Posts From trademagazin

Kapuvári Meat Zrt. will expand its production

Kapuvári Meat Zrt. will expand its production to two shifts at the recently built bacon plant, built by a 400 million HUF investment, due to the planned autumn launch of...

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Bio mangalica do not purchased ,while traditional pork is popular

According to experts, the “triumph” of biomangalica is a myth. Eco- mangalica is expensive and noone pays for it domestically and abroad as well. In big volumes it is almost...

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Heineken says no to recession

Heineken closed the first half of the year, with a 489 million euro net profit, 20 percent above the same period of the previous year. The turnover was 11 percent...

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Health Day in Tesco for the second time this year

On the 28th August Tesco Health Day will be held for the second time this year. At 24 locations of the country, including 3 special places, healthy nutrition and lifestyle...

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Juicy dried plum is the autumn surprise of Danone Activia

Danone Activia’s new autumn taste of juicy prunes with pear-apricot yogurt is available in four packs. The plum, and dried version is one of the most popular fruit of the...

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Compared to May retail increased in June

The volume of retail sales were below in the same period of last year, by 3.2 percent in the first half of 2009 and 2.2 percent in In June. The...

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Foreigners spend more in Hungary, than Hungarians abroad

In the first half of 2009, the total foreign consumption was 544 billion HUF, 21 percent more than the same period of 2008. Hungarians visiting abroad, spent HUF 379 billion...

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Exuberant optimism in the United States

According to the August survey of Confernce Board; The views on economy has improved at consumer assessment in the United States. The consumer confidence index rose from 46.6 points to...

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The 100th McDonald’s started with hamburger contest

On August 28, in the city Győr the 100th McDonald's restaurant will be opened. It will be the third unit in Győr. There is no other restaurant chain in Hungary...

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The consumption of cheaper wines increases

In the first six months, the quantity of wine purchased for home consumption increased by 5 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. But the growth has...

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The end of the recession in Germany

In the second quarter of 2009, Germany came out of the recession with a 0.3 percent GDP growth compared to the first quarter – confirmed by the Federal Statistical Office...

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Globus canned meat will be manufactured in the Czech Republic

Czech Hamé food industry group will take the production of its Globus canned meat into the Czech Republic, which recently bought the manufacturing and distribution rights of the Hungarian registered...

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Bitter sugar confectionery: price increases are to come

In times of the crisis chocolate improves mood, but the producers are threatening with world price increase, because the sugar and cocoa prices rose into the heavens on the world...

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The purchase of apples will start from 11 HUF per kilogram

Agrana Juice Hungary Ltd. owning the majority of the market, started the purchasing of apple in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. The Austrian company pays 11 HUF (4 eurocents) for the fruit to...

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Almost one hour work for a Big Mac in Budapest

In the world's boomtowns one has to work for a Big Mac for an average of 38 minutes. In Tokyo only 12 minutes, nearly an hour in Budapest and 158...

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Households saves because of the crisis

Nearly three-quarters of households restrained spendings because of the recession. Most of the households save on holiday, clothing, entertainment and culture – reported Népszabadság the assessment of BellResearch research company....

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The Global economic climate indicator improves significantly

According to the Munich based Ifo market research company, in the third quarter the global economic climate will continue to improve, especially the six-month expectations appear to be promising. IFO’s ...

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Tesco – new banking services

Tesco supermarket chain widens the scope of its financial services and aims the full range of retail banking activities. Tesco recently announced, that 800 new jobs will be created in...

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Euro-zone’s industrial orders improved on monthly level

Far beyond the preliminary expectations; Euro-zone’s industrial new orders stock level increased by 3.1 percent in June on monthly level, after the 0.5 percent decline of May. Only 1.7 percent...

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HÍR-es taste days in the Vajdahunyad Castle

In the organisation of Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC), the HÍR-es taste days will be held for the second time in the Vajdahunyad Castle between 29-30 August 2009. The main goal of...

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Unilever: hot ice cream against climate change

The market leader, Unilever fight with special tool against global warming: the company plans to produce an ice-cream, which will be sold at room temperature and buyers will frozen it...

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Aldi wins in the U.S. market

Aldi can be among the big winners of the crisis: The German retail chain – famous for its low prices – can become a major player in the U.S. market,...

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Small beer breweries suffered huge market loss

The turnover of small beer breweries decreased by four-fifth, this year compared to the datas of the previous year. In the mid 90s 340 small breweries were in Hungary, now...

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Penny Market: more than 200 thousand people in the loyalty club

Penny Market launched a loyalty club in June, which now exceeds 200 thousand members. The “Penny Fan Game” offers three chances of winning for every customer who requires the card...

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Market in the U.S. garages

Because of the economic crisis and the rising unemployment rate, garage markets are in bloom in the United States. More people are forced to sell their beloved belongingsin order to...

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One purchases cheap food because of the crisis

The total turnover of the own branded products of the supermarket chains reached more than 165 billion HUF in the first six months of 2009 – states Nielsen market research...

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Ninety percent use Internet before shopping

According to the survey of Google; almost 90 percent of the Hungarian consumers are using the internet before buying a product. About half of the users are browsing on price...

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Holiday checks made up 9 percent of the income of accommodations last year

Acording to Central Statistical Office, holiday checks were used in a value of more than 21 billion HUF at commercial accommodation last year. Fourteen billion HUF was recorded at the...

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GKI’s economic index improves for four months

The economic outlook in August, has also improved. GKI’s economic index rising since May and already exceeds the value of last November. The expectations of each sector within the business...

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Hospitality is a success story

In the accommodation and hospitality sector the total value of investments were 58.4 billion HUF in 2008. This is 10.9 percent more in volume than in the previous year, while...

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