Posts From trademagazin

The route of the gray cattle to the market

The gene conservation is now a solved  case with the 6-7 thousand gray beef stock the current issue is to send the gray cattle to the market ​​- said Fazekas...

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METRO Wine Weeks: jauntily about wine

The “METRO Wine Weeks” campaign has been launched in all METRO stores. In the scope of the campaign, the company awaits its customers with wine tasting every Friday and Saturday...

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Hungarian companies at the AGROMALIM Expo

With the support of the National Foreign Trade Office (HITA) twenty-two domestic small and medium-sized enterprises have successfully participated at the AGROMALIM Expo between 6 to 9 September in Arad....

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Customer service office at Tesco

The local governement of Érd has opened a customer service office at Tesco so that customers can get their official errands (from passport to ID related issues) done while shopping....

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FruitVeB calls for VAT reduction or reverse VAT

The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (FruitVeB) calls for the reduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) and if this is not possible, proposes reverse VAT –...

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The long-awaited rain does not bring too much benefits

The rain soaking half of the country did not bring too much benefits to agriculture, said Vancsura József, president of the National Association of Grain Producers. We learned that where...

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International trade may increase slower-than-expected

The Secretary-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) expects smaller-than-expected growth this year, due to the slowdown in global economy. Pascal Lamy warned that the WTO will probably modify downward...

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Government intervention in the Kapuvár meat plant

The government declares both companies involved in the meat plant of Kapuvár as priority important companies – the Government Spokesperson’s Office announced on Wednesday. This step is justified by the...

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The oatmeal novelties of Detki Keksz won Hungarian Quality Product Award

The Zab álom and the almás zabpelyhes omlós keksz products of  Detki Keksz won the Hungarian Quality Product Award. The introduction of the products were aimed to broaden the product...

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Sága launches a National prize winning contest

Sága Foods Zrt., market leader of the turkey ham category launches a a National prize winning contest, between 14 September and 14 October to remunerate the loyalty of the customers...

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The vinegum producer expands its factory with a more than four billion HUF investment

The HARIBO Hungária Kft. expands its factory with a more than 4.2 billion HUF investment – the company has informed MTI on Wednesday. The vinegum producer company won a close...

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Vintage Days in Gyöngyös

The Vintage Days Celebrations of the country’s largest historic wine region will be held in Gyöngyös between 14-16 September. The Harvest Festival and Wine Festival takes place at the city's...

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The Coop Rally has arrived to the Brewing House of the Dreher Breweries

The Coop Rally promoting Hungarian products has rolled in front of Dreher Breweries’ Brewing House for the first time. The competitors could admire how the brewery brews its great beers...

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Magazine: Ranking, al dente

Restaurant Magazine’s tenth ‘The World’s 50 Best Restaurants’ ranking brought few surprises and a couple of changes. Once again the British magazine’s latest list showed that it is more difficult...

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The dairy sector votes on VAT reduction

To stabilize incomes is a major challenge for the dairy industry players. The law on interbranch organizations can help them – Feldman Zsolt Deputy State Secretary at the Ministry of...

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Mountain villages: grape harvest has good quality, but import will be needed from cheaper wines

This year's grape harvest has a great quality. Hungarian grapes have been so healthy as now long time ago, but from cheaper wines Hungary is expected to rely on Italian...

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Four percent sales growth at the Co-op group this year

This year, the Co-op group expects 530 to 540 billion HUF in revenue, compared with the 510 billion HUF of last year – said the CEO of Co-op Hungary in...

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7th Coop Rally is on

The seventh Coop Rally is about to be launched on Thursday. The main purpose of the event is to make Hungarian products even more popular, thus 80 companies with 90...

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The Szentkirályi has created the soft drink of the nation

As the result of years of development the Szentkirályi Ásványvíz Kft. has created and unveiled the soft drink of the nation today at a ceremony. The pleasant-tasting, fizzy and refreshing,...

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The Kapuvári Hús Zrt. significantly reduces its production

The government negotiate over the situation of the Kapuvári Hús Zrt. at Tuesday's meeting – the MTI was informed by government sources. Pászli Tibor, Vice President of the Meat Industry...

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The price of Arabica coffee increases dramatically

On Monday, the price of Arabica coffee increased spectacularly, by more than 6 percent to 173 cents. Such a price increase occurred last time in January 2009, in addition on...

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The tax authorities also checked the fruit vendors of the South Plains

The inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) checked the regularity of fruit sales in the southern Great Plains region during the summer months. In almost half of...

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Cheese Festival will be held on Saturday in Csermajor

Cheese competition, cheese knight inauguration, cheese tasting, the country's largest Pannonia cheese and milk combat will waiting for those who visit the fifteenth edition of the cheese festival on Saturday...

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More than a billion people travels abroad this year

According to the forecast of  the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), this year the number of those who visit an another country as tourists will be over one billion In the...

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SIA acquires 49% of Belgian company SiNSYS from Atos Worldline

SIA has signed an agreement for the acquisition from Atos Worldline of 49% of the share capital of SiNSYS, the Belgian company specializing in the processing of payment transactions by...

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The Parliament adopted the law on tobacco sales

Tobacco retail will be a state monopoly from the 1st of July next year. The state can give a green light to applicants in the scope of a concession contract....

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Corn crop will be enough

Despite the drought, the estimated 4 million tons of corn crop may be sufficient to satisfy the interior needs of the country – Czerván György told at Tuesday’s agricultural forum...

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Gyulai Húskombinát: liquidation, not state ownership?

Everyone was waiting for the state ownership in the Gyulai Húskombinát (Meat plant of Gyula) – compared to this it was classified as a strategic priority organization, which is the...

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The rating of MLSZKSZ may worth billions

In the past 6 years, the applicants who have a certificate of qualification developed by the Association of the Hungarian Logistics Service Centres (MLSZKSZ) won a total of 7.5 billion...

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