Posts From trademagazin

KSH: grain prices are increasing for months

In October, agricultural producer prices rose by 24.4 percent above the level of a year earlier, after the producer prices of plant products increased by 33.1, while animal product prices...

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Kopint-Tárki: GDP stagnation is the most likely for next year

The Kopint-Tárki expects a 1.3 percent GDP reduction for this year in waiting, for next year forecasts stagnation, with downside risks. The Kopint-Tárki in its previous October forecast expected  1.2...

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The beer industry can not avoid the price increase

The Hungarian beer market can not avoid the price increase, because of increased costs and tax burdens – said Dele Ajayi, CEO of Heineken Hungária in the Wednesday's edition of...

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The Government would save the meat companies with the involvement of local governments

The Government is considering a solution that can be EU compliant and can save the ailing meat companies of Gyula, Kaposvár and Pápa – the Népszabadság was informed  from several...

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Food ingredients manufacturing plant is ready in Sződ

The new food ingredients manufacturing plant of Dagent Ltd. has been completed in Sződ, beside the M2 motorway – the company told MTI. The projects was implemented from 330 million...

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Henkel’s program reaches more than 44,000 kindergarten children

Henkel Magyarország Kft. in cooperation with the Airship Program (Léghajó Program) launched a nationwide series of events in spring 2011 whereby the Airship Program specialists trained lifeguard training courses for...

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Wine Auction to renovate the castle of Krasznahorka

The Pannónia Women Wine Order organizes a wine auction on Wednesday in Budapest to renovate the castle of Krasznahorka. The 13th century castle suffered severe damages on 10 March in...

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Magazine: Champagne and sparkling wine: how many corks will be popped this year?

So far the champagne and sparkling wine market has contracted a few percent this year. György Kovács, managing director of the market leader Törley Kft. is hopeful that consumers will...

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Visual pálinka distillery was built in Sióagárd-Leányvár

The guests can learn all moments of pálinka manufacturing by walking down across the visitor’s corridor at the new pálinka distillery of the Savanya family, built with EU support in...

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Food for the needy

Before the Christmas holidays, 65 tons of food was distributed among the needy in 18 cities in the scope of the Food Avalanche charity action. Thanks to the joint initiative...

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Gastro Hotel opened in Szeged

The completely renewed Tiszavirág Szeged Hotel has been opened on 13 December – the hotel told Turizmus Online. In the building 10 rooms, spa area, a café, a bar and...

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Christmas shopping concept has changed over the years

In recent years, the Christmas shopping concept has changed. However, there are eternal truths. In recent years, the Christmas shopping concept has changed. However, there are eternal truths. – It...

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Magazine: Dying at the table, eating double bypass burgers!

Jon Basso founded hamburger restaurant Heart Attack Grill, which is present only in three US states and does not intend to become a chain. Heart Attack Grill’s philosophy is ‘Taste...

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Purple turtleneck sweater and whistling porcupine under the tree

The study of the Olcsó price comparison site revealed that almost a quarter of the respondents rarely or never receive a gift that they really want. In the second phase...

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VM: people should buy sealed liquors from only trusted places

People should buy sealed liquors from only trusted places – asks the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) responsible for food chain surveillance and agri management,...

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The Nectar of Szatmár – people with disabilities produce quality soybean oil in Szatmár

A high quality and healthy product was launched with the participation of Rubint Réka, made ​​by people with disabilities in one of the most disadvantaged region of the country; Szatmár....

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Rossmann’s third drugstore has opened in the 3rd district

The Rossmann Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. has opened its third store in the third district. On this occasion, customers will receive a 10 percent discount in the first few days after...

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DJ Dominique organizes a Christmas charity concert with his artist friends

13 acts and 38 artists will make make the Christmas happier for hundreds of children cured out of cancer and disadvantaged children as well on 14 December. The event is...

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The Santa Claus of Detk brought biscuits

The Santa Claus of the Detki Keksz visited the „Fészek” children's home again, where he was able smuggle the smile back on the face of kids when he handed over...

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The Chinese Hong Kong Dragon Food inaugurated a pasta manufacturing plant in Bábolna

The Chinese Hong Kong Dragon Food Ltd. inaugurated a frozen stuffed pasta products manufacturing plant in Bábolna. The nearly one billion HUF investment created 50 new jobs, but the number...

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The largest Croatian bakery expands towards Hungary

Mlinar, the largest Croatian bakery expands towards Hungary with the opening of stores in Budapest – Poslovni Dnevnik Croatian business daily wrote on Wednesday. The more than one hundred year...

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Attention! Psychiatric pills for behaviour problems?

Should your child or any child you happen to know be treated by psychiatric pills for certain behaviour problems, or if you happen to hear of any kind of wrong...

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Hoteliers of the Lake Balaton gain millions on joint tenders

The Lake Balaton Regional Tourism Destination Management (TDM) Alliance has created a joint acquisition community first in the country. Their demonstration projects have been successfully completed. The joined hotels in...

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Magazine: Who washes my clothes? Ingrid today, Grete tomorrow!

Wash and Coffee in Munich offers really complex service. The place, funded by Henkel and Bosch Siemens, is not only the perfect pace for washing and tumble-drying clothes or dry...

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KSH: inflation was 5.2 percent in November

Consumer prices fell by 0.1 percent in November from the previous month and were 5.2 percent higher, compared to the previous year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on...

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Tobacco shops can sell lotto and lottery tickets as well

The Tobacco shops that will be opened next summer can also sell lotto and lottery tickets, after the parliament modified the law with 258 yes and 48 no votes on...

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Gallicoop had a difficult year

After last year’s success, year 2012 was the hardest year, since the system change for the Gallicoop Pulykafeldolgozó Zrt. – Erdélyi István, President and Chief Executive Officer summed the position...

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Companies wait and see within the uncertain labor market position

Hungarian employers expect uncertain labor market position for the first quarter of next year. More than three quarters of them are not planning to change the number of the staff,...

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Tesco Tips: Dress the Christmas tree nicely from small amount of money

A rich choice is waiting for the Christmas shoppers in the stores of Tesco. Among others, the supermarket chain expanded its range of Christmas decoration items significantly. Thanks to the...

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The distillery in Győr plans technological modernization

In order to improve its competitiveness the Győri Szeszgyár és Finomító Zrt. plans technological modernization next year. This year, the company reached a more than 8 billion HUF turnover. One...

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