sweet potatoes, iceberg lettuce and detergents are also popular choices, mainly due to the significant price differences.

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