The real anti-aging wonder drug! – A one-step, budget-friendly solution for slowing down aging

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 05. 23. 12:00

One of the essential and key steps in conscious skin care is sun protection. Many people do not know, but regardless of the season, we should protect our skin: in winter, for example, snow strongly reflects the sun’s radiation and increases the UV radiation that hits the skin, but it can also be shocking that even the sun filtering through the window glass can damage our skin Rossmann Hungary has collected the most important information and some useful tips about sunscreens to make the choice easier.

We should use sunscreen 365 days a year, because it is true that there is less UVB that causes tanning in bad weather, but UVA is at least as harmful in winter and summer. It is also important that skin aging processes can be significantly accelerated by UVA, so it is really not worth taking a risk and omitting sunscreen from our facial care routine.

Which sunscreen should I choose?

Today, we can choose from countless sunscreens: they offer a solution according to skin type and skin problem, and a wide range of products is available on the shelves of drugstores, but the abundance often leads to confusion. Rossmann Hungary tries to help with the decision, so a special filter in the Online Pharmacy helps customers choose the perfect sunscreen.

“Whether it’s sensitive, acne-prone, pigmented or even dehydrated and dry skin, everyone can find the perfect product for them using the filter. In addition, customers can even search for specific active ingredients and extra features, thereby making the choice easier”

– highlighted Ádám Fürjes, head of the Rossmann webshop.

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