Posts From trademagazin

Chinese takeaway shutdown after two live mice found in noodles

A Chinese takeaway has been shutdown after health inspectors found two live mice in a box of noodles – Mail Online reoported. The shop was littered with droppings – and...

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We eat far less fish than the EU average

This year’s fish production will be 21 to 22 thousand tons in Hungary, about 15 percent less than the average, mainly due to the badweather – said Németh István, the...

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Falling Consumption and slowing economy may be the price to pay for the rescue of the euro

According to the survey of the Centre for Economics and Business Research; In the debted countries of the euro area, an up to 15 percent drop in consumption may be...

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Tobacco company rare settlement over chewing tobacco

Tbacco producer Altria Group agreed to pay $5 million in a rare settlement over the death of a chewing tobacco customer. The case was brought by the family of Bobby...

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The aging population also offers excellent business opportunities

Many investment professionals have already drawn attention to the potential business opportunities in the increasingly aging societies of the developed Western countries. In particular, they drew attention on the purchasing...

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Austria has no interest in further liberalization of agricultural markets in the EU

Hungary and Austria both are on the opinion, that they have no interest in further liberalization of the European Union's agricultural market – said Jakab István (Fidesz), Vice-President of the...

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Champagne, wine and caviar are the favorite products of the Italian magpies

In Italy, a record number of pre-Christmas shopliftings occurred. According to the datas of the Coldiretti producers association; kleptomania outbroke among the Italians. Until the end of the year, 660...

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The Mahir will build the foreign stands of the Magyar Turizmus Zrt.

The Magyar Turizmus Zrt. signed a contract with Mahir, which won the negotiated procedure. Mahir won the tender of the Magyar Turizmus Zrt. The company will build the stands of...

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Béres Foundation's 100 million HUF charity for those in need

Béres Foundation, this year again, offers a charity of 100 thousands bottles of Béres Csepp for those in need. President Klára Béres listed the ten charity organizations the company will...

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Amazon websites outage was not due to WikiLeaks's websites in Europe suffered an outage for more than half an hour on Sunday night, in what the company said was a hardware failure in its European data center...

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The Big Short – the Wall Street-story now out in Hungarian

Michael Lewis's new book, The Big Short is a brilliant account – character-rich and darkly humorous – of how the U.S. economy was driven over the cliff. The Hungarian translation...

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It was worth to expand the Széchenyi Card Program

Experience so far shows that it was justified to expand the Széchenyi Card Program with working capital loan – said Krisán László, CEO of Ka-Vosz Zrt. to MTI. He recalled,...

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We may spend more than 130 billion HUF in online stores this year

According to an economic analyst; this year in Hungary, people may spend more than 130 billion HUF in online stores. Last year 99 billion HUF was spent on the Internet...

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Hungarian farmers will be posted on the map

The Gasztro Térkép Kft. would like to bring together the domestic agricultural producers, farmers, with food processors, restaurants, shops and hotels. The company founded this year, would like to create...

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London analysts: we should not rely on the euro until 2019

The earliest possibility for Hungary to join to the euro zone will be in 2019, probably together with Poland. The Czech Euro may be delayed for the 2020s years –...

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Food-conderfeit scandal! Re-labelled, expired meat seized

Shocking food counterfeit-scandal in Siófok: 110 kg re-labelled, expired meat was seized at a retailer in the city of Siófok by animal health authority on Wednesday. According to experts, three...

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IKEA opens new stores in Serbia, also considering expansion in Hungary

The Swedish IKEA chain plans to open four shopping centers in Serbia – announced Dimitrije Ivanoviæ leader of the commercial division of the Swedish Embassy in Serbia. According to;...

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The German dairy farmers continue in Russia

The dairy market in Europe is characterized by relatively low prices in the last two years, therefore, only in Germany, thousands of farmers quitted from cow breeding, however, there are...

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The five percent VAT increase accelerated inflation in Romania

In Romania, the annual inflation of November was 7.7 percent after October’s two year record of 7.9 percent – states the country's statistical office. The November figure is slightly lower,...

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Match pays half-million compensation to the blind man

The blind man, who tried to enter into one of the store of the Csemege-Match Zrt. with his guide dog in October 2009 finally won a lawsuit against the company....

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Scandal! Founder of global food company sentenced to 18 years in jail

Calisto Tanzi, founder of the Parmalat global food conglomerate has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for his role in a €14bn collapse that was dubbed “Europe's Enron”. Calisto...

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Pedigree Adoption Program proved to be successful in 2010, too

In less than two years, more than 4000 homeless dogs have managed to find a new home, thanks to Pedigree's Pet Adoption Program. The basis of the foundation was the...

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A book published on the red-mud catastrophe of Ajka

ost World – Captured by Red-mud is the title of a new book published by Pannon Lapok Társasága, spiced up with never-before-seen photos on one of the greatest ecological catastrophes...

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People turned to inexpensive Christmas-packages, shower gel is the number one purchase

The retail sales of Christmas packages containing cosmetics and personal care products excessed 3 billion HUF in the holiday season last year. They appear to be less popular now, however:...

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Twenty thousand new workplaces might open in Hungary

According to the Association of Hungarian Personnel Consultants and Hungarian People-rent Association, at least 20 thousand new workplaces will open if the frames of employment become more flexible in Hungary....

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Sodexo Academy: even more information about changes

The event called Sodexo Academy was organized for the fifth time this year, and the number one focus of the year this time was the expansion of cafteria tickets. The...

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Over the past 12 months, prices rose by 4.2 percent

In November 2010, the average monthly consumer price increase was 0.3 percent. Compared to last November, prices grew by 4.2 percent – reports the Central Statistical Office. In the first...

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Milk production and procession is still inefficient

In the quota year 2009/2010, the utilization of the national quota (2,050 tons) was not more than 76 percent which equals 1541.7 million kilogramms of retail and directly sold milk....

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The Royal Tokaji wine in the top 100 again

The determinative wine magazine of the United States, the Wine Spectator has published its top 100 list of the best wines of 2010. The Royal Tokaji wine of Mád ended...

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The loyalty program reveals our customer habits

The club card loyalty program is already operating for 15 years in Western Europe. It was introduced to Hungary in August this year. After a few months, several hundred thousand...

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