The EU would reform the common agricultural policy

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 05. 12:01

The EU presented an agricultural expert report on Wednesday, which aims to reform the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) in order to better align EU subsidies with the socio-economic needs of farmers.

The report was prepared by around thirty experts in the framework of the so-called strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture in the European Union, which began in January this year in response to the series of agricultural protests that broke out in several EU countries.

Based on the recommendations of the report, the European Commission will be tasked with developing a new agricultural policy. The experts advise, among other things, that subsidies from CAP sources should be directed to the “most needy farmers” based on income, and not paid based on the size of the land owned.

The document emphasizes that the current system of direct payments is hardly related to the socio-economic needs of farmers, and therefore, instead of the area-based support that defines the current system, it should be based on the “viability” of the economic activity of individual farmers.

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