Posts From trademagazin

The Artisjus helps rural tourism with payment discount

The National Association of Rural and Agrotourism (FATOSZ) signed an agreement with the Artisjus Copyright Protection Bureau to establish discount fares. The agreement provides a very reasonable annual fee for...

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Culinary time travel in the London Museum

The London Museum invites those who interested to a centuries-old culinary time travel. The coures describe the art of cooking of the ancient times to the participants. The institution will...

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Dachser Food Logistics acquires 50 per cent in Papp Italia

Dachser Food Logistics establishes its own structure in southern Europe through its shareholding in Papp Italia. Dachser Food Logistics is dedicating the month of July to creating its own structures...

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Consumer Protection controls at the Sziget Festival

From Wednesday the consumer protection authority monitors the catering places of the Sziget Festival, in the previous days they held briefings to the traders – Fülöp Zsuzsanna, spokesperson of the...

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MOSZ: pig-breeding is in crisis

The Hungarian pig-breeding is in crisis: the feed prices are high, while  the purchase prices are so low, that sometimes do not cover the cost price – set Elected members...

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The Milk Marketing Board asks for EU origin protection for rugged cottage

In order to improve the domestic dairy industry’s situation the Milk Marketing Board asks for EU origin protection for rugged cottage. The claim is expected to be submitted in September...

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KSH: the volume of industrial production increased by 0.6 percent in June

In June this year, industrial output grew by 0.6 percent compared to the same month of last year. The data of the working-days adjusted index is the same as the...

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MAGOSZ: 40 percent of the corn crop was destroyed in the heat

According to the estimates of the Hungarian Farmers Unions and Farmers Cooperative Association (MAGOSZ), almost 40 percent of the expected corn crop has been destroyed across the country this year,...

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Magazine: What shall I call you?

When first hearing the name Penelope Cruiser, one thinks of a Spanish sports car or a Brazilian dancer. In fact, the above name designates a margarita-type cocktail of New York’s...

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Zwack 378 million HUF after-tax profit in the first quarter

The Zwack Unicum Nyrt. in the first quarter of its 2012-2013 business year reached 378 million HUF after-tax profits, 184 million HUF lower, than a year earlier – the company...

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Hungaricum Festival in Szeged again

Quality Hungarian food, traditional arts and crafts products, culture, and sports are waiting for those who visit the Hungarikum Festival beginning on Thursday in Széchenyi square, Szeged. The nearly hundred...

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Hipercom: The best basket choice of July

Hipercom Hungária Ltd. has listed the best basket choices of the month for June, too, based on various channels. The data of the research are taken from Hipercom Monitoring database,...

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New marketing director at Tesco

Starting from 1st August 2012, the new marketing leader of Tesco is Judit Iglódi-Csató. The expert has been working for the retail chain since 2010 as the directory of marketing...

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Another compensation lawsuit started against the Four Paws

After the 553 million HUF worth compensation lawsuit of Hungerit Zrt. another company, the Hortobágyi Lúdtenyésztő Zrt. initated compensation proceedings against the Four Paws animal rights organization. The first trial...

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Ideological war in Bolivia, against Coca-Cola and McDonald's

The South American country of Bolivia has announced that by the end of the year, bans Coca-Cola from the country. The Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca explained that “the 21st...

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Tourism in Hungary 2011

The Hungarian National Tourist Office (Magyar Turizmus Zrt.) has prepared its Turizmus Magyarországon 2011 (Tourism in Hungary 2011)  Hungarian and English language statistical publication on the basis of its own...

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Less Hungarians spent holiday in Croatia in July

Compared to last July, one-tenth less Hungarians spent their holiday in Croatia in July, however, more Hungarian tourists are expected in August. In July, nearly 103 thousand Hungarian guests traveled...

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NGM: no specific proposal arrived to reduce the VAT on basic foods

No specific proposal has arrived yet to the National Economy Ministry (NGM) on the reduction of theVAT on basic foodstuffs – the NGM informed MTI on Monday. The Hungarian regulations...

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Opten: the number of liquidations is on peak

In July, liquidation proceedings were initated against 2251 companies. In the last three months the monthly average of liquidation proceedings was 2,328 which was 20 percent higher than a year...

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The European harvest started with the Csabagyöngye grape of the South Balaton

Significant quantities of the Hungaricum grape is only produced in this region of Hungary on the plantations of the Balaton Agrár Zrt. From the grapes only the Badacsony-based Varga Winery...

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NMHH: 2.118 million broadband internet subscriptions in June in Hungary

In June, 2.118 million broadband internet subscriptions were registered in Hungary, 11 thousand more than in May – shows the flash report of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH),...

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Less grain has grown in Russia

The SovEcon revised its forecast on this year’s grain crop downward with several millions of tons, due to the drought in the Volga region. The market research institute estimates that...

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Apricot season started and ended early

This year’s apricot season started early and ended early as well. The housewives were hoping that apricot will only be cheaper, but they soon disappeared from the market. In the...

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FAO: world's rice production is reducing

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), revised the forecast of the world’s rice production downward, however, production will still exceed the demand, and therefore a possible risk of the...

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Magazine: Smoke a choint!

Chocolate is no longer a guilty pleasure. Le Whif combines chocolate and aerosol science with their zero calorie chocolate inhaler. Beginning in the spring of 2008 as part of a...

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How green is the world's “most sustainable Olympics”?

The organizers of London's Olympics heralded this year’s summer games as the greenest and most sustainable Olympics of the world, and although in some areas they actually achieved a podium...

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NGM: until the end of July 50 billion HUF was spent on Széchenyi Rest Cards

According to the datas of the three issuer institutes; until the end of July, 50 billion HUF was spent on Széchenyi Rest Cards, of which 7.5 billion HUF was uploaded...

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(HU) Strandok éjszakája: közel 40 fürdőben országszerte

Nearly 40 Hungarian spas, swimming pools and adventure baths await visitors to the different programs of the Night of Baths on Friday night. The promotional event will be held on...

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Péter Zwack passed away

Péter Zwack died in Italy at the age of 85. He was one of the most colourful personalities of the Hungarian political and economic life. He was born in 1927...

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Domestic corn crop can be three million tons less this year

This year’s corn crop can be up to three million tons less, due to the drought. Animal farmers can be also affected badly by the dramatic price increase of the...

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