Posts From trademagazin

A few thousands have remained in the private pension fund system

By 31st January, citizens who want to keep their private pension fund membership need to sign various documents to indicate their decision. MR1-Radio Kossuth was informed that until now, 2040...

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Generali. less damage, more compensations paid

Extreme weather-situations have led to an extreme compensations paid by insurance company Generali Providencia. This year, nearly 90 billion forints have been paid by the company, so far. The insurer...

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Hungarian Suzuki checking faulty Swifts

Hungarian Suzuki was forced to call back Swifts for controll produced between 1997 and 2002. Due to the rusting of the first dampers, wheelkeeper stubs might fall off, therefore the...

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Aeroviva published the reasons behind the bankruptcy

Aeroviva Ltd., the travel agency which announced bankruptcy last week, finally declared the reasons behind the decision. First of all, they pointed out that only half of the travlers they...

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800 million HUF for next year’s school milk program

The act on the continuation of the school milk program enters into force from the 1st of January. The support can also claimed by dairy producers as well – told...

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Record fine imposed on fake wine

The Food Safety and Animal Health Directorate (MGSZH) of Bács-Kiskun County’s Agricultural Office, imposed 1.4 billion HUF fine on the Akasztó- based plant of Kiskun-Vin Kft., where almost 5 thousand...

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This year was the best-ever season in the Croatian tourism

In Croatia, this year an amount equivalent to 30 million euros spent on the promotion of tourism – said the country's tourism minister on Monday. According to Damir Bajs; the...

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Civil war threatens the cocoa supply of the world

Cocoa in Côte d'Ivoire become a factor that can influence the world economy. Ivory Coast's share of the cocoa world trade – according to the 2008 datas of United Nations...

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Promising retail sales in December

OKSZ calculates on the basis of the turnover of the pre-Christmas days that in December of this year the population spend about 5 percent more, a total of 840 to...

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Agri prices will increase in 2011

The wheat, corn, canola, coffee, sugar, cocoa, soybeans, rice – practically every agricultural product prices have increased this year, and some in a record level. In many cases the prices...

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The Hungarian Hotel Association sees no reason for optimism

Hungary's hotel industry will not be the winner of the economic recovery. In Hungary the guest traffic is more modest, than in the most important European competitors of the country...

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Next year it may be easier for SMEs

The 2010 year was very difficult for the Hungarian micro, family and small businesses, however, the enterprizes look with confidence to the 2011 year – told Szűcs György, Chairman of...

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The number of employees should be increased by ten percent

Thanks to the new Széchenyi Plan, 2000 billion HUF may flow into the economy. The number of employees should also be increased by ten percent in Hungary – said Fellegi...

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One-third fewer people love purchase loans

As a result of the downturn the popularity of various loans decreasing from year to year, so a drop occured in in apartmant loans and account loans. Many people applied...

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After Christmas comes the swap

The unnecessary Christmas presents can be changed back at most of the dealers for a good time. In most places the price of the product can be purchased, but only...

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America paid Online

Webstores had a great year end rush. The latest data show that online retail sales during the holidays rose by 15.4% compared to last year – reports CNBC. The traders...

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PC in the phone

This year, twice as many people bought a smart phone, than as in last year. An increasing competition is expected. The end of the monopoly of iPad is expected. In...

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Burdened risks, but the economy will increase next year

This year, economy increases more than expected. For 2011 a further acceleration is expected but there are still risks – summarizes the Világgazdaság Online next year's projections of the various...

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Product-placements are allowed now

Product placement will be allowed in UK TV programmes for the first time, media regulator Ofcom have announced. From 28 February 2011, paid-for references for products and services will be...

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Champagne is catching on again

The crisis that shook up the world’s financial markets in 2009 did not spare the champagne industry. In 2010, however, the industry began to bounce back. Dr. Stephen Charters, Reims...

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Post-Christmas discount sales to start

It is expected, that the post-Christmas discount sales will start today. Due to the accelerated buying habits, the traders do not wait until January, and start the discount sales, in...

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The president of the GVH would strengthen the client-friendly nature of the Competition Authority

Juhász Miklós, the new president of the Competition Authority would strengthen the client-friendly nature of the Economic Competition Authority (GVH), that has substancial and technical elements. According to the president;...

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Multi-Pay Card from January

The Multi-Pay Cards can be used from January, and from February 12 thousand electronic terminals will accept the Multi-Pay cards nationwide. The multi-function card was developed by Hungarian experts to...

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Festival winner created the image film about Hungary

A seven minute long image film created recently, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in preparation for the rotating EU presidency. The film created by Madarász Isti, who...

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The chestnut puree will be re-regulated

The Ministry of Rural Development will continue to campaign against poor quality products: the Ministry’s latest measure will rewrite the 30 year old rule over chestnut products. In many of...

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German manufacturing industry may increase with a slowing rate next year

In Germany, manufacturing industry output may increase by approx. 5 percent, so 70 thousand new jobs would be created in the sector. According to the Association of the German Chambers...

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Tesco expands in the Czech Republic

Tesco expands its network in the Czech Republic with the purchasing of 128 smaller supermarkets if the company will receive the approval of the competition authority. The British supermarket chain...

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Fewer grapes grew in Pannonhalma

Half of the predicted quantity was harvested in the region of Pannonhalma – said Liptai Zsolt, manager of the abbey’s winery. The new wine quality is good but not outstanding....

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Coca-Cola focusing on a new market for non-carbonated brands

With the aim to strengthen its non-carbonated health drinks range, Coca-Cola India rolled out its ready-to-drink iced-tea brand Nestea in the Mumbai market. The newly launched drink will be made...

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Post Christmas rush has already started on Saturday night in London

The Post Christmas discount sales have already begun on Saturday in the United Kingdom. Despite the cold weather and the economic crisis, costumers were gathering in front of the stores...

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