Posts From trademagazin

New leadership for Henkel's Adhesives Business

Thomas Geitner (55), Executive Vice President Adhesive Technologies and member of the Management Board, will resign from office effective December 31, 2010 for personal reasons. Jan-Dirk Auris (42), currently Senior...

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Young people spend more on Christmas gifts

Young people spend more, but less and less young people pay with cash at Christmas. One study found that the youngest bank customers spend an average of nearly 23 thousand...

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The Magyar Turizmus Zrt. on new ways

The next year’s marketing concept of the Magyar Turizmus Zrt. (Hungarian National Tourist Office) was presented on Tuesday. It was not revealed how much money the Magyar Turizmus Zrt. will...

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Sows should gave birth to more piglets to catch up with Western Europe

The efficiency of pig production should be increased. Currently a sow has an average of 18 to 20 piglets. This should be increased to 26 to 28 – said Német...

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The Hungarian Rural Academy promotes the local products

The second series of the Hungarian Rural Academy (Magyar Vidékakadémia) organized by the Hungarian National Rural Network has been launched on the 10th of December 2010 in Budapest. The academy...

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UPS: Christmas peak in delivery

The staff of UPS are ready to deliver 430 million packages in December. The 22nd of December is expected to be the busiest day of UPS. According to the expectations...

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Rézangyal selected a PR-agency

Starting from December 2010, all pr-tasks linked to one of Hungary's greatest premium spiririts distributor Rézangyal will be carried out by Red Lemon Media PR Agency. The two companies have...

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The most iconic Hungarian McDonald's 140 million HUF reconstruction is over now

THe beginning of December has seen the re-opening of the world's second most beautiful McDonald's restaurant. The fast food restaurant is located in the classical annex building of Nyugati Railway...

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The Competition Authority punished again

The Competition Authority fined another company organizing consumer groups. The Quantum Invest like the others, has published misleading advertisements, therefore fined to 4.7 million HUF and prohibited the company from...

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Market-leader domestic mineralwater brands sponsors Hungarian movie

The Hungarian movie Üvegtigris 3 has been supported by Szentkirályi Mineral Water Ltd.: the movie is going to be in the cinemas in December 2010. Levente Balogh, owner and CEO...

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Corrugated products will see a major price-increase

Due to the higher costs of basic materials, it is likely that the prices of corrugated pruducts will see a major increase in the near future. According to the Association...

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Tesco collects PET bottles

Tesco encourages its customers to collect the PET bottles and aluminum cans-back, between the 24th of September 2010 and the 11th of February 2011 in more than 110 hypermarkets across...

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Isa Bal worldwide famous Master Sommelier celebrated with METRO Customer Academy

Isa Bal worldwide-famous Master Sommelier celebrated his birthday at the METRO Customer Academy. Isa Bal started his wine & food career in Akdeniz University in Antalya, Turkey, where he graduated...

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Agricultural products prices increased by a quarter in one year

The level of agricultural product prices were 24.7 percent higher in October 2010, than a year ago. In particular, the price level of plant products increased by 37.1 percent, the...

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Declining turnover, but positive results for Pick Szeged

After last year's 64 billion HUF, PICK Szeged Ltd. expects a 58 billion HUF turnover – László Kovács, CEO of PICK Szeged Ltd. pointed out within the compass of a...

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Meat test with test purchases: one-fifth of the items had a problem

Five from 26 items had problems, during test purchases, meaning the item was not of sufficient quality – states the National Meat Institute (OHKI), after the joint test, carried out...

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Unilever: award for sustainable attitude

The Ethics in Business Award is an annual prize conferred by the World Forum for Ethics in Business to honor individuals and companies that have demonstrated the importance of human...

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Tetra Pak helps the large families

The Tetra Pak Hungária gave 12 thousand liters of milk as gift for Christmas to the National Association of Large Families (NOE), giving a support for a total of one...

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Asia’s retail sales taking the lead

According to a recent study; the consumption of the population, will accelerate in such an extent after the crisis, that within four years the annual retail sales of Asia may...

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Tesco would buy the Romanian Real-shops

According to the informations of Ziarul Financiar; Tesco would acquire the Real food stores in Romania. With the acquisition Tesco as a new entrant would be the third largest players...

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Hungarian webstores to introduce free delivery

On the 16th of December several hundred of webstores will deliver the product free to the customers. Everyone will receive the products by Christmas. The first   was organized in the...

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In case of force majeure producer is exempted

Monday, the National Assembly amended the Agricultural Market Act. The producers, in the case of a force majeure event are not obliged to the full compliance of yield sales contracts...

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Men use list, women their intuition during purchasing

According to a survey; about 80 percent of the Christmas gifts are purchased by women. It often happens that they buy even their own gifts and put them under the...

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Negative record in sugar production: a further price increase may come

The sugar production is expected to decrease to its two decade nadir in the world's third largest sugar-producing country, in Australia. According to the report of Abares, the Australian Agricultural...

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Tetra Pak is helping those in need with milk

Tetra Pak Hungária Ltd. has decided to offer a rather significant amount of milk, 12 thousand litres to the Foundation of Big Families. This way, the company can support 1000...

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Growing interest in Hungarian fish-production

The interest in Hungarian fish has reached the level of interest in the late eighties. Fish-production has been successful and efficient in Hungary throughout the past few years, just last...

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Strock Hungária launches a high cocoa-content dark chocolate for the holidays

For the first time, Merci appears on the market with a dark chocolate collection with extra high cocoa content. In the Extra Dark selection we even find dark chocolate with...

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The new modell of the Chamber of Agriculture would be beneficial to the producers

According to one version of the draft legislation; The food processors involved in distribution and marketing can be forced members of the Chambers of Agriculture. The new plenum can receive...

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The Christmas rush started in Germany and in Hungary

The traffic is much higher than in the same period of last year. According to the German Trade Association (HDE); the flat screen TVs, jewelry, watches and the games are...

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Christmas-shopping is a major stress-source for Hungarians

Hungarians are very fond of Christmas, however they are sick and tired of compulsory Christmas shopping – a new online survey carried out by Árukereső.hu pointed out, after having interviewed...

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