Posts From trademagazin

Hungarian POP contest

POPAI Hungary joins the international POPAI Awards series by announcing a competition for POP tools. The jurying will take place at the next Business Days in Tapolca. Winners will participate...

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Private life made public

While shopping, customers can now use their smartphones to compare prices with prices offered by other shops. Shopkick, a recently established California enterprise uses the phones’ location-sensing abilities to send...

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The fourth screen

It caused a lot of excitement when in Nielsen’s first quarterly report the company audited the efficiency of programmes and ads in so-called 4th-screen broadcasts – these run on displays...

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Design and brand building the P&G way

The significance of in-store marketing keeps growing. According to a report by Nielsen, in-store tools are more influential in shaping awareness than television. So Phil Duncan, the head of P&G...

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Category identifying placement

Energy drink category is a dynamically expanding one, which has been growing by two-digit numbers for years. Balázs Ruip, Red Bull Hungária Kft.’s trade marketing manager told our magazine that...

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They are the best in promotion

Trade magazin, in cooperation with Nielsen and with support from POPAI Hungary and Trade Marketing Club organised its promotion competition. Manufacturers and promotion agencies competed in 5 categories (food, drink,...

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It removes stains and preserves colours

DunaPro Zrt., a Hungarian-owned company is the distributor of the Clorox brand, they supply 7,500 stores directly. In 2008, they introduced chlorine-free stain remover Clorox Color to the Hungarian market....

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The world has been drinking Nescafé to wake up for 70 years

Nestlé Hungária Kft. celebrated NESCAFÉ’s 70th birthday from 14 May until 1 July in 2009, with a series of promotions. In SPAR, Coop, Tesco and Penny stores there were several...

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New CEO for BAT Hungary and BAT Austria

From 1 January 2010, Octavian Dascalescu (39) is replacing Emil Moskofian in the CEO’s seat of British American Tobacco (BAT) Hungary. He started his career at BAT Romania in 1997...

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The first quarter of the European food retailing was successful

The recovery from the crisis continued in the food retailing of the developed European countries: store turnover increased by 4, percent in value and 1 percent in volume, compared to...

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The foreign suppliers are cautious with the Hungarian firms

According to the Atradius Credit insurance; the rate of late and non payments is the hihest ever in Western Europe in early 2010, so businesses increasingly turned to claim managers....

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Tesco recruits regional suppliers

Tesco Global Stores Ltd. invites the local producers of Győr-Moson-Sopron, Zala, Vas and Veszprém counties to a supplier meeting. The Regional Supplier Forum, that will be held on the 3rd...

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Turkey is the most popular tourist destination among the Hungarians

The Start Travel Agency compiles the top resorts list of the most popular summer tourist destinations every year, on the basis of the pre-booked trips. Turkey became the the most...

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One shopping center for nineteen thousand Pécs inhabitants

Among the five big cities of Hungary (Debrecen, Győr, Miskolc, Pécs and Szeged), the highest number of shopping centers are in Pécs, the least in Debrecen, Miskolc, and (yet) in...

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Cafeteria: What remained tax free?

From the cafeteria benefits, only a few remained fully tax free this year, many popular forms are under 25 percent personal income taxation from January. The local travel ticket allocation,...

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Wal-Mart's first-quarter profit is a positive surprise

The world's largest retail company, the Wal-Mart performed over the market expectations, primarily due to the good indicators of foreign sales, which offseted the weak domestic market performance. The company's...

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Goats and sheeps may escape from the electronic chip

The European Parliament (EP), adopted the Hungarian amendment that the individual electronic identification (chip) should not be a mandatory in the cases of goats and sheeps under the age of...

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Consumer confidence is on its ten-month nadir in China

In April consumer sentiment decreases for the second month, which can be associated with the government measures taken against economic overheating. China's consumer confidence index decreased by 1.3 points to...

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Flexibility remains the most important feature of the Cryovac ® BDF

The new Cryovac ® BDF SOFT and Cryovac ® BDF Easy Opening solutions open up new horizons for product design, such as packaging and reducing costs. The new Cryovac ®...

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Several billion storm damages hit the agricultural sector

The weekend rain caused several billion HUF damage to the country's agriculture. According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, more than 150 thousand hectares are under water. After the near...

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Another gold medal for the Demeter Winery

The Demeter Winery of Eger was highly competitive at the Bordeuax-based Challenge International du Vin competition this year. The winery’s Hanga 2009 wine received Gold medal at the prestigious wine...

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Kür Club: help to build up confidence

The SMEs, that want more attention are in a very difficult situation. It is difficult to excel among the competitors, find new customers or even retain the old ones. The...

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Butter has been getting more expensive for weeks now

The price of butter increases for weeks now at the international markets, in some places the price rises were about 30 percent. The global demand for butter increases at the...

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Tesco helps the victims of the flood in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county

Several million HUF worth donations were allocated by Tesco for those who live in the North-Eastern region of Hungary. Tesco helps the families, who are in trouble, because of the...

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Quick Help from Borsodi to the municipalities that have difficulties

In order to solve the catastrophic situation of the settlements of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, caused by the extreme weather, Borsodi Brewery Co. donated a 3 million HUF worth extraordinary donation. The...

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Tchibo gained Superbrands Award

Tchibo, one of the leading distributors of the coffee market gained Superbrands Award . Superbrands The program is designed to raise awareness of the importance of the unity of brand,...

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New Turkey liver delicacies from Sága!

The Sága in 2010 will use a new image. One of the important elements of the renewal is the new, more modern Sága logo. With the introduction of the new...

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Tube seal with diploma

Henkel Loctite ® 55 Tube seal Tape gained a recognizing diploma on the 16th International Industrial Exhibition, the Industria. The Henkel Loctite ® 55 is a polyamide filaments twisted, silicone-based...

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A new, revolutionary Fa Men 3-D: A long-lasting freshness for men

A modern man faces a lot of expectations. A good appearance is not everything, the scent should also be pleasant. The Fa Men 3-D Protect deodorants were developed for men...

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Suppliers versus Multis: differencies between law and practice

The food processors are preaparing for group complaint against the chains. According to the informations of Népszabadság; the National Federation of the Food Processors (Éfosz) requested datas from its members...

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