Posts From trademagazin

The agricultural use of the domestic mineral resources is untapped

The agricultural use of the domestic mineral resources is untapped – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) drew attention at a press conference on...

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Beer festival for the first time in Szombathely

The 1st Savaria Beer Festival will be held for the first time in Szombathely to create a tradition. The festival awaits its guests between 2 and 5 June to the...

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Consumer prices continued to fall in the EU

Consumer prices continued to fall in the EU in April in an annual comparison inthe European Union (EU28) and in the euro zone after the stagnation of March. According to...

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The diabetic labeling often caused excessive consumption

Due to the diabetic labeling, many people thought that they can eat as much as they can, although these products often have the same energy content – Antal Emese dietitian...

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Romanian Cigarette smugglers were caught in Zala

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) found more than 2.6 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes in a consignment on the M70 highway – the Zala...

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Metro’s expansion in the premium category

On 1 April Metro AG acquired premium food product supplier Rungis Express. Metro keeps the brand name and Rungis Express will continue to have its own management. The contract was...

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Magazine: Our own culinary tour

Last year MVI started a series of culinary tours: these roadshow-type events have a networking function, but at the same time they are also great fun and a perfect occasion...

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Analysts: the GDP data caused a negative surprise

The analysts evaluated the 0.9 percent GDP growth of the first quarter (compared to the same period of last year) as a negative surprise. Virovácz Péter, ING’s macro analyst said...

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To preserve the Hungarian foie gras products is a cultural and national economic interest

To preserve the Hungarian foie gras products is a cultural and national economic interest – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) responsible for food chain...

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144 thousand single agricultural support applications have arrived yet

Only 144 thousand EU single agricultural support applications have arrived until Saturday, after last year's 180 thousand, though this year, the deadline was extended to May 23 – Süle Katalin,...

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The SuperShop loyalty program received an international award

The SuperShop’s loyalty program (the loyalty program of SPAR and OMV) won a Global Award for Brand Excellence – Best Loyalty Program Award. The prestigious Global Brand Excellence – Best...

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We have the finest companies in Hungary

The InvestorsinPeople and the British Chamber of Commerce recognized the outstanding companies of Hungary in nine categories and with a special award. The award winners are companies that show good...

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Women winemakers then and now

While in ancient times women did not allowed to serve wine, today more and more women become winemakers. Although the women are biologically more capable to test wines, the significant...

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Mobile app to help the tasting of local wines in Balatonfüred

The application called Kóstolom (Tasting) to debut at the tasting of the young winemakers of the Balatonfüred-Csopak Wine Region – Hanyecz Imre communications manager of the company that developed the...

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The agricultural insurance application has been extended

Support for agricultural insurance can be applied by 23 May. The deadline was extended from 17 May – the Groupama Biztosító Zrt. told in its communication. The subsidy can reach...

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The Nébih withdrew expired meat

The staff of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized about 13 tonnes of unlabeled, expired meat in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. According to the communication of the National Food Chain...

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The share of domestic food stop signs should be removed in Slovakia

According to a European Union (EU) provision, the practice that indicates the proportion of Slovakian food should be abolished by the end of the year – the Új Szó wrote...

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Poli-Farbe: great big hit with Nagy Laci

In the new campaign of the Poli-Farbe paint factory, Nagy László handball player demonstrates how easy to paint a wall with Poli-Farbe Platinum. The Poli-Farbe Platinum ads can be watched...

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Do you like pancakes? And Game of Thrones? – Video of the day

This video shows off the Game Of Thrones pancakes made by Dr. Dan The Pancake Man. Ho-ly shi shi, you guys. Pretty amazing. How does he do it? I don’t...

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Tovább bővül az arvato a Prologis Park Błonie-ban

A Prologis, Inc., a világ vezető logisztikai ingatlanvállalata a mai napon bejelentette, hogy bérleti szerződést írt alá az arvato Polskával, amely így már 30.835 négyzetmétert bérel a Prologis Park Błonie-ban....

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Fornetti enters the German market

Sebastian Gooding, the managing director of Fornetti announced that the group calculates with a 10-percent sales growth this year. Fornetti products have already appeared in German grocery stores – beforehand...

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A book was published about the Roma gastronomy of the Szolnok region

The local government of Szolnok has published a spectacular, color illustrated book about the region's most typical Roma dishes. Szalay Ferenc, Mayor of Szolnok (Fidesz) at the press conference presenting...

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Two-billion growth target at Lavazza

By 2020 Luigi Lavazza SpA wishes to increase sales by EUR 2 billion. The company also plans several acquisitions in this period. Last time they bought French brand Carte Noir....

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(HU) Minden a mobilra vándorol – vagy mégsem? Hol találhatók az új vásárlók?

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: Black is beatiful

Consumer needs have changed very much recently and this has also translated into numbers: both volume and value sales increased, and a growing number of coffee drinkers started buying quality...

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Hungarian economy slowed

In the first quarter gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.9 percent compared to the same period of the previous year – was based on an initial estimate by the...

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There will be enough Hungarian tomatoes and peppers on the market this year

Hungarian tomatoes and peppers are available for weeks. As it was said at the professional day of Syngenta and the Árpád Agrár Zrt. in Szentes: according to forecasts a sufficient...

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ALDI opens its second store in Szeged

The ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt. opened its second store in Szeged on 12 May 2016. On the opening day over 2000 HUF purchase a gift hot dog and must-see discount...

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