Visible monitoring – without extra costs
Fino-Food Kft. uses CSB-System’s industry-specific software to control its business processes. The company’s manufacturing traditions go back as far as 120 years. In 1889, Antal Strausz started manufacturing cheese and butter in Tamási. In 2004, the company relocated to Kaposvár. At the same time, they decided to introduce CSB-System’s industry-specific software for integrated corporate management. Fino-Food Kft. opted for CSB-System, because they have domestic and foreign, food and dairy production management experiences, which would guarantee constant, two-way, visible monitoring. Production started at the new dairy plant in Kaposvár in 2006. The company is owned and operated by the family. Annual sales revenue is HUF 3.5 billion and 120 employees work for the company. Processing capacity is 100,000 litre per day. In October 2005, Fino-Food and CSB-System implemented the first project phase, and after a test period, the industry-specific ERP software controls procurement, stock management, sales and finances/accounting as of 1 January 2006. Further modules were introduced in 2007: the production module and the milk data-recording module. During the test-period difficulties occurred and it became evident that the industry-specific corporate management software requires great care and a high level of precision from users. Fino-Food Kft. uses its own fleet of vehicles to deliver its products to buyers. The new system prepares the buyer-specific documents as well. Next phase in the project: developing the labelling and product delivery process in 2009.
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