Tesco launches greenest store in Britain

By: trademagazin Date: 2009. 01. 16. 00:00

Tesco has opened a store in the UK with a carbon footprint 70% less than other similar sized outlets and will cut its fuel costs by 48%.

The 52,000 square metre Cheetham Hill
shopping centre outlet uses a new lighting system that automatically
dims individual lights when natural daylight increases and a
refrigeration system which uses naturally occurring carbon dioxide
emission to cool fridges rather than traditional fridge gasses. It
has wind catcher funnels positioned on the roof to make maximum use
of natural ventilation to cool the premises rather than relying on
the air conditioning system. The checkout packaging area is made from
fully recyclable plastic which have much lower carbon and water
content that traditionally constructed facilities.

As known, this initiatives were tested two years ago in Hungary, where in some store also use the geotermic energy for cutting costs and making Tesco stores greener.  


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