The new wave of flu drugs and tourism: The Hungarian Tourist Agency’s innovative marketing campaign

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 24. 09:38

In recent years, the role of influenza drugs has become increasingly important in tourism, especially among the 25-40-year-old age group. Zoltán Guller, the president of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ), highlighted in his interview with Index that the influencer market has become a key factor in tourism marketing.

“With the influencer media trip, we used a new marketing campaign – accepted in the industry and increasingly popular – because our primary goal was to address the 25-40 age group, whom we had difficulty reaching with our previous campaign tools”

Guller said.

MTÜ recently organized a large-scale influenza campaign, in the framework of which around 50 international and more than 100 domestic influenza cases from 14 countries were received in Budapest on May 22-24. between. The purpose of the event was to present the beauties and touristic values ​​of Hungary with the participation of opinion leaders from different parts of the world.

The results speak for themselves: as a result of the campaign, the number of foreign tourists in Budapest increased by 20 percent compared to the same period last year. This clearly indicates that the Hungarian Tourist Agency has successfully used new types of marketing tools and thus started a new trend in the industry.

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