Posts From trademagazin

GfK: stagnating consumer confidence

According to the analysis of the GfK Consumer Confidence Index, in the last quarter of 2014, the index has reached a 1-point increase. The consumer expectations are stagnating, while the...

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The NGM about the Sunday opening hours

The decree about the Sunday rest day will be ready in the first quarter of 2015, but the law already contains a number of exceptions – the Ministry of National...

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Tesco starts the year with store closures and discounts in Great Britain

Tesco is to close its headquarters in Cheshunt and 43 unprofitable stores as part of a drastic plan to turnaround the supermarket retailer. Dave Lewis, the new chief executive, also...

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The dairy product council and the Vitafort Zrt. have extended their cooperation agreement

The Vitafort Első Takarmánygyártó és Forgalmazó Zrt. (Vitafort First Feed Production and Distribution Company) and the Milk and Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board (Tej Szakmaközi Szervezet és Terméktanács) signed a...

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Workania: gross wages increased by 6 percent in 2014

Last year the gross wages increased by 6 percent in Hungary to 246 thousand HUF, compared to the average gross salaries of 2013. The largest increase was in the area...

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We relax with drinking coffee and moving less

Sixty-seven percent of the Hungarians are realaxing by drinking coffee if only have ten minutes of free time, but if they have several hours they prefer watching TV or listening...

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The Romanian retail trade increased by more than seven percent in January-November 2014

The Romanian retail trade increased by more than seven percent in the first eleven months of the last year – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on Thursday. The raw...

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The data speed of indoor mobile network will be increased with the new development of Ericsson

The Swedish Telecom giant, the Ericsson expects that the 4G smartphones will be able to download data three times faster later this year with a little help from wireless spectrum...

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The economy takes a step back – optimism didn’t last

The autumn is expected to bring a negative turn in the economy, due to changes in taxation and the 2015 budget. Growth rate will probably be around 2.5 percent in...

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Team building weekends in hotels

A survey conducted by and reveals that team building trainings are typically 2-day long (Friday-Saturday) and are organised in hotels located in an 80km radius around Budapest, where...

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Health drops – Whole grains

The Healthy Eating Plate encourages consumers to choose whole grains and limit refined grains, since whole grains are much better for health. In the body, refined grains like white bread...

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Parisian menu – Video of the day

Grant Achatz and the team at the NEXT restaurant are back with their first instalment of 2015, a fun trailer for their upcoming Bistro themed menu. We brought you the...

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BNV returns this autumn

Gabriella Szántó, communications director of Hungexpo Zrt. told our magazine that next autumn the Budapest International Fair (BNV), one of Hungexpo’s best-known brands would return with a new concept. It...

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Improved sales by manufacturer brands

Like-for-like air freshener sales were between HUF 4 and 5 billion in January-August 2015, with value sales rising 5 percent. Drugstores had the biggest share from value sales, 27 percent...

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Magazine: Beer from the coffee machine?

Cambridge Consultants invented Hoppier, a creative device to improve the taste of plain or alcohol-free beer. Hoppier looks like an espresso machine, which presses beer through hop using high pressure....

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The excise guarantee of alcohol distributors may remain on last year's level

The Prime Minister’s Office does not agree with any of the excise rate increase proposals of Gulyás Gergely (Fidesz) nor the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), therefore initiates amendments that...

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MNB: The banks disbursed loans of 472.3 billion HUF in the second phase of the NHP

The banks disbursed loans in a value of 472.3 billion HUF in the second phase of the Credit growth Programme (NHP) by the end of last year. The loans granted...

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Give Good!

The past few weeks were about kindness, caring and good actions as well. These good things should not end after the holidays, because they have justification in the whole year,...

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Hungary closed a record year in 2014 in the payment of EU funds

On the basis of the data it seems sure that 100 percent of the EU funds was utilized – Csepreghy Nándor Deputy Minister of State, responsible for for Development Policy...

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Online trade is promoted among farmers

The online trade is promoted by the agricultural marketplace among the farmers at a video-conference on 21 and 22 January – the organizing company told MTI on Wednesday. According...

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New leader in the lead of the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office

Varga Mihály Minister of National Economy appointed Kállayné Csík Ildikó as the Director General of the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (MKEH) from the first of January – the Ministry of...

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KSH: producer prices fell more slowly November

The industrial producer prices declined by 0.4 percent in November after last October’s 0.9 percent decline. The export prices were only 0.1 percent lower than in the previous month, when...

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The EKÁER is operating without any serious mistakes

Yesterday 9 tousand, today, more than 16 thousand EKÁER numbers were is requested from the NAV – Suller György Attila excise spokesman said in the public radio. Only minor errors...

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The Nébih found smaller markup deficiencies in case of dog foods

The dry dog foods that are available in Hungary are characterized by only smaller markup errors. The dog foods are free of materials put the animal’s health at risk and...

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An expansion in the global air transport

According to the data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the global air freight traffic grew by an average of 4.2 percent in November 2014, compared to November 2013....

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Family program at the Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Tourism

Family program at the Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Tourism Registration needed: : Miszné Korenchy Anikó 1/375-62-49;

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CNN’s Unknown Parts visited a Hungarian pub

An episode of CNN’s Unknown Parts was shot in the Élesztő (Yeast) craft pub in Budapest – the wrote. Photo: Élesztő/Facebook The presenter Anthony Bourdain visits special places in...

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Pilsen, the European Capital of Culture opens with three days of celebrations

Pilsen (Plzen), launches its program in in mid-January with large-scale three-day celebrations. Pilsen (Plzen), situated in West Bohemia, together with the Belgian city of Mons bear the European Capital of...

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On the way to the west, to Japan – Video of the day

Welcome back to 60 Second Tasting Menu, a fast-paced visual tour of stunning, elaborate, and technically advanced menus currently on offer. This episode highlights the kappo menu at Cagen, the...

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It becomes simpler to apply for European Union funding

In the 2014-2020 period it will be simpler to apply for European Union funding – announced Nándor Csepreghy, deputy state secretary responsible for development policy communication at the Prime Minister’s...

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