Posts From trademagazin

The tobacco industry’s investors urge to join forces against tobacco black market

According to GfK Hungária’s research, the illegal sales of cigarettes increased to 11.8 percent by the end of last year in Hungary, compared to the nearly 8 percent ratio, that...

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Many tobaccionists can not only make a living from cigarettes only

Not many applicants have applied for tobacco shop concessions, despite the deadline expired today. A total of 992 tenders were announced, but the candidates are discouraged, because opening a tobacco...

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Mild winter: the majority of the autumn sowings are in good condition

Despite the unusually warm weather the autumn sowings are in good condition, such as the autumn grain cereals and winter rape – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told MTI...

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Milk-based vodkas on the market

We are familir with the vodka cleaned by milk nd vodka-cocktails spiced up with milk, but the market's very first milk-based vodka is something completely new. New Zealand-based Milk Money...

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Bankruptcy arrangement was born at the Pápai Hús Kft.

A Bankruptcy arrangement was born among the creditors of the the Pápai Hús 1913 Kft. On Thursday, it was decided that more than 50 percent of the creditors' claims will...

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Hotels are in delay

The online cash registers transition causes serious difficulties for the hotels. It is projected that the hotels will only be ready with the online cash registers transition in the first...

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The Day of Hungarian Culture: Gallicoop won the Donation Award of Békés County

The Szarvas-based Gallicoop Pulykafeldolgozó Zrt. (Turkey Processing Co.) won this year's Donation Award of Békés County Municipality on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Culture – the local government...

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Romanians have to pay excise tax for homemade pálinka distilling

Romanians have to pay excise tax for homemade pálinka distilling. The Romanian government plans to discontinue the practice of closing down the distilling equipment officially – the Mediafax news agency...

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Benzene was found in marine fish from Latvia

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) detected benzene above the limit in canned marine fish from Latvia – Bognár Lajos, Deputy Minister of State of the...

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Pizza after a hard workday?

Researchers may have found the key to failed diets, at least in rodents might be the key to losing the weight you gained over Thanksgiving. New research shows that dieting...

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The “Hotel of the Year 2013” awards were handed over

The “Hotel of the Year 2013” awards of the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ) were handed over on Friday evening in Budapest. In the announced three categories 16...

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Two pieces of meat and love – Video of the day

Jan Švankmajer (born 4 September 1934 in Prague) is a Czech surrealist artist. His work spans several media. He is known for his surreal animations and features, which have greatly...

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Pensioners invaded the McDonald's in New York

A group of pensioners organizes regular meetings to a McDonald's restaurant in New York City where they stay all day while barely consuming – wrote. There is a McDonald's...

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Nébih: 34 million HUF fine during the winter food chain checks

Across the country, food chain safety professionals carried out nearly 7,500 inspections, during the six weeks of the seasonal winter food chain checks – the Food and Feed Safety Directorate...

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Magazine: COOP honoured on Europe’s Day in Commerce

Europe’s Day in Commerce was organised for the ninth time in Hungary by the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) and its partner associations from the field of retail....

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We fight alone for pálinka tax exemption

Hungary can be left alone in the lawsuit that may start even in the first half of the yerar on the European Court of Justice. The lawsuit will be initated,...

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The warm winter can cause serious damages to the wineries

The warm winter can cause serious damages to the wineries. For example wineries near the Lake Balaton did not make ice wine for many years – Varga Bálint, leader of...

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Pharmacists do not need to worry: there will be no sanctions

It is not the fault of the pharmacies, that they are in a delaye in online cash register replacement. According to the president of the Hungarian Chamber of Pharmacists they...

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The European Parliament said no to GM maize

The European Parliament said no to the cultivation license of the GM maize called 1507. The GM maize was developed by the Pioneer company. The European Parliament also calls upon...

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Angry Birds to storm Tesco

The elite bird squad has arrived to the domestic Tesco supermarkets. Their mission is to redeem the stolen eggs from the Margit Island. From 16 January anyone can join the...

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Winemaker of the Winemakers: the professional recognition will be awarded in a new system

The title holders of the Winemaker of the Winemakers award will compile the top fifty list of candidates, and the candidates themselves will elect the winner among themselves. It is...

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Work in the future: virtual trust in the digital age

The biggest challenge is to make a change in the corporate culture, in order to reach efficient operation. It is not enough to modernize the fleet and the tools, but...

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Professional kitchen for quarter of a square metre

It is the kind of kitchen where rustling up a plate of beans on toast would be like playing Chopsticks on a Steinway. Electrolux has launched what must be the...

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EP decision on the GMO-modified pollen in honey

The European Parliament (EP) came to a decision on Wednesday that the pollen must be a natural constituent of honey, not the component. Accordingly, the presence of genetically modified (GMO)...

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Food per kilometer

Surprisingly, how fast a person runs has little effect on the number of calories he or she will burn. The most important factor is weight. For example, a 220-pound person...

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How do animals eat? – Video of the day

Ever wanted an educational video to teach your children how different members of the animal kingdom eat? Well, this YouTube hit isn’t so much about that, as the art of...

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NGM: over 20 thousand online cash registers are already in operation

Until 13 January, mMore than 20 thousand cash registers were installed, and this number is growing every day – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) informed MTI on Wednesday. Pankucsi...

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KSH: inflation was 0.4 percent in December

Consumer prices increased by an average of 1.7 percent in 2013. Consumer prices in December were 0.4 percent higher than a year before. Consumer prices decreased by 0.5 percent compared...

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Camping’s national prize winning game ended successfully

The distributor of the Camping products, the ERU Hungária Sajtgyártó Kft. closed an eventful year, filled up with novelties. During the summer the company held a recipe competition, while during...

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The Árukereső.hu and the GKI Digital Kft. are researching e-commerce together

The Árukereső.hu price comparison site and the new subsidiary of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt., the GKI Digital Kft. have signed a long-term cooperation agreement. In the future, the two companies...

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