Posts From trademagazin

Union campaign for fruit and vegetable consumption

The European Commission launched an advertising campaign in order to fully recover the confidence shaken by the diarrhea epidemic broke out during the spring in Germany. The Commission justified its...

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The number of liquidation procedures in Hungary rose

The number of liquidation procedures in Hungary rose 21% in the first half from the same period a year earlier, credit insurance company Coface Hungary told MTI on Thursday. Liquidation...

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Budapest is the second most attractive office market of the region

According to the most recent survey of CB Richard Ellis (CBRE); many emerging cities attract such a high number of international companies, as advanced business centers in the world. The...

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The payment moral of companies slightly improved

The payment moral has improved slightly, even almost every second bill payed late by the companies – states Dun &amp Bradstreet Hungaria Ltd. 55 percent of the invoices are paid...

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The wholesale market in Szeged and Temesvár will be developed from EU funds

In the scope of a joint EU tender, the municipalities of  Szeged and Temesvár have won a one million euros support for mass-market development. Both the Hungarian and Romanian primary...

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Metro plans Eastern European investments

German Metro Group plans to invest more than one billion euros in the following years, in Eastern Europe – writes Handelsblatt. Stores will be built in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine....

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Chinese-Hungarian business forum in Budapest

The National Foreign Trade Office hosted the seminar and partner meeting that presented the Central China Investment and Trade Fair on the 18th of July 2011. The event was organized...

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Napi Gazdaság, GfK launched SME investment index

Newspaper Napi Gazdaság, in cooperation with market-research company GfK, published its first survey measuring the investment sentiment of Hungarian SMEs this Wednesday. At the moment, the index stands at -5.5...

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Johnson & Johnson: revenue growth and profit decline

Johnson & Johnson reported increase in revenue and profit decline for the second quarter. Johnson & Johnson's revenue, increased by 8 percent in the second quarter, to 16.6 billion USD,...

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French business meeting was a success

On 9th July 2011 , a special French market has opened its gates with a unique French atmosphere, with children- and sport programs in Millenáris Park, organized by the Budapest-based...

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Grilling at home is getting more an more popular

Grilling season offers food and grocery retailers the opportunity to not only increase sales of those center of the plate fresh meat items for grilling like beef, pork, poultry and...

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Recycle smart! competition by Öko-Kord

The competition called “Recycle smart!” launched by Öko-Kord Országos Nonprofit Kft. and National Geographic Kids has come to and end, artwoeks can be viewed at Within the framework of...

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More wheat has grown than last year, even on a smaller area

The Agriculture Ministry spends a total of, more than 13 billion HUF to moderate the frost damages of the spring. Food and feed wheat will be also enogh to supply...

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The county towns help the primary producers by designate the watermelon selling sites

The municipalities designate discounted selling sites for melon growers in the county towns – said the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) on Tuesday. Fazekas Sándor, Rural Development Minister agreed with...

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KSH: increase in net earnings

In May, the gross earnings increased by 6.7 percent, in the first five months by 3.4 percent, over the same period of last year – reports the Central Statistical Office...

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The SMEs are using the tools of online and direct marketing

The SME sector plans to reach potential buyers customers and partners primarily with online advertising and direct marketing. 44 percent of the respondents indicated online advertising, 42 percent direct marketing...

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Good second quarter results for Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola's second quarter revenues increased by nearly half, by 47 percent, compared to the same period of last year. While last year, revenue was 8.67 billion USD, this year the...

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More and more popular and more expensive to advertise on Facebook

The advertising costs on Facebook increased by almost three-quarters, by 74 percent, as more and more big brands retire from TV and print media and palce their ads on the...

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Billions go to farmers affected by the frost damage

More than 13 billion government aid is allocated to assist farmers affected by frost damage – György Czerván, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Rural Development informed journalists on...

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In the intelligent home the refrigerator orders food from the web

The concept of the intelligent home is still not widely known, however, it can be the integral part of our lives. Soon, the time will come, when large part of...

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Magazine: Consumers spread less margarine on their slice of bread

– Base material prices have grown like never before and as a result product prices augmented, so a difficult year awaits distributors – says Ágota Puskás, category operations assistant manager...

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EIPA trend: More emphasis on smaller and newer Member States

The National Institute of Public Administration and the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) jointly organised the meeting of the EIPA Board of Governors, on 6-7 June 2011, in the...

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The first RoséMarathon of Villány was a success

The first Villányi RozéMaraton itook place on 15th-16th on Friday and Saturday, organized by the local council and civil organizations It proved to be a great success. The friendly, cosy...

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Freedom of speecg won agains Tokaj-wine

The opinion of the taste of wine and the style of writing is up to the journalist – not everybody agreed with this though. Tokaj Kereskedőház Ltd. has sued journalist...

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Special event in Győr

Győr is about to give home to a unique event called Baroque magic, centered around the well-known era and movement in art, music and literature. The Baroque Wedding and Ceremony...

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Hungarians trust labels on food-products more than the rest of Europe

To what extent do customers trust information indicated on the labels of various-food products? Market research company Nielsen has been looking for the answer to this question among many other...

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The sales of strategic sugar stocks was suspended

The Ministry of Rural Development suspended the sale of strategic sugar stocks, due to favorable market conditions. In order to break down the high sugar prices, Rural Development Minister Fazekas...

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ÁNTSZ: Avoid the consumption of sprouts!

According to the National Public Health and Medical Service (ÁNTSZ ), at households and at other places there may still have some seeds, which presumably caused the epidemic diarrhea in...

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This year, poultry breeders can receive four billion HUF

Poultry farmers will have access to four billion HUF national resources in 2011. Under a regulation amendment, the poultry welfare applications can be submitted in every quarter year – announced...

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Unilever improves the ice cream factory in Veszprém from 2.2 billion

Two billion HUF development takes place until summer 2012 in the Veszprém-based ice cream factory of Unilever Magyarország Kft. They will build a high-capacity refrigeratory, vending, store, changing rooms, restaurant,...

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