Posts From trademagazin

Subway develops despite of closures

Subway closed five units this year in Hungary. The American restaurant chain mainly offering sandwiches, now operating with 16 units, as the propery of independent franchise partners. Turnover moderated as...

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Romanian retail trade fell in the last twelve months

According to the Bucharest statistical office; because of the the drastic decline in demand, Romanian retail sales fell by nearly 14 percent in July, compared to the same period of...

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Keineken vs. Heineken

Keineken brand means: Not Heineken. Keineken beer was launched by a Swiss brewery because they fed up that the local shops were flooded with the Dutch alcohol. Heineken is now...

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The triumph of supermarkets continued, lively shoppings decreased

According to GfK Hungária’s first half-year report of 2009 on domestic retail; households purchased significantly lower quantity. Similar to last year, this year also the supermarket channel has reached the...

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The Chamber of Agriculture starts an offensive before the collapse of the grain market

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture tries to draw the antention in letter of the High Commissioner for Agriculture of the EU, Gráf József, Minister of Agriculture and the largest advocacy...

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Hungarian mangalica pig is counterfeited in the Japanese market

Kovács László, CEO of Pick Szeged Zrt reported told to that Japanese wholesalers are selling Hungarian mangalica meat at the Japanese market, at very low prices. The fake ’Hungarian’...

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Csányi Sándor and Slovakian Penta are also interested in Herz

Both Csányi Sándor and Slovakian Penta would enter in the tender for the asset items of the Herz salami. Beside them, a group of German investors also appeared on the...

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One billion worth bottling plant in Badacsony

Bazaltbor Badacsony Ltd. is building a wine bottling plant, with a capacity of 300 thousand bottles. Beside the new bottling plant, a new winery and a wine-hotel will be built,...

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The financing of the mall constructions was not profitable for the banks

One of the largest mall in Germany, the 120 thousand square meters A10-Center in Berlin, reported bankrupcy. It is not yet locked up, even considering its expansion, but it is...

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Hungary and Germany are among the biggest losers

According to the study of German Deka Bank, comparing 31 developed and determined country; Hungary and Germany are among the biggest losers of the economic crisis in Europe. The experts...

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Alaszka Ltd. bought Éléskert

The ownership concentration between the member companies of Real Food Hungaria Ltd. continues. The Debrecen based Alaszka Ltd. recently acquired 100 percent ownership in the Éléskert Ltd. of Gyula. The...

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The SPAR on the 18th Budapest International Wine and Champagne Fest

The SPAR Hungary Ltd. will be the main sponsor – just like the previous years – of the 18th Budapest International Wine and Champagne Festival, which became one of the...

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Extra tax can hit the carbonated soft drinks in the U.S.

There is a growing demand in the United States, that the federal government should impose a special tax to reduce the excessive consumption of junk food and carbonated soft drinks....

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Hungary’s food retail increased in value, but decreased in volume

According to Nielsen market research company; the amount of food retail turnover in the second quarter in nine developed European countries as well as in Hungary, had been reduced, compared...

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Low wheat prices

According to Vancsura József, President of the National Association of Cereal Growers the wheat prices are 20-25 percent lower, compared to the same period of last year. In addition, there...

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Decreasing occupancy rate in hotels, all over the world

According to the datas published by STRGlobal; with an average, nearly 12 percent decline occured at the world's hotel occupancy rate in the first half of the year. London had...

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Stagnating fast-food restaurants

The turnover of the largest fast-food restaurants stagnating, compared to the previous year in Hungary. McDonald's, and Burger King do not expect significant changes, so the companies are forecasting similar...

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Cadbury would not let to be purchased

The U.S. food group Kraft Foods, made a 16.7 billion USD bid for the purchase of the British Cadbury confectionery industry company. The proposed deal would allow annual savings of...

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Raiker joined to Real Hungária Drink

New participant joined to the Real Drink Hungária Ltd. Budapest. One of the biggest wholesale beverage business of the Central Hungary region, the Raiker Ltd joined to the Real Drink...

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The sugar factory in Kaposvár was renovated from half billion

Nearly one-third of the annual domestic needs of sugar is produced in Kaposvár. Five hundred million HUF was spent on the renewal of the sugar factory of Kaposvár. Hájos László,...

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Karstadt bankruptcy can cause a wave of store closures

Store closures wave can hit Germany in the forthcoming years, because of the bankruptcy of Germany's Karstadt chain of stores and its parent company; Arcandor. According to experts, about two-thirds...

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Artistic creativity and modern technology in the new Nestlé Chocolate Center

Nestlé Development Center has opened today in Broc Switzerland. In the new center built from 25 million Swiss francs investment will take place the development centre of Nestlé premium and...

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Szabó Edit became the new BTL division leader at POP – Rafinanz

From 7th September Szabó Edit is the BTL director of Rafinanz Service Agency who was the event director of VAM Design Center previously. Szabó Edit started her professional career in...

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Hungarians chose Balaton as domestic and Greece as foreign destination

The travel portal made a comprehensive analysis about the tarvel experiences of this summer, processing 14,000 requests, that the users launched through the site to hotels and travel agents...

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Next year world economy will increase and perhaps domestic economy also

According to IMF's updated forecast for this year; the performance of the whole world economy will be below 1.3 percent compared to last year, but next year global GDP will...

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Nyírbátor became one of the European production centre of Unilever

On 4th September a 9.7 million euros investment officially completed in Nyírbátor, which increased the capacity of the local Unilever factory by 60 percent. The one year-long development and conversions...

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The greenest Tesco has opened in Dunakeszi

Tesco hypermarket chain’s newest unit which became the greenest Tesco, with its environmentally friendly design and construction with a unique energy-saving indicators, in Central Europe is waiting its customers in...

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Spa development for three billions

With the building of an indoor spa and with the transformation of summer swimming pools 3 billion HUF investment was achieved in Sárvár. European Union assumes the 30 percent of...

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Gyulai Meet Factory: perhaps there is a buyer perhaps there is not

Speculations are continueing about the future of the Gyulai Meet Factory. The was informed from a person – from the circle of ownership, requesting anonymity – that talks are...

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Tesco supermarket opened in Szolnok

Tesco's new energy-efficient store in Szolnok was built with a wooden structure and wood cover outside. The environmentally friendly design and construction, further enrich the range of Tesco's energy stores....

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