Posts From trademagazin

Carniolan sausages can be only Slovenian products

Slovenia and Austria agreed in a gastronomic name dispute, and Carniolan sausages can be only Slovenian products – writes Delo daily newspaper of Ljubljana. According to the agreement Austria does...

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The Lake Balaton remains the top domestic tourism destination

An average Hungarian family spends 177 thousand HUF on vacation this year – show the recent surveys. This is pretty much the same as last year, but yet it seems...

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Magazine: Here in, here out!

Drinkwel is a super-functional drink combines a high number of ingredients (vitamins, minerals, extract from liver-protecting plants, amino acid, etc.) that mitigate the negative effects of alcohol....

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EasyJet: accuracy is the most important for the Hungarian business travelers

For Hungarian business travelers, accuracy is the most important aspect, followed by ticket prices and the elasticity of the reservation – shows the representative survey of easyJet. In Hungary in...

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The development momentum of the dairy sector may stop

The high feed prices, the increase in production costs, the reduction in the price of milk, the lack of development resources may cause a slowdown in the development of the...

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Hungarian companies expect the dynamic expansion of e-commerce

The Hungarian companies are expecting the dynamic growth of e-commerce and the online services market in the next five years – shows the online survey of RSM DTM Hungary Zrt....

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Wine management act to be changed

The wine management act's amendment was submitted to the National Assembly by the government on Friday, in order to reduce the business costs and administration of the entrepreneur and to...

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A lack of domestic fruits

Only the the earliest domestic summer fruits have appeared on the domestic market, therefore, the high prices can not be a major factor. According to Mártonffy Béla, President of FruitVeB...

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Fruit prices go down

In April, the producer prices level of agricultural products decreased by 2.9 percent, compared to the prices of the previous year. The price of crop products fell by 8.7 percent,...

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Olcsó’s compilation from the most popular of summer products

Digital cameras are still the most popular products among the online purchased products, but this year interest is smaller than last year, while twice as many clicks occurs on air-conditioners...

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Surjány-Hús created 150 new jobs with a net 1,3 billion HUF development

Due to the changing consumer habits, the adaptability of the meat industry firms is more and more important. The post maturing and dry product plant of Surjány-Hús Kft. is a...

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The Baki Agrocentrum Kft. reached record revenue last year

Zala county's largest agricultural company, the Baki Agrocentrum Kft. reached a record of 9.3 billion HUF revenue last year – told the company's managing director to MTI. Balogh Rudolf explained...

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Magazine: Future Store at FOODAPEST (part 3)

‘We have reached the Unilever Dosmestos, Cif and Flóraszept chemical product section. We recommend Domestos General cleaner to those who like chlorine-free cleaning and disinfecting. For toilets DomestosDoublePower is the...

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U.S. retail sales decreasing

According to the government’s datas, published on Wednesday, U.S. retail sales are decreasing for the second consecutive month in May. On a monthly basis, retail sales in May decreased by...

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Tourism consumer controls have started

The summer tourist season consumer controls have begun all across the country – said Fülöp Zsuzsanna, spokesperson of the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) on Thursday at a press conference...

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Homeless people will operate rural lodging houses in Italy

Tourism is combined with solidarity in Italy. Homeless people will run a rural lodging house  in Tuscany. Italy’s first rural lodging house, operated by homeless people will open its doors...

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ANUGA starts in June!

Exhibitors can sign up from next year's Anuga from June: the event will take place on 5th to 9th October 2013 in Köln, Germany. The latest was attended by 6,596...

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Employers see the labor market situation unstable

Employers in Hungary, see labor market situation precarious in the next quarter. 71 percent of them are not planning any redundancies nor recruitment by the end of September. According to...

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(HU) Automata dobozragasztó gép a termelés helyszínén

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(HU) Elektromos gyalogkíséretű raklapszállítók – OMG 300-as széria

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(HU) Elköltöztünk! Átöltözünk!

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(HU) A hatékony logisztika vonalkódja

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New regulations of the Hungarian Food Book published

As we know, the new law concerning foodchains and authorities following the foodlaw of 2008/XLVI, puts a greater emphasis on the role of the Hungarian Food Book. It is not...

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Coface: less food firms can handle the burdens

The number of insolvency proceedings increased by more than thirty percent in the first quarter of 2011 among the food companies, compared to the same period of last year, while...

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Mobile Wallet can be launched in Hungary in 2013

A cell phone, like a Swiss penknife can be used for many things and it can be even used to make phone calls. Alarms, takes photos and maybe next year...

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Easier food safety requirements on the local markets

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) sets up requirements that can be complied easier. The decree, entered into force on the 11th of June. The mitigation is designed to improve...

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The master of spices flared the fire in the kitchen of the Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge

“Spice is like wine, every year a new one matures.” Famous French chef arrived to Hungary again. Jean-Marc Notelet orchestrated an exciting and unique culinary evening in the kitchen of...

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Complete digitization in the commercial information technology

The commercial industry leaders held a consultation about fundamentally new technologies, applications, on the 11th of June 2012 in Kecskemét. The unanimous expectation of the industry representatives was to produce...

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Magazin: Most successful promotions in 2011 – Trade Day and Award Ceremony

Trade magazin organised the ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ competition for the fourth time. The jury had a difficult task when evaluating the works because there were so many...

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NÉBIH: “You are what you eat …” Show us what you are!

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) announces a game on its community site. During the game, the NÉBIH awaits photomontages showing food ingredients. The aim of the authority to...

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