Posts From trademagazin

The United States continues to lead the world in global image

The United States continues to lead the world in global image, according to GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, a division of GfK Custom Research North America and Simon...

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Tesco introduced the smart phone, purchase

Tesco has unveiled a mobile application that allows the owners of the devices can purchase online by reading the barcodes at home. The application was developed by Ribot. The application...

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New product by Milli Mia

The new pruduct of the Millia Mia candyfamily is Milli Mia Creamy Cottage Cheese with Prunes, and the item will be introduced in late November, and will be available until...

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Corporate responsibility: twelve companies joined this year's CSR program

Twelve companies have joined the Hungarian-initiated GOOD CSR program this year, which is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. Companies possess great potential to make positive...

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SPAR collected more than 40 tons of electric litter

As an environmentally aware and responsible retailer, based in local communities across the UK, SPAR listens to their customers, and the government, and is working to help protect our environment....

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The new wine of the year will be selected at the new wine festival

The new wine of the year will be selected within the compass of the VII. Hungarian New Wine and Cheese Festival on 23rd November (Tuesday) at 9.30 in Budapest, at...

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Sealed Air Cryovac “Taste Experiences Anywhere” prepared meals event in Paris

European food manufacturers, retailers and culinary businesses met in Paris in order to review the latest trends. The participants found inspiration to conquer markets  at Packforum. Retailers and culinary business...

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Innovation Student Competition at Henkel

Those who enter to Henkel’s innovation competition should design products that will be used forty years later. One can register until the 13th of December in the hope of winning...

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The growing supply may cause price reductions on the coffee market

Over the past year, the course of coffee increased by 34 percent, since the offer on the market hardly exceeded the demand. This year, the big coffee producer countries may...

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Food comes to house

Many old people face difficulties with the weekly shopping: The Heiko was established on the occasion to help them. The company transfers food to the elderly poeople a couple of...

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(HU) Baromfi Termék Tanács: illegálisan érkezett a jelöletlen tojás Magyarországra

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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SMEs can easier access credit

While in the eurozone, it is still more difficult to acquire new resources for small businesses, in Hungary this proccess has halted: banks not tighten further the conditions of lending....

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The industrial orders of the Euro zone increased

New industrial orders in the Euro zone increased with a much greater extent, than it was expected in August – published the European Union's statistical office on Monday. The monthly...

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Huge interest at the tourism exhibition of Hungexpo

According to the communication of Hungexpo; Hoventa the International hotel, catering and gastro-technical exhibition successfully closed on Friday night: Compared to last year, about 70 percent more professionals visited the...

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Russia maintains the ban of grain export

The Russian government extended the ban of cereals export, in its meeting in Rostov at the weekend. Exports were stopped by the government from 15 August, because only 60 million...

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The special tax slows down the expansion of retail chains

It seems that the hypermarket tax slows down the expansion of the retail chains. Auchan spokesman said that the chain has to review its expansion schedule, because of the tax....

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Coface: growing insolvency and problems in retail businesses

In the first nine months of 2010, the insolvency of companies grew to 18 percent as compared to the rate of this time last year, the growth rate on the...

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GKI's economic sentiment index reached its four-and-a-half-year high in October

GKI's economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects has not been as high as now since four and a half years. According to the survey conducted by GKI Economic Research...

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New visitor-center opened by Bestillo Schnaps House

The visitor-center of Bestillo Schnaps House has opened its gates in Boldogkőváralja on 21st October this year. The investment is worth 90 million HUF and has been sponsored partly by...

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Food marketing in the focus of the conference by Hungarian Marketing Association

The 20 year-old Hungarian Marketing Association is about to launch a conference on 3rd and 4th November, where food marketing is going to have a seperate section led by Balázs...

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HOVENTA 2010 – METRO introduced its Customer Academy

METRO Group Ltd. has proven to be one of the greatest exhibitors of the HOVENTA exhibition in 2010, where the so-called METRO Customer Academy had the chance to present itself,...

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Nestlé's sales increased by 4 percent in January-September

The world's largest food and beverage distributor reported on Friday that in the first nine months of this year its turnover totaled 82.77 billion Swiss francs, exceeding last year’s   datas...

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The worst honey crop of the last 50 years

Over the past fifty years, there has never been so bad honey crop, as in this year – claim the beekeepers across the country. Beside the cold, rainy weather bee...

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Button managed credit cards from Citybank

Citibank will soon begin testing its new type of credit cards in the United States. The modern plastics can be controlled by buttons, and are much “smarter” than their predecessors....

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The crisis tax is inconceivable – says the first man of Spar

The Hungarian crisis tax is “incomprehensible and illegal” – criticized Gerhard Drexel the head of the Austrian Spar network, the crisis tax that should be paid by the Hungarian subsidiary....

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CBA expands in Slovakia

The CBA Hungarian food retailer chain gained extremely strong position in Slovakia, and in and around Pozsony. According to the Thursday publication of Hospodárské Noviny Slovakian economy newspaper; the COOP...

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The illegal market swallows the one-third of the food VAT

Sugar phantom companies have gained large profits. On a truckload they gain up 600 – 700 thousand HUF. In Hungary's only operating sugar factory in Kaposvár the owners are guessing...

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Award for SPAR and METRO for sustanaible corporate behaviour

SPAR Hungary Ltd. and METRO Group Assets have received an award together by Követ Egyesület for an otstanding survey on sustainable and environmental-friendly corporate behaviour. In the SPAR Worldwide organisation...

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Better-than-expected German business sentiment

The 2010 October sentiment indicator of the Munich-based Ifo Institute Economic Research increased above the expectations. The index increased to 107.6 points from the 106.8 points of September after the...

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MagyarBrands conference to come

Superbrands organizes the MagyarBrands conference for the first time this year, as the part of the MagyarBrands program, that highlights the domestic brands. The ranking of the best 50 Hungarian...

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