Posts From trademagazin

“Hungarian product” partner meeting at the Bodor manor

The key word and trend of the coming period is innovation. The country’s leadership and the EU also sees the breakout point of Europe, including Hungary if significant improvement occurs...

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New tequila on the market!

100% agave is used to produce this Sierra Antiguo Plata Tequila in a double distillation taht makes the spirit crystal clear. “Hencho en Mexico” is the lable put on the...

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Székely cities set up the new world of stuffed cabbage cooking

The Guinness world record of stuffed cabbage cooked in the largest vessel was set up on Saturday in Székelyudvarhely – the Szé site wrote. In the setting up of the...

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KSH: tourism increased in September

The total guest traffic of the accommodations in September exceeded the datas of the year before by 2.5 percent. In September, 8.2 percent more domestic guests spent 7.3 percent more...

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The OTP Széchenyi Rest card holders are more satisfied with their employers

More than half of teh domestic worker (54.8 percent) receive some kind of cafeteria benefit. This is two percentage points growth, compared to 2012. The most popular non-wage benefits has...

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Increase in tourist traffic in the Czech Republic

Tourist traffic in the Czech Republic increased by two percent on an annual basisin the third quarter of 2014 – the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) announced on Friday. In this...

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Lunch seen by the birds

So we have to assume that Dominos just doesn’t exist in Germany. It’s the only possible explanation for the fact that German food delivery company has launched a new...

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Harry Potter-Themed Hotel Rooms Prove a Hit in London

A London hotel offers fans of Harry Potter the chance to stay in Hogwarts-themed rooms, dubbed 'wizard chambers'....

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Discount stores

In the last eight months discounters’ share from grocery retail’s revenue was 22 percent, while their share from the sales of household chemicals and cosmetics was 12 percent. It is...

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Kazincbarcika becomes one of the world’s leading citric acid manufacturers

Rizhao Jin He Biochemical Group (RZBC) will invest HUF 30-billion in building its European citric acid factory in Kazincbarcika. 165 new jobs will be created by the investment. RZBC’s products...

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Ready, steady, go – Hungary! (Business Days 2014, Part 1)

This year’s Business Days conference was 4-day long. Held in Tapolca’s Hotel Pelion and organised by Trade magazin and the Chain Bridge Club, the event attracted nearly 500 participants. Trade...

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Magazine: Kaposvár meat factory: the troubles continue

Since the winner of the previous tender didn’t pay the price before the deadline, a new round was announced to sell the Kaposvár meat processing plant. Conditions are the same...

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Online cash registers for the service providers next spring

Shortly after the retail sector, hairdressers, beauticians, private doctors also need to invest into online cash registers. The market calls for enforceable deadlines from the government – Népszabadság wrote. Analysts...

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KSH: foreign trade turnover increased in September

After the halt in August, a revival occured in the foreign trade turnover in September: the value of export in euros increased by 5.8, while the value of import in...

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Spar’s meat plant started the production of organic products

The Bicske-based Spar meat plant started the production of organic productswith the co-operation of Nyalka-based Virágzó TKSZ Cooperative – was announced at the 10-year anniversary event of th e Spar...

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IT investments: a slow growth is expected

Beside the market stagnation Rentaserver’s IT Finance Index and Barometer 2015 is indicating the emerging of the long-lasting rental solutions. The survey of the Rentaserver Kft. carried out among domestic...

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Cannot be missed: ProWine China 2014 in Shanghai

At the Chinese trade fair where 650 exhibitors from 38 countries will presented themselves. Hungary is represented by 9 Hungarian winemakers. The Hungarian presence is organized by the General Directorate...

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Bónusz Brigád’s profit increase to more than four-fold last year

The profit of the Bónusz Brigád, that is selling marketing bonuses on the Internet increased to more than four-fold in one year. The Bónusz Brigád’s net profit in 2013 was...

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Detergent counterfeiters were found in Nyíregyháza

More than seven thousand liters, ten million HUF worthcounterfeit detergents, and equipments necessary for their manufacture and their packaging were seized by the financial investigators of teh National Tax and...

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China established a Silk Road infrastructure fund in a value of 40 billion USD

China will contribute to set up a Silk Road infrastructure fund in a value of 40 billion USD to boost connectivity across Asia, President Xi Jinping announced on Saturday, the...

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A large number of Hungarians traveled to Croatia in October

After the summer months, the Hungarian guest data, show the highest growth rate in Croatia during the autumn months. Even in October, the number of Hungarian guest nights increased by...

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A Czech hotel was fined for not receiving Russian tourists

A Czech hotel was fined in Ostrava for not receiving Russian tourists. The owner decided to boycott the Russian citizens, after Russia occupied the Crimea peninsula in March. The owner...

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Szerencs chocolate to become a Hungaricum product

When inaugurating the new production hall of Bonbon Kft., Minister of Agriculture Sándor Fazekas announced that Szerencs chocolate is about to be added to the list of Hungaricum products. The...

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Narrowing gap between consumers just browsing and those buying online

Nielsen’s global e-commerce survey was conducted in 60 countries with more than 30,000 internet users. According to John Burbank, Nielsen president who oversees strategic initiatives, thanks to rapidly changing digital...

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Another Chinese investor plans to build citric acid factory in Szolnok

China BBCA Group Corporation plans to build a citric acid factory in Szolnok. Construction works are about to start in early 2015. The new facility will employ 440 people and...

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Capriovus manufactures bioactive pasta

Egg processing and egg product manufacturing company Capriovus Kft. developed natural pasta enhanced with bioactive compounds. The project cost HUF 146 million and from this HUF 94 million was provided...

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The government discussed the introduction of the free Sunday

The government discussed and supports the Christian Democratic Party’s (KDNP) proposal to limit the opening hours of shops on Sunday – Harrach Péter faction leader of KDNP announced of KDNP...

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Magazine: What is in our hands? II.

ó felhasználásáról, és a sült csirke szárny sikeréről lesz szó....

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The Unilever has launched its model farm program

The Unilever and the Knorr launched its model farm program in Hungary in Murony Békés County. At the farm in Murony high-quality onions are grown, that serve as an example...

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Arena Plaza: the market of branded and hhigh quality fashion products is growing

There is a growing consumer demand for leading fashion brands on the market: The attendance of the Arena Plaza continues to grow for five years, even during and after the...

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