Posts From trademagazin

Ice Bar Budapest

One simply has to try the ice bar experience: at the entrance guests are given a warm coat and gloves to be able to cope with the minus 1-7 ºC...

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Baldaszti’s Grand

The new Baldaszti unit on Andrássy Avenue uses the same stylistic features as their bistro by the Chain Bridge, but with a different concept. We find reinterpreted Hungarian dishes, plus...

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Baldaszti’s Grand

The new Baldaszti unit on Andrássy Avenue uses the same stylistic features as their bistro by the Chain Bridge, but with a different concept. We find reinterpreted Hungarian dishes, plus...

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An elite is about to leave the rest behind?

János Pataki, the president of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners told our magazine that a lack of interests from confectioners in the Confectioner of the Year and Junior Confectioner of...

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On a firm basis

2012 will be the second year that Hungexpo organises Foodapest and UKBA together. We asked Zsófia Faluközi, Hungexpo’s UKBA project director about what can exhibitors and visitors expect from UKBA...

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Life in the Kistücsök

Balázs Csapody, the owner of the prestigious restaurant in Balatonszemes gave an interview to our magazine. He told that besides being a member of MVI’s presidency, he also works for...

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Ideas and results in 2011

When the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) was formed, the goal was to establish an organisation that is strong because of mutual interests and shared values. MVI represents members’ interests...

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Regulation on the marking of food products

During the Hungarian presidency of the European Union an agreement was reached on the labelling of food products: more consumer friendly labels will be placed on European food products, in...

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Magazine: Praline buying is characterised by both brand loyalty and economising

Among sweets pralines represent the highest price category, consequently sales have been declining ever since the economic crisis commenced in 2008. However, this contraction slowed down recently and the last...

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Wine producers are forced to raise prices

Wine producers were forced to carry out double-digit price increases this year, due to the wine’s purchase price increase and due to the growth of production costs – told Varga...

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Orchards to be listed

Orchards will be listed in Hungary this year, if the Parliament adopts the amendment of the 2006 law. The bill was uploaded to the website of the Parliament on Monday....

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Hungarian beekeepers to apply for 1.2 billion HUF EU funds

Until 2013 beekeepers can apply for1.2 billion HUF EU funding in the scope of the Hungarian National Apiculture Programme. According to the Rural Development Ministry; the high, 90-95 percent utilization...

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Improved business and consumer sentiment in the euro area

On the basis of the detailed datas; the business and consumer sentiment improved for the first time in the euro area, since the beginning of 2011. The European Commission’s Monday...

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Will the government save the meat plant of Gyula?

Lázár János Fidesz group leader lobbied in written questions at  Prime Minister Orbán Viktor for the saving of the Gyulai Húskombinát Inc. – writes Népszabadaság Online. The mayor of Hódmezővásárhely...

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Tokaj prepares for the conquer of Düsseldorf

Compared to the 16 of last year, this year 25 Hungarian companies will exhibit at the world's leading wine fair, at the ProWein in Düsseldorf. Tokaj will represent the most...

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Martonyi: Hungary has interest in the preserving of the strong EU cohesion and agricultural policy

Martonyi János stressed the importance of preserving the strong EU cohesion policy and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on Friday in Brussels, at the meeting of the EU member states' foreign...

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The Igal-based Pek-Snack Kft. develops

The Pek-Snack Kft. of Igal, Somogy County implements a 147 million HUF EU-funded investment until March. The company is willing to expand of itscapacity and markets – told Galántai János,...

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200 hotels have won the Hotelstars rating already

Although 40 percent of the 860 Hungarian hotels 331, hotels have already registered on the home page of Hotelstars, two hundred of them reached the end of the rating process....

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The results of the hotels in Budapest increased in December

December, which has a traditionally beneficial effect helped a lot to improve the results of the hotels in Budapest in 2011. On the basis of the datas of the Magyar...

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Fans of alcoholic beverage brands on Facebook

There are unexploited opportunities for alcoholic beverage brands on Facebook – according to András Bradács, senior consultant of Front Page Communications. Many alcoholic beverage brands have profiles but the number...

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Hungarians are saving for holiday

We tend to believe that saving money is a necessary part of life, and most of us are consciously looking for possibilities to save money – a new survey by...

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New agricultural books are needed

The brand new Darányi Ignácz Plan, within the compass of the National Rural Strategy, believes that an important basis of modern agriculture is tradebook – minister in charge of rural...

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Post News 21 December 2011 Central/South America hotel pipeline for November 2011

The Central/South America hotel development pipeline comprises 196 hotels totalling 28,958 rooms, according to the November 2011 STR Global Construction Pipeline Report. Among the countries in the region, Panama reported...

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More and more Arab tourists travel abroad

In the Turkish restaurants around Taksim Square in Istanbul, the menus are getting a new look. It's not so much the food that is changing but the languages, as more...

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Vodka and gin: higher sales in terms of both value and volume

Total annual retail sales in the nine spirits categories measured by Nielsen reached the value of HUF 66 billion in the August 2010-September 2011 period. Only vodka and gin sales...

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Less but higher quality alcoholic drinks are sold

Alcoholic beverages constitute a special market in Hungary as spirits, wines and beers have a one-third share of the market each. Wine consumption has declined recently and the annual average...

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Good market position for chocolate

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, total value sales of the three chocolate segments increased by 3 percent in the December 2010-September 2011 period, compared with the same period a...

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Market expansion and strengthening manufacturer brands

2 percent higher value sales and 1 percent more sold in terms of volume in December 2010-September 2011 – this is how the meat product market developed according to the...

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Food Club Workshop was launched

Food Club Foundation was established this year and its undertaking is to analyse the state of play in the Hungarian food sector and the chances for increasing its competitiveness. The...

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New taxes on food products reduce competitive chances

It is too early to predict the consequences of the public health product fee (NETA) – we heard at the food processing conference recently held in the German and Hungarian...

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