The Sz. Variant conquers the paper bag market with digital overprinting

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 24. 11:41

Sz. Variáns, a family business that started in Debrecen and is also present in Budapest, is famous for its fabulous boxes. It was the first in Hungary to put into operation a digital machine suitable for the subsequent overprinting of paper bags. The new technology allows companies to order plastic-free, eco-friendly and unique paper bags in small quantities, while significantly reducing production costs and lead times. The innovation is also particularly important from an environmental point of view: by using water-based paints and FSC-certified paper from sustainable sources, the products are produced with up to 30% less carbon dioxide emissions. As part of the company’s ESG strategy, Sz.Variáns adds the 100% biodegradable “Green Bag” product line to its well-known portfolio.

The company uses a digital machine developed in the Netherlands, which is specially optimized for overprinting paper bags. This device works with water-based paint and offers many advantages. From the very first piece, it provides a ready-to-print product without setup costs, thus avoiding waste, and the first printing also means final quality.

“Digital technology especially speeds up the production process compared to traditional flexo technology. While with the flexo process, approximately 10,000 pieces can be produced with a long preparation time and a significant cost of hundreds of thousands of forints, with digital technology, all this can be done in a few days and in fewer copies.”

– highlights János Szakál, managing director of Sz.Variáns. This technology is especially beneficial during the Christmas season, when wineries, shops and small businesses order small quantities of personalized paper bags.

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