Due to price increases, most parents prepare rather than buy their child’s school snacks

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 10. 17. 10:14

Almost half of the parents do not give their children pocket money at all, a third of them provide an amount of less than HUF 1,000 per day for food when going to school – according to the latest online research by Pek-Snack, which asked 1,308 people.

Parents are already packing rather than giving money

Due to the currently experienced inflationary environment, the vast majority of parents (73 percent) definitely rationalize their spending, which is why they prepare their child’s travel documents themselves more often. However, if you go shopping, baked goods are by far the most popular among them.

Nine out of ten parents use to pack their children’s lessons at home. Almost two-thirds of the respondents give their children pastries, followed by fruit and vegetables (54.7%), muesli and oat bars (34.8%), and homemade cakes (20.7%). Every ninth parent prepares a dairy product for their children when they go to school, according to an online survey conducted by Pek-Snack, the dominant chain of display bakeries in Hungary and the Central European region.

Among those interviewed, 42 percent do not usually give their children spending money, and 33.3 percent allocate less than HUF 1,000 per day for school snacks. About 21 percent of the respondents send children to school with an amount between HUF 1,000 and HUF 2,000, while only a tiny fraction of respondents, 3.6 percent, give more than HUF 2,000 per day.
