Posts From trademagazin

Hungaricum-promotion at the airport: Unicum-success at the terminal

A special and unique action took place during the summer peak traffic at the airport. The traveling public could learn about a true Hungarian succesful product during the summer at...

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A hundred-year-old brand in Hungary

Even though the new Wick product family introduced by Teva Hungary Ltd. is new on the domestic market, it is a well-known and popular Procter&Gamble brand in the world. Millions...

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Coca-Cola Cup for High School students

The organizers will launch Coca-Cola’s International Soccer in Hungary, from this school year.  The professional domestic partner of the program that is succesful in Switzerland, Austria, Poland and Romania, is...

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Human Telex was included to the EFFIE shortlist with its Aranypéntek campaign

After the recognition of the trade marketing profession, the Human Telex Advertising Agency is confident that its Aranyászok market turning campaign will be evaluated in terms of advertising effectiveness. The...

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Business sentiment improved in Europe's largest economy

In September, business sentiment improved in Germany, after four months – shows the datas of the ZEW economic research institute, published on Tuesday. The next half-year expectations index has improved...

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The new dm shop has been opened in Veszprém

The dm drugstore chain opened its new store in Veszprém on the 13th of  September 2012. On the occasion of the opening, the consumers were awaited with 5x points for...

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Robot girls in a restaurant in Tokyo

At a newly opened restaurant in Tokyo: 3.6-meter high robotic girls provide show for the visitors. “The foreign guests visiting the restaurant all say the same thing: crazy!” – Tokutake...

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Jana Green Tea Lemon

Contains 30 percent less sugar, thanks to natural sweetener stevia. The 0.5-litre product is now available in sports cap version....

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VAT frauds of food costs 130 million HUF losses to the budget

Experts estimates that VAT frauds on food costs more than hundred million HUF losses to the budget. According to the study, the solution would be VAT reduction or the introduction...

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Bakery products will be more expensive from October

From the first day of September, the price of bakery products will rise by about 20 percent. The national chain of stores increase the price of bakery products from the...

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Billion HUF worth government subsidies for the builder of the citric acid plant in Szolnok

According to the government decision, published in the most recent Magyar Közlöny, the Chinese-Hungarian BBCA Szolnok Biokémiai Zrt. will receive the state support which is necesarry for the building of...

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The Naponta Kft. buys the Székesfehérvár-based factory of the Cerbona Zrt.

The Naponta Kft. buys the Székesfehérvár-based factory of the Cerbona Zrt.. The Naponta Kft. has signed an agreement with Agro Alba Zrt., the liquidator of Cerbona. According to the communication,...

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Food Avalanche in Kosd

The joint municipal application of the Élelmiszerlavina (Food Avalanche) and the Syngenta Kft. was announced for the third time. This year 23 municipalities and foundations won in the application. The...

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The Far-East company will be denounced due to dubious origin foods

The inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) and the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) found several hundred kilograms of dubious origin food at a company on...

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Slovakia does not restrict the flow of spirits because of the methyl alcohol poisonings

The situation is not dramatic, so no restrictions on alcohol marketing is needed in Slovakia – Zuzana Zvolenská Slovak health minister told on Monday in connection with the methyl alcohol...

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Autumn wine muster in the Dóm Square of Szeged

From Wednesday an Autumn wine muster awaits the guests, where more than sixty winemakers will present their masterpieces for five days – Licsicsányi Ilona, organizer and managing director of the...

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Nestlé is a Good CSR member

Nestle believes that for a business to be successful over the long-term it must create value for society alongside value for shareholders. The company calls this Creating Shared Value. Through...

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The capacity expansion exceeds the demand on the domestic hotel market

The domestic hotel industry seems to ignore the economic crisis: The capacity expansion exceeding the demand for years. This will be resulted in modest profitability, low room rates and tragic...

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Bükfürdő is campaigning jointly with seven countries to popularize the Hungarian wines

Bükfürdő launches a campaign jointly with seven countries to improve the promotion of the less-known Hungarian wines in Europe – Balogh Károly, president of the Bük, Bükfürdő Public Tourism Association...

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Fino-Food Kft is nominated for the European Business Awards

Among several other Hungarian companies, Kaposvár based Fino-Food Ltd. has been nominated for the European Business Award in 2012, in the category of innovative solutions. The milk company is focusing...

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Magazine: Is Hungary’s packaging material production about to be drawn to a halt?

According to a survey, in 2010 the world’s consumer packaging market was worth USD 395 billion. Calculating with a 3-percent annual growth rate (although from 2009 to 2010 the market...

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LMP: an explosion of food prices about to come

Due to the drought of the past two years, food-prices are about to rise, and this phenomenon might even lead to an explosion of food-prices, LMP's spokeperson pointed out within...

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Protest for the meat factory of Kapuvár

Around four-five hundred people have protested in front of the meat factory of Kapuvár, calling the government's attention to the factory's harrowing problems. This step is justified by the the...

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165 billion HUF was spent on private label foods

The revenues of food retail chains from private label products increased in the first half of this year, compared to the same period of last year. With private label food...

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Dr. Oetker: a billion HUF worth investment in Jánossomorja

The expansion in Dr. Oetker’s factory in Jánossomorja started in August. With the investment, the company not only doubles the production capacity, but also wants to contribute to the further...

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NaturAqua celebrated its 10th birthday with an anomalous toast

The NaturAqua natural mineral water celebrated its 10th anniversary at the 21st Buda Castle Wine Festival. The first NaturAqua bottles were produced at end of August 2002 in the bottling...

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Coop Rally was a success

The seventh Coop Rally, launched on Thursday, proved to be a very successful event, and came to an end with FrieslandCampina winning the main prize within the compass of the...

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“Traffic Light” shows the nutrient composition of the Tesco Products

Tesco will launch ‘traffic light’ labels on its products in a major U-turn that marks a significant step towards the Department of Health’s goal of a common system of health...

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The main prize of Apentas consumer prize winning game was handed over by Kamarás Iván

Apenta’s “Let’s Go to Hollywood!” consumer prize winning game has ended. In the game, movie related prizes were lotteried: 1500 movie tickets, 8 Samsung LED TVs and home theater systems,...

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Another City SPAR opened in Budapest

The SPAR Magyarország Kft. opened its 10th City SPAR unit of Hungary on the 13th of September 2012, under 1. Mester street 9th district. The opening of the new store...

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