Posts From trademagazin

The real strawberry season to be started

Although Hungarian strawberry could be bought at markets and in malls even in April, the harvest season on the fields is just beginning. The filmed strawberry has no real flavor,...

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The Hungarian Advertising Association forms its position on the advertising tax after knowing the details

The Hungarian Advertising Association will only be able to create its professional position on the advertising tax if they will know the details – Urbán Zsolt, president of the Hungarian...

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SPAR helping hands” – for Sustainable Development and Livable Future

The SPAR Magyarország Kft. puts a big emphasis on social responsibility in addition to customer satisfaction in its company philosophy. The group frameworks its CSR activities into the “SPAR helping...

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Modern chef-education in Hungary

The Association of Hungarian gastronomy is launching a one-year-long intensive chef-education program, points out. The theoretical education will be based on French book called The Professional Chef, and MGE...

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This is what Főzdefeszt is like – Video of the day

Főzdefeszt is going to open its gates on 7th to 9th JUne for the 5th time in the heart of Józsefváros, at MIkszáth tér and Szabó Ervin tér. You can...

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The first four-star hotel of Szentendre to be opened

The first four-star hotel of Szentendre welcome the guests from early June. The Bükkös Hotel created with a 400 million HUF development was handed over on Friday. Hadnagy Attila owner...

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A new Starbucks opens in Budapest

The eighth Starbucks café of the Hungarian capital opens in Buda, at the MOM Park shopping center on 28 May. So far, seven cafes in Budapest bore the famous name...

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Company leaders are exclusively men

“Women in leadership” continues to be a hot topic, according to the findings of the latest Randstad Workmonitor. While 84% of employees worldwide believe in diverse and balanced male/female leadership...

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Roadkill is legal to eat in Montana

Steve Lavin has reported to hundreds off crashes that involved animals. The Roadkill Bill, he hopes, will allow Montanans to salvage good meat that would otherwise rot on the side...

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Magazine: The legal status of opened bottles of alcoholic beverages

After the MVI conference held at Hoventa last year, a conciliation procedure started in 2013 between the different stakeholders – MVI, the Consumption and VAT Department (FFAF) and the National...

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Bisnode: online traders increased their revenues

The companies dealing with mail-order services and online retailing performed relatively well among unfavorable economic environment. The number of firms have multiplied reaching nearly 3,000. In recent years, their aggregate...

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The bees could not take the work: there will be less fruit this year

High fruit yields are not expected this year, due to the sudden warming, rapidly developing bloom and less bees. The reason is prosaic: the depleted bee colonies were simply not...

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Nothing really happens when the deadline expires

Varga Mihály, Minister of Economy admitted at yesterday's meeting of the BKIK, that the cash register replacements cannot meet the deadline – Népszava reports. Nothing really happens if the enterpreneurs...

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Top culinary trends from America

Foodservice operators were largely looking for convenient, affordable ways to respond to shifting consumer demands during the National Restaurant Show, exhibitors reported. Many of those solutions had to do with...

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Chio Crispers shrouded in tzatziki flavor

What is the common in tzatziki and in the South American peanuts? Now all turns out! Intersnack Magyarország, the manufacturer of Chio introduces the newest member of the Chio Crispers...

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The XIXO soft drink brand helps the children with leukemia with smiling photos

A smile costs nothing but now it is worth a lot now and heal kids! The XIXO soft drink brand has announced a unique charity advertising campaign, which invokes the...

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Cafissimo Grand Class, the Treasure of Kilimanjaro

The Machare Estate coffee farm can be found  on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. The farm was established by a German housewife Bente Luther-Medoch. She created the first...

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Chinese consumers are more and more optimistic and would spend more

The value of consumer confidence in China is stable, and the population is becoming more optimistic and willing to spend more than before – shows the latest reoprt of Nielsen...

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Fish processing plant is under construction in Szentgyörgyvár

The Halház Kft. establishes a fish farming and fish processing plant in Szentgyörgyvár, with a nearly seven million euros investment, mainly from own sources – said Andrej Panarin, Executive Director...

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Closer economic and trade relations with South Africa

On Monday, the founding session of the Hungarian-South African Economic Joint Committee was held in Pretoria, South Africa. The Hungarian Co-Chairman of the Committee is Secretary of State Kristóf Szatmáry,...

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The 2008 vintage Cabernet Franc wine of Vylyan has won the Grand Prize of the 19th Wine Festival of Szeged

The 2008 vintage Cabernet Franc wine of the Vylyan Vineyards and Winery won the Grand Prize of the 19th Wine Festival of Szeged. The recognition was handed over on Tuesday...

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Danone Activia health claim approved in Switzerland

Danone claims its Activia products “contribute to digestive comfort, reducing transit time and swelling” Danone has gained approval for a health claim on Activia yoghurt in Switzerland. The Swiss Federal...

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The guy who keeps using his nose every minute

Every now and again life treats you to a glorious surprise. I was privileged during a recent visit to The Edrington Group’s head office in Glasgow to get to meet...

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Innovation from the US in Hungary

Vocollect’s A730 device contains an integrated short-range scanner, which enables workers to use both voice direction and scanning to fully optimize a process in an ergonomic, wearable form factor that...

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Ten percent price margin will be provided to the tobacco retailers

With the amendment of the tobacco law, the parliament provided a ten percent price margin to the tobacco retailers on Tuesday, and further expanded the range of products that can...

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Fifth Annual General Meeting of GfK SE

At today’s fifth Annual General Meeting of GfK SE, a minimum of 99.6 percent of the shareholders of GfK SE voted in favor of the resolutions proposed by the Supervisory...

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Magazin: A stylish association

SVÉT (Stylish Restaurants in the Country association) is a grassroots initiative by high-quality restaurants. The idea and the name come from László Ruprecht, a so-called creative chef. At the moment...

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Loan can be used for online cash registers

OTP Bank has developed a construct for th e operators of the national tobacco shops. A major item of the startup costs is the purchase of the online cash tregisters...

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KSH: Average net earnings increased by 4.2 percent in January-March

In January to March 2013, the average gross earnings of full-time employees amounted to 225 600 HUF. It was 2.9 percent higher compared to the same period of last year....

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The 28 International Farmer Days opens in Bábolna today

One of the largest exhibition of the Hungarian agriculture, the International Farmer Days opens in Bábolna and lasts for four days, from Wednesday. At the exhibition, 150 exhibitors will present...

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