Innovation is almost a tradition in logistics

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 02. 24. 11:27

In sync with international trends, the domestic logistics sector is also characterized by continuous innovation. Even the Russian-Ukrainian war conflict and outstanding inflation data have not hindered this so far. Despite the challenges, the sector is still characterized by development and continuous renewal, an integral part of which is not only material assets, but also developments affecting human resources.

Dr. Doór Zoltán, az MLE elnöke (

The year 2022 was a year of challenges. The logistics sector has not yet fully overcome the tests caused by the coronavirus epidemic, when it entered a new era. Into a new stage of challenges, which together with the previous difficulties presented the sector with new tasks.

“Even in the height of the coronavirus epidemic, its impact was felt in domestic and international logistics, when the Russian-Ukrainian conflict entered a new phase 1 year ago. This, of course, had a great impact on the logistics players as well, since after that, rising inflation and record-breaking energy prices presented the sector with new serious difficulties.”

said Dr. Zoltán Doór, president of the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE).