Multisense realism is what people are looking for
Part of multisense realism is a new interpretation of light. As I am not a physicist, there is no way to introduce this idea without sounding like a crackpot, but nevertheless I have not found any reason to suspect that this view is not plausible, and perhaps preferable to other interpretations that I have come across. To the contrary, the more time that goes by and the more experts who I talk to about it with, the more I am convinced that the obstacle to considering this view is in prejudice and misunderstanding rather than in any distortion of fact or lack of general understanding. The idea is that light (and all forms of energy) are inherent sensory-motor capacities of matter rather than a separate product of matter. Instead of seeing energy as particles, waves, or disturbances in fields, we may be looking at a kind of fundamental sanity of matter, which is local to matter and not to space-bound independent particles.
To begin with, it is necessary to come to grips with the worldview which is implied by Einstein’s Special Relativity. In doing so, I think that it can be said that actually, There Is No ‘Speed of Light’.
At least not in the way that most people would think of it, if they did ever think of it. There is a speed at which a state of illumination radiates from molecule to molecule or body to body which depends on physical qualities of the bodies in question, but I think that it is correct to say that light does not travel ‘through’ a vacuum at all, but figuratively jumps from within bodies through perception and imitative participation. It is the behavior of matter which waves and scatters, not independent projectiles or fields in space. Light, warmth, color, motion, are experiences, not objects.
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