Tesco tattoos avocados to reduce environmental impact

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 06. 03. 10:29

Tesco is replacing the stickers on its extra-large avocados with barcodes drawn on by lasers in a bid to limits its environmental impact.

The trial with the UK’s main avocado supplier Westfalia Fruit, will see high-powered lasers removing a small section of the top layer of skin, The Independent reported.

A computer programme will direct the laser to zap size or variety information onto the avocados, with the process taking just one third of a second, leaving the produce with what is essentially a tattoo.

The supplier said that it had undergone extensive trials to make sure the avocados were not affected by the lasers and to ensure its quality, shelf life and taste.

It comes as the supermarket giant sells almost 70m avocados every year, with demand having grown 15% in the past year.

Alongside the removal of plastic stickers, Tesco is also replacing the plastic tray packaging for its two most popular avocado lines with an easily recyclable cardboard container, as part of another new trial in around 270 stores in south-east England.

If the trial proves to be positive among shoppers, this will be rolled out across all Tesco stores – a move which could save more than 20m pieces of plastic from the avocado twin packs and up to 25m pieces across its pre-packaged range.

Grocery Gazette

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